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[Opinion] Freewill vs Destiny

Everyone's got one.


Oct 23, 2021
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How these two affect and related to each other?
When we do something by our will is this pre destined to happend by us? Or it was suppose to happen...?
Sometimes we want something to happen in life but it won't
Does that not suppose to happen ?
What's the point?
Sorry if I make no sense...


Aug 18, 2022
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Free will has nothing to do with free choice. They are not the same thing.

“Will” is the ability to manifest our thoughts into reality. (I.e., will something into existence)

It is “free” because this ability was given to us.

As for destiny, if your best friend and you both go out for dinner, and your friend knows what you’re going to order because they know you so well, does that take away the choice you had?


Aug 31, 2021
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When I go to the beach and walk out into large waves I have freewill but I may have just chosen a destiny that knocks me over - unless I am smart enough to duck at the right time.

Is freewill localized but exercised in a much bigger system?

Perhaps we are all in a river flowing to the cosmic ocean. I use freewill to watch where I am going so that I can perhaps dodge obstructions. Others may choose to face where they have been and just put up with the results

Will/intent is perhaps another faculty - a choosing of directionality/purpose without any obvious mechanism for implementation

Atma may be the plane of spiritual will

For myself I prefer to consider Intent as a higher form of personality willfulness
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Those who have had children mostly know a lot about willfulness

I suspect willfulness is a defense mechanism - to keep the human form alive and safe.
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On Probation
Jul 14, 2023
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If we look at the Ancient Prophetic Gods forerunners to the Stoics, like Mopsus and Idmon, they aren’t exactly Isaiah and Ezekiel or Oracles from Delphi, it’s much simpler. Then if we look at the Fates, Weaving. The Watchers. And as Gravity Flows in the Milky Way, the Sun Flows in this Spiral Downward, the Planets around the Stars, the Moons around the Planets, even Water down a Drain. And in each Hemisphere it Flows opposite but the same.

Light Travels through this as Einstein Theorized and is Proven during Eclipses. And this gets into Space-Time, the Speed of Light bound by this Gravity possibly or probably, etc. and E = MC^2, it all becomes Matter through a Cycle. So it Slows Down, here into Life, Plants Collecting Light for Energy, and Animals, Humans, etc. Slower than the Speed of Light, Bound to a System of Energy.

You are Energy expressing a Being, or You are not a Being Expending Energy, you are Energy Expressing a Being. This gets to the Greek Ego, the Christian Soul, the Egyptians had many Forms of Soul. Faith is another one of these. There are many past actions which came to Today, your Town somewhere has a Building with a Plaque to some Pioneers and to other Founders, if you are in America. And there was Benjamin Franklin with Electricity, now known on the $100 Bill. Never a President.

The Fates are Weaving. If you read Enoch 9 it is similar to arguments between Zeus and Hera, but Enoch 9 doesn’t yet get to God. It is like Zeus and Hera saying “Look what Azazel did”. It’s not a Space Ship.

There is something in my Experience that can see at least forward in Time a small amount, possibly Thousands of Years. Or in other words can’t even distinguish sometimes between past and Present. And there are 2 Theories of Time, A and B. 1 Where Time is Sequential, happening now, and the Past is maybe gone. The 2nd saying that Time all happened already, and we are just seeing this Moment. And this gets to Dimensional Discussions.

The Flow of Gravity is the Tree of Life, in Egyptian (Acacia) or Norse, and there are Entities like the Squirrel in the Norse Tree.


Oct 23, 2021
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And there are 2 Theories of Time, A and B. 1 Where Time is Sequential, happening now, and the Past is maybe gone. The 2nd saying that Time all happened already, and we are just seeing this Moment. And this gets to Dimensional Discussions.
That's what I'm interested to know , is that already happened ?


Jun 8, 2021
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Let's say, that what I'm writing now, already happened in pre-existence. Meaning, that The Universe knows, what's gonna happen next. We probably know it on a Soul level. However, on the surface, we think that things are randomly happening. When that's not the case. Everything is planned before you are Born.


Aug 7, 2022
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RE: Freewill vs Destiny
SUBTOPIC: An Opposing View Offered
et al,


Dictionary of Philosophy] FREE WILL: The most stringent form of FREE WILL is called libertarianism and holds that a subject freely does X when she does X but could have done otherwise said:
According to an ancient concept, all natural events and human actions occur as they do and things are as they are, by the dominance of an absolute principle or cause, more or less conscious, known as fate. While determinism interprets a single fact by linking it necessarily with other single facts, both antecedent and subsequent, fate refers the totality of events to a necessary unique cause. This can even be a free will, therefore an idea of fate is the conclusion of all monistic metaphysics.
Catholic Encyclopedia said:
FREE WILL: Sometimes called free choice or free decision (Latin liberum arbitrium), free will is an ability characterizing man in the voluntary activity of choosing or not choosing a limited good when this is presented to him. It is the basis for asserting man’s unique dignity among creatures, as well as for maintaining that he is a person. On it is founded much of the tradition of Western law and morality. Again, it has important consequences in the social order; a person’s outlook on man as a strictly determined being or as an autonomous moral person is bound to condition, to some extent, his attitude toward the rehabilitation of criminals and of the mentally ill.
Dictionary of Philosophy of Religion said:
FATE / FATALISM. One’s fate is one’s destiny, and fatalism is the view that one’s fate is fixed or predetermined so that any acts to alter the inevitable future are done in vain.


Determinism and Fatalism are eventually the same in the context of religion, but they are incompatible with Free Will. Most Western religious groups (following the God of Abraham) and sects have imposed canon law that rigorous and ascetic purity is a distinguishing mark of faith. The exercise of Free Will (Choice) plays a major role in determining the level of ascetic purity achieved. This is particularly true which have often enough sought to impose compulsion and repentance; otherwise damnation. The belief in fate and fatalism is diametrically opposed to this concept. Destiny and Fate are concepts that are related to the "God-Powers:"
◈ Omnipotence: God is all-powerful.​
◈ Omniscience: God is all-knowing.​
◈ Omnipresence: God is together everywhere all the time.​
IF the Supreme Being is all-powerful, THEN the Supreme Being is capable of creating a species that is compliant with the Laws (requirements) of the almighty.
IF the Supreme Being is all-knowing, THEN the Creator knows in advance what sin (violation of law) any member of the species might commit tomorrow.
IF a member of a species is created by the Almighty, THEN ...

• The Creator made a defective member of the species,​
• The Creator made a mistake and produced a defective member of the species,​
• The member of the species performed exactly as intended (sin and all),​
• The Supreme Being is not responsible for the performance of the species.​
• There is no such thing as sin, but rather a compilation of man-made laws.​
• There is no such thing as the Creator or The Supreme Being but rather The First Cause.​

Most Religions hold that God will NOT interfere with the Free Will gifted to the species, but rather allows one’s destiny,

✦ Catholic Encyclopedia Vol 5 Ead-Fre, 2 ed, © 2003 by The Catholic University of America, Published by Gale Group,
27500 Drake Rd. Farmington Hills, MI 48331-3535. pg 636, 928
✦ Dictionary of Philosophy of Religion, Continuum International Publishing Group, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, NY 10038
Copyright ˝ 2010 Charles Taliaferro, Elsa J. Marty and contributors pg 22, 46, 92


Most Respectfully,