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[Archive] [Euoi] Ordinarily Invoking the old Ones

A thread that was copied from the original Wizard Forums.


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Sep 27, 2021
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Rituals to the Old Ones

The Old Ones are (allegedly) alien beings of immense power from beyond all time and space as we know it who came to earth in the distant past and now lie in a deep sleep similar to death because of some cosmic event involving the stars that caused their inability to move about freely. This is all written by the great writer HP Lovecraft. In his tales of weird fiction, he describes depraved cults worshipping these ancient monsters who also use their power to effect change (perform magic).

Granted, these beings likely didn't exist before Lovecraft, but now they have basically become egregores that one can invoke to work magic. Getting inspiration from the Simon necronomicon, Book of the Old ones, and the works of Donald Tyson, I have created a system of magic that will work with these egregores. Remember kids, this is chaos magic calling on gods of chaos. Be careful, anything can go wrong. So I should probably say; If you're relatively new to magic, work with other entities before these ones. Despite what "Scorpio" says in Book of the old ones, harm CAN befall you.

A few basic items are required in this system:

-An Altar to the old ones (a trapezoid shape is best, but any other shape will due)
-A chalice (placed on the left side of the altar)
-An athame or magic knife (placed to the right side of the altar)
-Censor with incense (the old ones are connected to the seven planets, and to a lesser degree the elements, so get some good quality planetary incenses)
-candles (these are not required, but serve to set the mood, choose planetary colors or a solid black)
-Seals of the Old Ones (I prefer using the seals given in the Necronomicon by Donald Tyson, but you can create your own using any method you like, such as the Rose cross lamen or Abramelin squares. The seal is placed on the altar in between the chalice/dagger, in front of the censor)
-Optional: You can buy a statue of the Old One (I use the tarot cards depicting the old ones from the Necronomicon Tarot)
-Staff (used in rituals to "open the gate", ie Summon Yog-Sothoth)

The Pantheon of the Old Ones:

These are the list included in Donald Tyson's Necronomicon. However, this being chaos magic, feel free to modify.

Azathoth: Blind Idiot God. He lies at the center of ultimate chaos, piping imperfect notes on a cracked flute, and maintaining a balance of all imperfect things. He is connected with the planet of Sol and the fifth element (spirit).

Yog-Sothoth: God of Gateways. Technically, he is also the "Gate" itself. Similar to the roman god Janus, he basically allows passage between two points. So that any "inbetween" that serves as a connection between two places is under the authority of Yog-Sothoth. Linked with Jupiter and Air.

Nyarlathotep: The Crawling chaos. Linked with Mercury and Air. He is the "Soul and Messenger" of Azathoth. He is cunning and malevolent. He is a sort of Satan, though he has never fallen from his position of power. He carries out the will of Azathoth. He has many avatars, such as The Black Man of the witches' sabbath (see the story Dreams in the Witch-House) or the Haunter in the Dark (see The Haunter of the Dark).

Cthulhu: The most famous old one of all. He is typically linked with the element of water, due to him being trapped under the sea in his city of R'lyeh. However, his nature is warlike and is specifically said by Lovecraft to be a land dwelling creature. He is, therefore, linked with Fire and Mars.

Shub-Niggurath: Call the "Black Goat of the woods with a Thousand young" by the Mi-Go in a ceremony in the story "Whisperer in Darkness", this obscene goddess rules over fertility and is the mother of monsters. She is a whore, laying with any who ask. She is linked with Venus and Earth.

Yig: Father of Serpents. He is a god of serpents, having also the special knowledge that the serpent is connected with. He is connected with Saturn and earth.

Dagon: In fact an ancient Philistine god of the sea and fish, Dagon is mentioned in Shadow over Innsmouth. He is the father of the Deep Ones, an amphibious race that lives deep in the sea and communicates with mankind. His children will ensure good fishing and bring undersea treasures to their followers. Associated with Luna and Water.

These are the basics of my system. I will post actual rites that will get you in contact with these beings later.


Opening the Space to the Old Ones

The following ritual will open up the gateway between you and the Old Ones. It establishes a place as a temple to them.

Materials required for performance:

-An Altar (This is always placed whichsoever direction R'lyeh is.
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-Censor/Incense (a good incense would be frankincense, being traditionally associated with purification. You could also go with cedar, saffron, or wormwood)
-A bowl of water
-A bowl of salt

I. Purification and Banishing of the Space

Slip the athame into the salt, saying:

I exorcise thee o Creature of earth, that thou shalt cast from thee all impurities and wickedness. By He that created thee, IA AZATHOTH, and by he that opens the Gate, IA YOG-SOTHOTH.

Repeat with the water, except that you insert "creature of water" instead of "of earth".

Sprinkle the space counter clockwise with the salt and water (separately). The entire time, chant:

Hekas Hekas Este Bebeloi. (An ancient greek banishing charge that means, "Afar afar ye profane ones")

Now turn to each quarter in turn, using the athame to make the banishing pentagram of earth.

II. Invocation of Yog-Sothoth and Opening of the Gate

With the athame, cast around the space a circle. You should visualize the circle as black and work counter clockwise. Afterwards, you turn to the quarters and invoke four Old Ones as such:

To the South; Draw the red invoking pentagram of fire vibrating the name Cthulhu (KUH THOO LOO)
To the east; Draw the yellow invoking pentagram of air vibrating the name Yog-Sothoth (YOHG SO THOHTH)
To the north; Draw the green invoking pentagram of earth vibrating the name Shub-Niggurath (SHUHB NIHG GUH RATH)
To the west; draw the blue invoking pentagram of water vibrating the name Dagon (DAY GOHN)

Turn to the Altar. Draw the invoking Heptagram of Jupiter. Say aloud, invoking Yog-Sothoth:

N'gai, n'gha'ghaa, bugg-shoggog, y'hah!
Yog-Sothoth, Yog-Sothoth, IA!
Y'Hah, bugg-shoggog, n'gha'ghaa, n'gai!

Draw the sign known as Head of the Dragon, saying:


Turn to each quarter. Hold the staff horizontally in front of you, say:

In the Name of Yog-Sothoth, I open the gates of the (direction), that....

A. (Name the old associated with that direction) and his servitors may enter!

B. (Name one old one) and (name another) and their servitors may enter!

Turn the staff vertical and with both hands act as if you opening curtains (Rending the veil).

III. Supplication to the Old Ones

Say the "I am..." Invocation and the "Grand Invocation of the Powers". Say a small prayer to each Old One you have called, asking for their presence, their servitor's presence, and their willing assent to work your magic.

Light your incense as this point and recite the Hymn to the Old Ones.

IV. Dismissal and Closing the Gate

Make the dismissal as follows:

Great Cthulhu, return to thy resting place through the gate of the south.

Which is repeated for each Old One who has been called forth, the appropriate variations made. After each Dismissal, make the Sign of Koth (fold the thumb of your left hand inwards, leaving all other fingers slightly spread and erect) towards that direction.

Face to the Altar. Say:

I thank thee Yog-Sothoth for opening the Gate. Now I ask for it to be closed until such a time that I call you again and request you open it, that the Old Ones may come through and accept my offerings and fulfill my will.

Make the Tail of the dragon sign, say:


The ritual is now complete.


Incantations of the Old Ones

The following Incantations are modified versions from the Simon Necronomicon's Book of the Worm. I used 13 Gates of the Necronomicon to supply the names of deities and places.

Hymn to the Old Ones:

They are rising up, the great old ones
the elder signs have fallen, the stars have come aright
the crowds are quiet, the people are silent
the angle-rays of the stars are wrong no more
The Heavens sleep, The stars pass no judgement
They Hinder no God.
The Temple and most high places are quiet and dark
O great old ones
Gods of Chaos!
Azathoth, Yog-Sothoth, Nyarlathtotep, Cthulhu, Shub-Niggurath, Yig, Dagon!
Seven Stars of Seven Powers!
Ever Shining Star of the north!
Sirius, Draconis, Capricornus!
Stand by and accept this sacrifice, which I offer
May it be acceptable to the Oldest Gods!
Ia Ia Ia, Io Io Io!

"I am..." Invocation:

Ia Ia Ia, Io Io Io

I am the God of Gods, I am the Lord of Darkness and Master of Magicians
I am the Power and the Knowledge

I am before all things.

I am Before Ghatanothoa and the Mi-Go
I am Before Ghatanothoa and the Elder Ones
I am before the Seven Old Ones

I am Before ALL THINGS.

I am before Chaugnar Faugn and Azathoth

I am before All Things.

I am before Cthulhu and Dagon
I am Before all things
I am before Lilith and Shub-Niggurath
I am before Hastur and Lathi
I am before Lobon and Nath-Harthath
I am before Nodens
I am Before all things
Before ME nothing was made.
I am before all gods.
I am before all days.
I am before all men and legends of men.
I am the Ancient One!
No man may seek my resting place.
I receive the sun at night and the moon by day.
I am the Ancient of Days!
I am before Nug and Yeb,
I am before Nyarlathotep
I am before Rhan-Tegoth
I am before Tamash
I am Before all things!
Ia ia ia, Io io io!

Grand Invocation of the Powers:

Spirit of the earth, remember!
Spirit of the seas, remember!

In the Names of the most secret ways of Yog-Sothoth
The sea below all seas
and of Cthulhu
The serpent who sleepeth dead
From beyond the graves of kings
From beyond the tomb leading the dreamer to the abode of hoary Nodens

In R'lyeh, I summon thee to mine aid!
In Leng, I summon thee to mine aid!
In Kaddath, I summon thee to mine aid!
In Atlantis I summon thee to mine aid!
In Albion, I summon thee to mine aid!
In Yuggoth, I summon thee to mine aid!

Rise up, O powers from the sea below all seas!
From the Grave beyond all graves
From Kaddath in the cold wastes!
To Azathoth, Yog-Sothoth, Nyarlathotep, Cthulhu, Shub-Niggurath, Yig, Dagon
House of Great Cthulhu
Blind Azathoth
Hear me!
Spirit of the seas, remember!
Spirit of the graves, remember!


Words of Power for the Old One Rituals

The words of power come from the book "Book of the Old Ones" by Scorpio and published by Finbarr International. The Old One you invoke is up to you. Just keep in mind the astrological and elemental associations of the Old Ones, as well as what can be found in Lovecraft's stories regarding their natures.

To get gifts of Jewels: Yano

To increase wealth: Och

To bring success: Zorami

To enslave a partner: Linrama

To attract a person (for this word, have a picture of the desired person on the altar): Lola

To attract the notice of people (sexually): Gomory

For Romantic harmony: Cardual

For a return to health: Hibelziwa

To destroy an enemy: Nariel

To win a contest: Misabu

For good luck: Bazaliel

For good health: Islia

To compel others (look in-between their eyes): Cafiel

To overcome opposition: Onra

To change other's opinions: Orumsim

Business Success: Cafsiel

To pass a test: Rabiel

To discover one's talents: Samiel

For self confidence: Taumiel

To know the future: Vo-Womana

To find lost objects: Yano

For a new home: Purusa

To cause discord between two people (have pictures of the people on the altar): Xonior

To banish bad luck: Zuraiel

To repulse enemies: Tasiem


Spells Invoking the Old Ones

These spells are performed during the ritual of invoking the Old Ones. They will oft times need to be repeated for up to six days afterwards.

Communication with Nyarlathotep:

Timing: New Moon, Between Midnight and One AM

Upon the altar, set up a Black Mirror (Google it if you don't know what it is). Sit down, having all lights off except a few candles in the back of the mirror. Stare into Nyarlathotep's seal until it disappears and reappears. Now gaze into the mirror, skyring.


Ia Nyarlathotep! Ia Nyarlathotep! Ia Nyarlathotep!
God of a Thousand forms
I request your assistance
Send your servitors to me
I ask that they speak to me

This may take repetition over a few days to establish contact. But you may make any requests you have before you can concretely talk and see Nyarlathotep or his servitors.

To obtain "gold" (money):

Turn to the Northern most point for your ritual space. Visualize before you a half goat half woman. She has horns on her head, and her chest has six breasts. Her stomach is domed, showing pregnancy. Imagine her legs hairy as a goat, and her vulva open.


By the power of the ineffable Azathoth
And by the name of Yog-Sothoth
I call forth the servitors of Shub-Niggurath
The Earth Goddess
Come forth from the caverns of the earth
Come from the dark forests
To give knowledge of how I may acquire gold!
Come forth, come forth, come forth!

Repeat the above invocation until you have said it three times in all.

To obtain a lover:

Turn to the north, again visualize the half goat woman (Shub-Niggurath).


I now request the spirit servitors of Shub-Niggurath
To go forth and bring me a lover
Let him/her desire only to please me in whatever way he/she can
By the power and authority of Azathoth
Go forth and make this happen!


Timing: Full Moon
Extra materials:

Get a picture of yourself or of somebody else (same sex) when you (or that person) was young and full of life. Put it on the altar, in a frame if you wish. Fill the chalice with pure water.

Gaze into the eyes of the picture, visualizing in your head what qualities you want. A slimmer waste, less acne, more hair, etc. (Remember, this spell will only work as much as you work towards the goal. You don't work this spell for thinness and then sit on your coach, eat junk food, and watch tv all day expecting results. This is one of those "acting in accord" deals. Though, of course, sometimes all you can do is wait. That is for you to experiment with and judge)


Hear me, Deep Ones of the eternal sea
I call you in the name of him whom we adore
Ia Dagon!
Let that which is old be young again
Let that which is diseased be whole again
Let him who is sleeping be born again
Be it so!

Drain the chalice.

To destroy one's enemies:

Timing: The initial working is three days before the new moon. Then it must be repeated every night before the new moon.
Notes: The candles should be red. It is necessary in this ritual to have a specific candle to focus on.

Light the focus candle, saying the name of your enemy.
Sit down.

Hear me, Great Cthulhu
High Priest of the Old Ones
O Great and Terrible conqueror of the Elder Ones
Bring forth your servitors
Protect me from
(here name your enemy)

Repeat his name thrice. Now close your eyes and imagine your enemy surrounded by green mist. Imagine Cthulhu creeping upon him and destroying him utterly. Repeat the name thrice more.
Now say:

The heart that beats
The blood that flows
The mind that thinks
As these words are spoken
A life is broken

Blow out the candle, once again saying the name of your enemy.

Be it so.

To Skry By Yog-Sothoth:

Extra Materials:
A black mirror. Placed on the altar.
Focus on the sigil of Yog-Sothoth. Then look to the mirror, project on its surface his sigil.

Yog-Sothoth, let me know the unknown.
Now name your purpose for doing the ritual, or simply let images come.


Archivist note: this is a compilation of several great posts by Euoi. I arranged them in a practical order to present it as a complete Grimoire.
The webarchive link takes you to the OP of the "ordinarily invoking" thread that has links to the other posts I included as well.
