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Experiences with Invoking Angels


Jun 10, 2024
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Hey everyone,

I recently invocation for Kamael according to the GoM book series, specifically I wanted to invoke the quality of genius and having rapid thoughts. I entered into a sort of trans-state upon doing so, and I repeated the ritual two times since I misremembered some details i.e where I was supposed to read the sigil letters.

I wanted to ask everyone what was your experience with invoking an angel for their qualities, how fast did it work for you, what did you feel during the ritual, etc.


Mar 21, 2024
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When I first invoked Archangel Gabriel for wanting to receive a message to finding a solution towards my future career choice, I meditated and read the letters on the sigil profoundly and I felt a very white and golden light engulfing my mind and I felt so good and sure about the message I got into my mind.

Archangel Gabriel is a very powerful archangel. He can be invoked for:

-Career decisions.

- Problem-solving.

- Discovering the purpose of your existence.

- Adopting a child.

- Fertility.

- Art-related projects.

I also used this prayer which helped me establish connection with Him:

''Archangel Gabriel, I now invoke your presence and invite you to connect with me directly. Please step forward with your full frequency and help me raise my vibration, so I can tune into your guidance, love, and presence. Assist me in connecting directly with divine truth and wisdom. Show me the way to my authentic truth, to the highest, best, and most loving outcome in every area of my life. Amen.''

There are also these two other strong prayers which you can use for establishing a direct connection with Archangel Gabriel:

''Archangel Gabriel, I ask for your presence as I [describe the issue and project]. Please open my creative channels so I can be truly inspired. Help me open my mind to give birth to unique ideas. And please assist me in maintaining the energy and motivation to move forward with this inspiration. Amen.''


''Archangel Gabriel, the angel of revelation, I thank God for making you a powerful messenger to deliver divine messages. Please help me hear what God has to say to me, so I can follow His guidance and fulfill His purposes in my life. Amen.''


Jun 10, 2024
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When I first invoked Archangel Gabriel for wanting to receive a message to finding a solution towards my future career choice, I meditated and read the letters on the sigil profoundly and I felt a very white and golden light engulfing my mind and I felt so good and sure about the message I got into my mind.

Archangel Gabriel is a very powerful archangel. He can be invoked for:

-Career decisions.

- Problem-solving.

- Discovering the purpose of your existence.

- Adopting a child.

- Fertility.

- Art-related projects.

I also used this prayer which helped me establish connection with Him:

''Archangel Gabriel, I now invoke your presence and invite you to connect with me directly. Please step forward with your full frequency and help me raise my vibration, so I can tune into your guidance, love, and presence. Assist me in connecting directly with divine truth and wisdom. Show me the way to my authentic truth, to the highest, best, and most loving outcome in every area of my life. Amen.''

There are also these two other strong prayers which you can use for establishing a direct connection with Archangel Gabriel:

''Archangel Gabriel, I ask for your presence as I [describe the issue and project]. Please open my creative channels so I can be truly inspired. Help me open my mind to give birth to unique ideas. And please assist me in maintaining the energy and motivation to move forward with this inspiration. Amen.''


''Archangel Gabriel, the angel of revelation, I thank God for making you a powerful messenger to deliver divine messages. Please help me hear what God has to say to me, so I can follow His guidance and fulfill His purposes in my life. Amen.''

Hmmh, so you just had very positive sensations no visions?

I had some feelings but they were ... questionable in their answers when I evoked Tzadkiel, I messed up at one step during the whole process but I'm not sure it was enough to mess up the summoning. I also did a divination ritual and called upon 10 Archangels and again the results were spotty, although I just read the phrases from the book directly so I don't know if that affected me. I just had feelings inside of me but the answers were really weird to the questions.


Sep 9, 2023
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When I first invoked Archangel Gabriel for wanting to receive a message to finding a solution towards my future career choice, I meditated and read the letters on the sigil profoundly and I felt a very white and golden light engulfing my mind and I felt so good and sure about the message I got into my mind.

Archangel Gabriel is a very powerful archangel. He can be invoked for:

-Career decisions.

- Problem-solving.

- Discovering the purpose of your existence.

- Adopting a child.

- Fertility.

- Art-related projects.

I also used this prayer which helped me establish connection with Him:

''Archangel Gabriel, I now invoke your presence and invite you to connect with me directly. Please step forward with your full frequency and help me raise my vibration, so I can tune into your guidance, love, and presence. Assist me in connecting directly with divine truth and wisdom. Show me the way to my authentic truth, to the highest, best, and most loving outcome in every area of my life. Amen.''

There are also these two other strong prayers which you can use for establishing a direct connection with Archangel Gabriel:

''Archangel Gabriel, I ask for your presence as I [describe the issue and project]. Please open my creative channels so I can be truly inspired. Help me open my mind to give birth to unique ideas. And please assist me in maintaining the energy and motivation to move forward with this inspiration. Amen.''


''Archangel Gabriel, the angel of revelation, I thank God for making you a powerful messenger to deliver divine messages. Please help me hear what God has to say to me, so I can follow His guidance and fulfill His purposes in my life. Amen.''
thats great. so, It is suffecient if I merely say these prayer while in meditation?


Mar 21, 2024
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Hmmh, so you just had very positive sensations no visions?

I had some feelings but they were ... questionable in their answers when I evoked Tzadkiel, I messed up at one step during the whole process but I'm not sure it was enough to mess up the summoning. I also did a divination ritual and called upon 10 Archangels and again the results were spotty, although I just read the phrases from the book directly so I don't know if that affected me. I just had feelings inside of me but the answers were really weird to the questions.

Well, if you read the phrases directly from the book, it may have influenced the ritual a little bit more, in a more profound way. Some answers come as "weird" because they need to be further interpreted. That is done either by mastering divination through various means or asking a specialized medium to interpret the answers.

As for what I felt and also saw, yes, it was a white and golden light that shined upon my mind. Maybe I should've included that I both felt and saw that light, my bad here 😊.
thats great. so, It is suffecient if I merely say these prayer while in meditation?
Well, meditate on the sigil and then say the prayer for enhancing the connection and also sending your request to the Angel.

It is important that you meditate on the sigil as it is in Ennochian which is a strong angelic language, almost essential for every angelic ritual.


Sep 9, 2023
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Well, if you read the phrases directly from the book, it may have influenced the ritual a little bit more, in a more profound way. Some answers come as "weird" because they need to be further interpreted. That is done either by mastering divination through various means or asking a specialized medium to interpret the answers.

As for what I felt and also saw, yes, it was a white and golden light that shined upon my mind. Maybe I should've included that I both felt and saw that light, my bad here 😊.

Well, meditate on the sigil and then say the prayer for enhancing the connection and also sending your request to the Angel.

It is important that you meditate on the sigil as it is in Ennochian which is a strong angelic language, almost essential for every angelic ritual.
thats great. I think its the same sigil that you will find online


Jun 10, 2024
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Well, if you read the phrases directly from the book, it may have influenced the ritual a little bit more, in a more profound way. Some answers come as "weird" because they need to be further interpreted. That is done either by mastering divination through various means or asking a specialized medium to interpret the answers.

As for what I felt and also saw, yes, it was a white and golden light that shined upon my mind. Maybe I should've included that I both felt and saw that light, my bad here 😊.

Well, meditate on the sigil and then say the prayer for enhancing the connection and also sending your request to the Angel.

It is important that you meditate on the sigil as it is in Ennochian which is a strong angelic language, almost essential for every angelic ritual.

Hmmh, I hope those really weren't their answers it was really weird ... and morbid in some sense. But who knows.

Thanks for sharing their experience!


Sep 1, 2023
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I had a good experience invoking Haniel
(LBRP, GIRH, Reverand Janglebones' planetary invocation, then invocation of Haniel specifically.)

She took me to a rose garden (this is so closed-eye visions)and told me some stuff about what the roses represented for me. Then she said the rose garden wasn't hers - that it was already in my psyche and she had just found it and thought it would be a good place for us to talk.

I'm doing exclusively mysticism right now, no results magic, so the advice she gave me was all related to that, but it was helpful

(Eg she said that i shouldn't think of purification as "washing away" something bad - I should view it as loving something so much that I don't have eyes for anything else. Purity of attention and focus, borne out of devotion. I found that mindset change really helped with the purification aspects of ceremonial magic. She also said something helpful about my ADHD that I'll post in the ADHD thread actually)

It's $$, but if you find complex rituals challenging, Jason Newcomb's archangel invocation recording are worthwhile imo. It includes binaural beats and light hypnosis, but it also talks you through a full invocation (lots of "repeat after me" bits), first beginning with trance induction and then a version of the middle pillar specific to the invoked entity


Mar 21, 2024
Reaction score
I had a good experience invoking Haniel
(LBRP, GIRH, Reverand Janglebones' planetary invocation, then invocation of Haniel specifically.)

She took me to a rose garden (this is so closed-eye visions)and told me some stuff about what the roses represented for me. Then she said the rose garden wasn't hers - that it was already in my psyche and she had just found it and thought it would be a good place for us to talk.

I'm doing exclusively mysticism right now, no results magic, so the advice she gave me was all related to that, but it was helpful

(Eg she said that i shouldn't think of purification as "washing away" something bad - I should view it as loving something so much that I don't have eyes for anything else. Purity of attention and focus, borne out of devotion. I found that mindset change really helped with the purification aspects of ceremonial magic. She also said something helpful about my ADHD that I'll post in the ADHD thread actually)

It's $$, but if you find complex rituals challenging, Jason Newcomb's archangel invocation recording are worthwhile imo. It includes binaural beats and light hypnosis, but it also talks you through a full invocation (lots of "repeat after me" bits), first beginning with trance induction and then a version of the middle pillar specific to the invoked entity
Nice sharing! I will make sure to use these resources.

Also, why did you put the dollar symbol twice when you said "It's $$"? That puzzled me a little