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Finding Clarity in a World Overwhelmed by Negativity


Jun 4, 2023
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Maybe it’s just me, but the world seems overwhelmingly negative these days—whether it's in the digital space or in real life.

The news? Filled with stories of wars, death, lies, manipulation, and propaganda.
Economically? A relentless pursuit of profit, often at the expense of ethics and humanity.

In society, it feels like we’re caught between extremes: conspiracy theories running wild or the refusal to acknowledge any possibility of hidden agendas. Both mindsets are exhausting. Every group seems to believe they are the ones being oppressed, while their 'enemies' control the narrative.

Everyone claims to be good, yet so many wish to see the ideologies and mindsets of others erased. Ironically, if everyone got what they wanted, there wouldn’t be anyone left standing.

There’s little room for genuine self-reflection, despite the fact that every culture and group supposedly values it.

I dare say it: egoism is at the root of all this chaos. I’d be glad to be proven wrong.

This isn’t meant to be a rant against any particular group or belief, but more of a reflection on how messed up things seem right now.


Jul 13, 2024
Reaction score
It's not just you... We stopped listening to each other. "They" are wrong, but to them, "We" are wrong. If we don't try to understand the other side, things become very unkind quickly. Instead of acknowledging that people can have different opinions, make mistakes, live different lives, people resort to swearing and name-calling. Weirdly, nobody considers themselves the enemy, the idiot, the mean one... It's always the other side.
Maybe we should speak face to face more often, play a real game at a table with friends, be kind to a stranger. Remind ourselves that we are all human.