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Book – PDF Frequency 435 - The New Gods and the Exploration of the Nightside

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Jul 3, 2023
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This is a strange one. Apparently two seperate books have been combined into one edition titled "The Demons of Tiamat, the New Gods and the Exploration of the Nightside" by Ardashir/Frequency 435 but I've been neither able to find this larger work nor the supposed first one called "The Demons of Tiamat", so I suppose "The New Gods and the Exploration of the Nightside" of this post is the second book. Apart from a few commercial fringe outlets, the only copies offered were second-hand.

Two-volume compendium cover:


Here is what some sites say about those books:

Two imposing works of Nightside Thelema / Qliphothic works and Satanic philosophy collected into one large volume. A very deep and involved text delving into serious Left Hand Path workings of the Nightside Tree Of Life.


The "Demons of Tiamat" is a work of Nightside Thelema, Satanism, and the Left Hand Path. It builds on the work of Kenneth Grant in the Typhonian Thelemic tradition, as well as concepts contained in the Temple of Set, and Apocalyptic imagery. Mixing ritual with theory, it provides a means for accessing Nightside energies directly and work with them, as well as historical essays about the god forms described. Included are essays about the origin of the Nightside in Thelemic thought, Sethian Gnosticism, Theistic Satanism, the Egyptian god Set, Horus, how Chaos Magick can approach the Golden Dawn system, and the Qabalah in general. Also touches on the work of Michael Bertiaux.

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Addendum: The copies on annas-archive.org and pdfcoffee.com promising the full two-volume "The Demons of Tiamat, the New Gods and the Exploration of the Nightside" edition are actually the same single-volume posted here by me!
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