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Book – PDF Giordano Bruno - Four Works On Llull: On the Compendious Architecture of Ramon Lull, Lullian Lamps (Collected Works of Giordano Bruno 3#)

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Jun 4, 2023
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Ramon Lull or Llull created his Art during the 13th century as a method for debating and converting the Islamic kingdoms of North Africa and the Jewish population of Europe, following a vision experienced atop Mount Randa. The Art utilized what is now called combinatoric logic to produce arguments on any subject from simple, mechanical rules, without appeals to authority or existing literature. As such, it forms an important precursor to modern programing languages. In its own right, and through these commentaries by Giordano Bruno, it influenced Gottfried Leibniz and others seeking a universal,logical language; through them, it influenced Boole and later logicians.This is the first English translation of these works. This edition was first published on the 415th anniversary of Bruno's death

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