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Book – PDF Frederick Dodson - Intuition Training

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Jul 3, 2023
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Intuition is the ability to understand something instantly, without the need for conscious reasoning.The Dictionary lists these synonyms: Hunch, Foreknowledge, Inspiration, Perceptivity, Premonition, Presentiment, Gut Feeling, Innate Knowledge, Insight.It also lists the following synonyms, although these are actually different than Intuition: Clairvoyance, Second Sight, Sixth Sense, Discernment, Gut Feeling and Instinct. As a humans evolve to their next higher version, they will live more from intuition than the old body-mind reactions. Contrary to popular belief, intuition is more accurate than any other source. I owe much of my own success and happiness to it. Many of my decisions are made in contradiction to normal reasoning. The purpose of this book is to look at Intuition from many different angles so that you attain a clear sense of this precious gift and take a leap to higher consciousness.

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Not my own discovery, you'll have to thank @dosintheshell and @Taudefindi for that!

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