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Book – PDF Gary Brodsky - How To Use The Powers of Darkness: A Book Of Shadows

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Jul 3, 2023
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The following statement seems fantastic, but it is undeniably true: Imagine being able to control those around you. Imagine having sexual powers beyond your wildest dreams. Imagine fearing no one. Imagine having the ability to create your own infinite source of wealth . Imagine wielding the power to bend the laws of nature. No matter what you can imagine, it can be yours.

Centuries ago, men understood and controlled forces of unbelievable power. Today little is known about the uses of such dark enchantments. In fact, most of what survives, such as astrology, crystals, and tarot cards, is so watered-down that it's practically meaningless. The true origins of most New Age rituals are unknown to most modern-day practitioners, lost over the centuries as such wisdom became more and more shrouded in secrecy. Those with the knowledge and power weren't willing to share it with others.

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All of this may sound a bit edgy but I like the sigils (based on Voudoo veves?) and the inclusion of the Orishas = chaos magick, in a way.

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