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Book – PDF Foundations of Internal Alchemy: The Taoist Practice of Neidan - Wang Mu, Trans: Fabrizio Pregadio

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Practical Philosopher
Mar 25, 2022
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This book was originally published in 1982 as a two-part essay in Zhongguo
daojiao (Chinese Taoism), the official journal of the China Taoist Association.
In slightly revised forms, it was republished in 1990 as a lengthy appendix to an
annotated edition of the Wuzhen pian (Awakening to Reality), entitled Wuzhen
pian qianjie (A simple explanation of the Wuzhen pian); and again in 1990 in the
author’s collected writings, entitled Neidan yangsheng gongfa zhiyao
(Foundations of the practices of Internal Alchemy and Nourishing Life), with
several later reprints.
The author, Wang Mu 王沐 (1908–92), received the Longmen ordination in his
youth. He taught Internal Alchemy (Neidan) and was held in high regard by
both practitioners and Taoist scholars. He served as a board member of the
China Taoist Association and was for some time in charge of its research
activities. He is known outside China mainly for the above-mentioned edition
of the Wuzhen pian, the text at the basis of the outline of Internal Alchemy that
he provides in the present book.

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