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Journal Findings for an Eternity - Journal of Aeternus - wizardry, astrology, magic, and much more

A record of a users' progress or achievements in their particular practice.


Mar 21, 2024
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This is my first chapter on here. This journal of mines should contain all the necessary data detailing my craft and practice.

I am thinking of introducing fun facts, etc...

Anyways... let's begin!
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Date and Time: Friday, July 5, 2024
3:32:36 AM
Europe/Bucharest (GMT+3)


Sun in Cancer 13⁰29'♋️
Moon in Cancer 2⁰03' ♋️
Moon type: Balsamic Moon 🌙

Mercury Leo 4°11’ Leo
Venus Cancer 21°49’ Cancer
Mars Taurus 18°50’ Taurus
Jupiter Gemini9°04’ Gemini
Saturn Pisces19°24’ Pisces
Uranus Taurus25°53’ Taurus
Neptune Pisces 29°55’ Pisces
Pluto Aquarius1°17’ Aquarius
North Node (M)Aries11°01’ Aries
True Node (T)Aries10°58’ Aries
Lilith (M)Libra0°37’ Libra
Chiron Aries23°19’ Aries


EMOTIONS, sensations etc:

HAPPY, feeling a little bit dizzy in the head... probably due to some air imbalance, again 😒

Sensations: some sort of small but pleasant tingling, a sense of calm and I can sense a very profound smell of lemon and nice fruits, probably due to the incense candles I have.



Focused on meditating on Elements, still struggling to balance Air. Managed to Balance Earth element, Water and Fire.

Did the necessary energy cleaning for my home and soul. I am doing better and better at warding evil spirits away.



Thinking of starting Aether practice and manipulation. Looking forward to seeing how the Aether is linked to angelic connections.

Thinking of adding more data to this journal and sticking to a very good format (lol).



Found out that sometimes elements can be combined in a very harmonious combination such as Fire + Water = More intense emotions, Earth + Air = Centered creativity (you can be creative but instead of being disorganized, you will focus in a creative way only at that desired task) etc.

I also found out that even elements can act as contributors to aura holes / weak points. Improving and stabilizing elements can significantly reduce aura weak points.

And another finding I would add is that the number 666 is associated with Lucifer aka the Dark / Demonic side of Venus.


Fact of the day:

Orange tabby cats are about 80/20 male to female. We have many female orange tabby cats in my practice. There is no monetary value, per se, associated with a female orange tabby cat. Calico and tortoiseshell cats, however, are almost always female. 🐈

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Date and Time: Friday, July 5, 2024
3:54:55 PM
Europe/Bucharest (GMT+3)

Planetary positions:

Sun in Cancer 13⁰29'♋️
Moon in Cancer 8⁰53' ♋️
Moon type: Balsamic Moon 🌙

Mercury Leo 5°02’ Leo
Venus Cancer 22°27’ Cancer
Mars Taurus19°12’ Taurus
Jupiter Gemini9°11’ Gemini
Saturn Pisces19°24’ Pisces
Uranus Taurus25°55’ Taurus
Neptune Pisces29°55’ Pisces
Pluto Aquarius 1°16’ Aquarius
North Node (M)Aries10°59’ Aries
True Node (T)Aries10°52’ Aries
Lilith (M)Libra0°40’ Libra
Chiron Aries23°20’ Aries

EMOTIONS, sensations, etc.

I feel an intense sense of calm, professionalism, and increased self esteem.

Sensed a strong feeling of red roses, that is probably due to the beautiful roses that are in the block garden. I love this smell!

Left arm a little bit tired after some exercise. It happens.



Did my Aether elemental practice first practice to be exact. I felt a tremendous amount of energy, like I reached the Universe's Core of Knowledge. Felt some small but pleasant coldness on feet.

Basically I managed to feel the effects of all the elements at the same time, but with the help of my first Aether practice, I managed to not create a conflict when it came to activating all the elements.

Also did a quick money spell to attract some cash to sustain my living. I am sure it will work and the results will come at the right time.



I am thinking about what magical book to read next, maybe a book on chtonic magic.

I am also thinking to set a right time to start my findings about how aether works with Angels and what is their relation with Aether. Better to not rush things as it is my first time of re-instilling aether, after a long time of practice.



Aether is the element which allows us to manipulate all the other four primordial elements (Water, Fire, Air and Earth), bringing more stability to the process of manipulating such elements.

Be careful of deceptive "light" that is nothing compared to the real Light. Higher entities and Light beings will never put you in dangerous situations to obtain something, and the pacts with them are also not shady, or with hidden meaning.

And a bonus finding I want to publish: The idea of including a standard time to spiritual metamorphosis is just complete BS. To some, it may take more than 10 or 13 years due to certain imbalances, lack of practice and various other factors. Other people will half that time and progress faster.

That doesn't mean you cannot progress, but that it takes more time for you.


Fact of the day:

One calculation of alignments within around thirty degrees (about as close as they can get) shows that the last such alignment was in 561 BC, and the next will be in 2854. All nine planets are somewhat aligned every 500 years, and are grouped within 30 degrees every 1 to 3 alignments. 🪬🔮

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