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[Help] Faith problem

Someone's asking for help!


Aug 9, 2024
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I have a long journey with my patron- Belial , and he always give me what I wished for in exchange of offerings. I dont know why sometime of I am not in need for anything or inspired by the fear of his presence, I feel like hes not a thing anymore. Anyone know how to fix my faith ?
(Btw I dont mediate or pray to him like other did and only comunicate/seek for him when I am in need?)


Organized Chaos
Aug 1, 2024
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I have a long journey with my patron- Belial , and he always give me what I wished for in exchange of offerings. I dont know why sometime of I am not in need for anything or inspired by the fear of his presence, I feel like hes not a thing anymore. Anyone know how to fix my faith ?
(Btw I dont mediate or pray to him like other did and only comunicate/seek for him when I am in need?)
Faith is a personal thing, idk if anyone can tell you how to fix it if your heart isn’t in it. They can push you towards it or try to pull you away from it but if your heart isn’t in it, it may be try to look for a new faith to have. If you don’t meditate or pray then there is nothing instilling your beliefs, faith takes personal work and growth.


Aug 17, 2023
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I have a long journey with my patron- Belial , and he always give me what I wished for in exchange of offerings. I dont know why sometime of I am not in need for anything or inspired by the fear of his presence, I feel like hes not a thing anymore. Anyone know how to fix my faith ?
(Btw I dont mediate or pray to him like other did and only comunicate/seek for him when I am in need?)
Roma who used to post in this forum had a pretty interesting piece once about how he tended to grow apart from this or that entity over time. (But then he had quite the magick menagerie.) I'd venture that so long as you and Belial have a working relationship, what takes place in intervals of separation does not matter a great deal pragmatically. There is a David Myatt essay Denotatum (I think that's the title) that offers some insights undermining the need for naming powers or even construing them as neatly separated entities.