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Ghost hunting?


Aug 29, 2021
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I am trying to understand the whole ghost Hunter fad.

what exactly is the point of getting a recorder and going to a supposedly haunted location and taunting the dead or local spirits. With shows like Ghost Hunters, The Dead Files, etc

I just wonder why people care to bother local spirits, once you know the dead exist why keep going back, why not try communing with them in a deeper level maybe via a trance medium, or even out of Body Experiences via certain techniques where you can travel the upper and lower realms.

I think it can also be a potentially dangerous hobby, say you act like the ghost hunters and go into a local and start taunting the dead. The dead can really mess you up, even the exorcists in QBL writings and Christian exorcists are weary of dealing with dead spirits.


I / Me / Myself
Jan 9, 2022
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Fame, curiosity, boredom.

This three are the most common causes of 'Ghost Hunting' tours.

When somebody is interested in something, what do they do? - Reading about the topic, listening about the topic, trying to understand it more, and when you feel like you can't squeeze out more knowledge / information of these which would satisfy your hunger, you'll pick your stuffs up and go out, to seek for the subject 'face to face'.

Unfortunately, the chance that you can disturb spirits / or literally, any existing being / is there, you can't avoid it. You can disturb animals in a forest when you walk there, simply because of your presence, or even other people. You can also disturb entities / spirits even on different realms as you pass through and there is a chance that you summon / call who have no mood nor interest to interact you, as well. What you can do is to show respect towards them, and if it turns out you disturbing any being, you would leave silently.
They are not "owners" of the properties where they are spending "time" - neither any type of physical body -, and they can also process the effect of getting disturbed, it is not something which will cause them eternal trauma, but a proper respect from the beginning is really-really the core of the whole thing, and the will to understand if they really don't want you to be there.

We can safely say that if you interested in seeking for this knowledge and experience, you might risk to disturb spirits, but this is a part of the life. If you use the knowledge for good, and handle them anyways respectfully, and know the lines, you might cause less trouble for them and yourself. The way how some people behaving in haunted places are very disrespectful, that is for sure, and the way how talk to the spirits. They can sense your intent, and how you see them, feel towards them too, you can't fool them that easily.

Also, having "visitors" can give them a chance to get some energy out of their attention, and this is an another reason why they might try to interact with them and the environment. It is a sign, which can mean many things, but can only be understood if the team have the intent and care about it.

Ghost Hunting can be an interesting, exciting and chilling thing, but of course, it can be very dangerous. Not just because of the possibility that you'll run into methead, drug dealers, aggressive homeless people or wild animals, but because, as you said, spirits can be very violent and powerful, and can ruin your life. They can either just try and chase you away, or even attach themselves to you, and follow you back home, for various reasons.

I won't lie, I plan to do these tours myself too, but I don't plan to share these online in a publick circle for fame or attention, and for me it would be more about potentially helping the souls out if they're stuck between the two dimension and can't move forward, either because a cause of death or because of the dimension gate which they used to come throught, closed and so they need help to find a way to get back.

I'd say, that having a medium, a magickian in a 'Ghost Hunter' team can be very useful, and should be there if you really want to take this thing serious, or even you should take the effort and time to open your senses again, and be able to communicate with them too, not only using devices - whichs' presence are also understandable and can be good indicators, but these will not always guarantee the evidence collection -.​


Aug 29, 2021
Reaction score
Fame, curiosity, boredom.

This three are the most common causes of 'Ghost Hunting' tours.

When somebody is interested in something, what do they do? - Reading about the topic, listening about the topic, trying to understand it more, and when you feel like you can't squeeze out more knowledge / information of these which would satisfy your hunger, you'll pick your stuffs up and go out, to seek for the subject 'face to face'.

Unfortunately, the chance that you can disturb spirits / or literally, any existing being / is there, you can't avoid it. You can disturb animals in a forest when you walk there, simply because of your presence, or even other people. You can also disturb entities / spirits even on different realms as you pass through and there is a chance that you summon / call who have no mood nor interest to interact you, as well. What you can do is to show respect towards them, and if it turns out you disturbing any being, you would leave silently.
They are not "owners" of the properties where they are spending "time" - neither any type of physical body -, and they can also process the effect of getting disturbed, it is not something which will cause them eternal trauma, but a proper respect from the beginning is really-really the core of the whole thing, and the will to understand if they really don't want you to be there.

We can safely say that if you interested in seeking for this knowledge and experience, you might risk to disturb spirits, but this is a part of the life. If you use the knowledge for good, and handle them anyways respectfully, and know the lines, you might cause less trouble for them and yourself. The way how some people behaving in haunted places are very disrespectful, that is for sure, and the way how talk to the spirits. They can sense your intent, and how you see them, feel towards them too, you can't fool them that easily.

Also, having "visitors" can give them a chance to get some energy out of their attention, and this is an another reason why they might try to interact with them and the environment. It is a sign, which can mean many things, but can only be understood if the team have the intent and care about it.

Ghost Hunting can be an interesting, exciting and chilling thing, but of course, it can be very dangerous. Not just because of the possibility that you'll run into methead, drug dealers, aggressive homeless people or wild animals, but because, as you said, spirits can be very violent and powerful, and can ruin your life. They can either just try and chase you away, or even attach themselves to you, and follow you back home, for various reasons.

I won't lie, I plan to do these tours myself too, but I don't plan to share these online in a publick circle for fame or attention, and for me it would be more about potentially helping the souls out if they're stuck between the two dimension and can't move forward, either because a cause of death or because of the dimension gate which they used to come throught, closed and so they need help to find a way to get back.

I'd say, that having a medium, a magickian in a 'Ghost Hunter' team can be very useful, and should be there if you really want to take this thing serious, or even you should take the effort and time to open your senses again, and be able to communicate with them too, not only using devices - whichs' presence are also understandable and can be good indicators, but these will not always guarantee the evidence collection -.​
I just think it’s important to make contact for the right reason rather then pestering the spirits

helping them move on

but I myself wouldn’t mind going to a tour


I / Me / Myself
Jan 9, 2022
Reaction score
I just think it’s important to make contact for the right reason rather then pestering the spirits

helping them move on

but I myself wouldn’t mind going to a tour
Exploring them unfortunately comes along with the possibility of disturbing them, you can't avoid it.

"Pestering" might be subjective, in every living being's case, literally.
I have several portals nearby, and one in my property. Many spirit attempting to contact with me, or simply come throught and leave. Some of them do this silently while some not, and rather do things to get my attention - and with that they also annoy my pets or disturbing them (either because with or without intent) -, for different reasons. Now the here is the main role of "who you are" and how you see this thing.
I could call it as a "pestering" too and even try to get rid of them or get mad at them, but I could also see it as an actually amazing thing, and can approach it as an opportunity, even being happy and excited over a new visitor's presence.
They are the same. Not every spirit will see these adventurers as annoying intruders, while some might sense pestering even their sheer presence.

Long ago, my granny tend to tell us "do not pester the dog", while we patted him, and he was just excited and eager to get more pat. You can't know for sure how a spirit will reacting to you and your presence.

The "right reason" is also subjective. We tortured and did terrible things to animals or/and even humans for a "greater cause", called science. The intent can be the same and even helpful for the future generations, the way you approach it however might require a kind of sacrifice.

An another, very actualy example to approach this topic:
Since the last week paranormal activities started to raise around me, even involving my closest friends. Extreme cool, moving objects, the feeling of being watched, nervous and weird acting pets, strange dreams, sense of touches, dark shadowy orbs, white "web-like" mists flowing across the room or levitating. I could see them as pestering too (and one of my friend actually feels in this way). Many people would probably feel in this way, or even threatened. What we have to understand is that we all might process the same happening differently. They might do it for a reason, and for them that reason might be NOT intentionally pestering us neither, while we still can feel in this way. It can also happen that you might think that the spirits in a haunted location might see you as an annoying phenomenon, while in reality, they really want you to contact with them somehow, because they feel like they need it, after long time without any company.

Communication is very important, and it is required to understand how the other feels, and to understand that we all "speak different language" in this way, so we have to be open minded and ready, and do not put our own "guessing" about the situation, on the entity. They might think totally different.

But I understand what you meant with that, and I may say that I can agree. Some people would definitely just bully and do mess around these places to trigger any kind of reactions, this is definitely disrespectful.​


Jun 8, 2021
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I think those who haunt Ghosts, should go deeper than just bothering Spirits. It is nonsense, what they are doing. However, a lot of these ghost hunters shows, are probably fake. In a sense, of trying to pretend they are haunting Spirits so that they could make a buck. It is all made up, for the show. At least, the show ghost hunters is fake. I don't know about the others. Also, I don't know if you guys ever seen the Scariest Places on Earth with Linda Blair. That show was fake as hell. Much Love and many blessings!