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go to hell, i am getting out of this usles troll site of yours

Not open for further replies.


May 2, 2023
Reaction score
i am spitting on all of you and getting myself out of this garbage site of yours for good
the site deceived me at first with it's magical name and with how awesome and attractive it was designed, at first sight it looked like a serious and big professional site
but then when i entered it ad dealt with it's members, i found that it's owners/moderators and most of it's members are retarded ignorant trolls who troll, harass and bully anyone who do not belong to their type of people(a hive of human-bots who believe in the NWO dogma that mix modern liberalism(feminism/capitalism), with all religions, with magic and even with satanism, all in the same time! and who are puppeteered by some fate/AI-like entity who lead them against me and against people who are like me and who make them rule the world with their laws/rules that are designed to give them the the right to commit crimes against me while criminalizing my basic freedoms/rights )
then call their trolling/harassment help, then accuse their victims with being the trolls, bullies, harassers, then insanely punishing them for it

and not just this
the site itself look like just a trap
the site is actually small, not as big as it may seem at first sight, there are only about 200 active members her , who posted only about 1000 thread in the last two years(only about two threads daily)
nearly all of these threads are laughably silly and useless nonsense that are about praying to christian angels and using kabbalah
it offer the same little, very complicated yet very useless NWO nonsense that was invented to look like magic and that one can find it anywhere else

yesterday i made a thread here to ask about the occult identity of some religious/feminist entity who haunt me and about how to stop it

but then some retarded dog here who name himself Diluculo_DelFuego together with another pig who name himself@ Lemongrass00
instead of telling me about it's identity, or at-least leave me the hell alone
they trolled my thread and they insulted me and provoked me
by calling me in their comments things like:"unstable person who seek magic because he is unstable and believe fictional Hollywood movies" and by saying: "sanity-tests must be enforced everywhere to filter and quarantine people like me away"
and by insulting my sexual desire/manhood by saying that desiring sex is robotic/mechanic act, not human acts, feelings and emotions
and by telling me that what i must do, is that instead of fighting back my enemies(feminism/feminist groups) that i am complaining about in my thread because they harm me(dishonor/defame me and criminalize my manhood/freedom), and the entity that puppeteer them, must instead join them

and they also kept saying disinformation nonsense that are totally unrelated to the thread like saying: "the Americans are poor people and they do like sex"
and they mixed all this with their superficially magical-looking nonsensical religious-beliefs(kabbalah) that is not really occult knowledge and that is totally useless to me

then they called their disinformation, their religious useless nonsense, their psychological warfare(insults/Gaslighting) and their brainwashing-attempts to convert me to join my enemies(feminists/Abrahamic religions) : "a help that i refuse to accept"

they was acting like "human-bots" who are controlled and programmed to attack me like this, by the entity whom i am her -in first place- to ask about how i stop it from attacking me using such bots

then when i replayed to their trolling by reason and simply some laughing Emoticon icons to show them how silly their nonsensical trolling are
they shifted the blame and called me the troll and called my thread trolling thread
then your site, instead of siding with the victim(me) it sided with them
not just by closing my thread so i can not reply to their insults any more
but also by insulting me further by putting beer icon next to may name that troll, harass and bully me by saying : "drunken troll go home"

why this site did this to me?
how your site treated me is not just injustices, this is madness and Nazi censorship

and it is obvious that your rules here is:
1-any useless and inappropriate insane nonsense, trolling, harassment/bullying or provocation/insult that you and your people say, you consider it: sanity, normality and even "good help"
2-any one say anything, that you and your people dislike, even if it was reasonable response or truthful rational reply to the trolling, insults and the bullshit of your people
you judge it as: "insanity, trolling, harassment/bullying and inappropriate"

this mean that this site is now under the influence of my enemies, their religious(monotheist)-liberal(feminist/capitalist) NWO, their unjust biased crazy laws/rules and the fate/AI-like entity that puppeteer them

thus, if this site did not give me the information i seek, or at-least give me any valuable occult information
then i do not fear your threats of banning me, because in this case such sites are useless to me
and not just useless, it is also even dangourse for me because of the psychological attacks(Gaslighting/insults/accusations/threats) and the brainwashing(converting attempts) i will get from it's members

and now your site even put "On Probation" next to my name
unjustly treating a great, good and innocent man like me, who just came to you seeking help, not just like a drunk and troll, but even like a criminal that you motherfuckers control his life/freedom and put on Probation!!
as the usual with the religious feminist bot-hive of my enemies, you motherfuckers did not just committed crimes against me, you accused me that i the one who committed these crimes against you and you even over-punished me for it by insulting and threatening me like this, using your crazy laws/rules and crazier definitions

thus, after such insult, let me tell you motherfuckers, that whatever if your site was useful for me or not
this site and it's owner/moderators/members can go group fuck themselves -together with their mothers- with a tire iron in their asses
you and your site has just earned a new powerful enemy that will not rest until you all looked in eternal hell
and there will be no"Probation" for you there motherfuckers


Apr 28, 2021
Reaction score
i am spitting on all of you and getting myself out of this garbage site of yours for good
the site deceived me at first with it's magical name and with how awesome and attractive it was designed, at first sight it looked like a serious and big professional site
but then when i entered it ad dealt with it's members, i found that it's owners/moderators and most of it's members are retarded ignorant trolls who troll, harass and bully anyone who do not belong to their type of people(a hive of human-bots who believe in the NWO dogma that mix modern liberalism(feminism/capitalism), with all religions, with magic and even with satanism, all in the same time! and who are puppeteered by some fate/AI-like entity who lead them against me and against people who are like me and who make them rule the world with their laws/rules that are designed to give them the the right to commit crimes against me while criminalizing my basic freedoms/rights )
then call their trolling/harassment help, then accuse their victims with being the trolls, bullies, harassers, then insanely punishing them for it

and not just this
the site itself look like just a trap
the site is actually small, not as big as it may seem at first sight, there are only about 200 active members her , who posted only about 1000 thread in the last two years(only about two threads daily)
nearly all of these threads are laughably silly and useless nonsense that are about praying to christian angels and using kabbalah
it offer the same little, very complicated yet very useless NWO nonsense that was invented to look like magic and that one can find it anywhere else

yesterday i made a thread here to ask about the occult identity of some religious/feminist entity who haunt me and about how to stop it

but then some retarded dog here who name himself Diluculo_DelFuego together with another pig who name himself@ Lemongrass00
instead of telling me about it's identity, or at-least leave me the hell alone
they trolled my thread and they insulted me and provoked me
by calling me in their comments things like:"unstable person who seek magic because he is unstable and believe fictional Hollywood movies" and by saying: "sanity-tests must be enforced everywhere to filter and quarantine people like me away"
and by insulting my sexual desire/manhood by saying that desiring sex is robotic/mechanic act, not human acts, feelings and emotions
and by telling me that what i must do, is that instead of fighting back my enemies(feminism/feminist groups) that i am complaining about in my thread because they harm me(dishonor/defame me and criminalize my manhood/freedom), and the entity that puppeteer them, must instead join them

and they also kept saying disinformation nonsense that are totally unrelated to the thread like saying: "the Americans are poor people and they do like sex"
and they mixed all this with their superficially magical-looking nonsensical religious-beliefs(kabbalah) that is not really occult knowledge and that is totally useless to me

then they called their disinformation, their religious useless nonsense, their psychological warfare(insults/Gaslighting) and their brainwashing-attempts to convert me to join my enemies(feminists/Abrahamic religions) : "a help that i refuse to accept"

they was acting like "human-bots" who are controlled and programmed to attack me like this, by the entity whom i am her -in first place- to ask about how i stop it from attacking me using such bots

then when i replayed to their trolling by reason and simply some laughing Emoticon icons to show them how silly their nonsensical trolling are
they shifted the blame and called me the troll and called my thread trolling thread
then your site, instead of siding with the victim(me) it sided with them
not just by closing my thread so i can not reply to their insults any more
but also by insulting me further by putting beer icon next to may name that troll, harass and bully me by saying : "drunken troll go home"

why this site did this to me?
how your site treated me is not just injustices, this is madness and Nazi censorship

and it is obvious that your rules here is:
1-any useless and inappropriate insane nonsense, trolling, harassment/bullying or provocation/insult that you and your people say, you consider it: sanity, normality and even "good help"
2-any one say anything, that you and your people dislike, even if it was reasonable response or truthful rational reply to the trolling, insults and the bullshit of your people
you judge it as: "insanity, trolling, harassment/bullying and inappropriate"

this mean that this site is now under the influence of my enemies, their religious(monotheist)-liberal(feminist/capitalist) NWO, their unjust biased crazy laws/rules and the fate/AI-like entity that puppeteer them

thus, if this site did not give me the information i seek, or at-least give me any valuable occult information
then i do not fear your threats of banning me, because in this case such sites are useless to me
and not just useless, it is also even dangourse for me because of the psychological attacks(Gaslighting/insults/accusations/threats) and the brainwashing(converting attempts) i will get from it's members

and now your site even put "On Probation" next to my name
unjustly treating a great, good and innocent man like me, who just came to you seeking help, not just like a drunk and troll, but even like a criminal that you motherfuckers control his life/freedom and put on Probation!!
as the usual with the religious feminist bot-hive of my enemies, you motherfuckers did not just committed crimes against me, you accused me that i the one who committed these crimes against you and you even over-punished me for it by insulting and threatening me like this, using your crazy laws/rules and crazier definitions

thus, after such insult, let me tell you motherfuckers, that whatever if your site was useful for me or not
this site and it's owner/moderators/members can go group fuck themselves -together with their mothers- with a tire iron in their asses
you and your site has just earned a new powerful enemy that will not rest until you all looked in eternal hell
and there will be no"Probation" for you there motherfuckers
Oh hell yeah, I got a shoutout from the crazy guy in his rage quit post
Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score
This guy really must hate women and most world religions, particularly Judaism and Christianity.
He seems really hung up on not getting women to lie down on the drop of a dime and spread their legs open for him.
Afraid it's not that simple for him.
Perhaps we should give him instructions on Water invoking LRP to control emotions.
Perhaps a curse is in order. I'm not a dog, I'm a 🐈😺 person.
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Jun 30, 2021
Reaction score
OP, did you read your page? 😎
The guy doesnt hate women, he hates motherfuckers in the occult sense and rightfully so.
Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score
So why did he mention feminists and sex crimes so much? Well, all of us dislike groups that make us feel inferior in some way.
Some occult groups are insane as well.
The guy is very unstable. I have family who are feminists, and I would die in any way to protect them. I can see this guy making severe mistakes in his life due to his unchecked and illogical emotions.
Keep in mind that I am psychotic among other things, but see problems with this guy.
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Jul 2, 2022
Reaction score
thus, after such insult, let me tell you motherfuckers, that whatever if your site was useful for me or not
this site and it's owner/moderators/members can go group fuck themselves -together with their mothers- with a tire iron in their asses
you and your site has just earned a new powerful enemy that will not rest until you all looked in eternal hell
and there will be no"Probation" for you there motherfuckers
Great copypasta potential, this one


Feb 1, 2023
Reaction score
i am spitting on all of you and getting myself out of this garbage site of yours for good
the site deceived me at first with it's magical name and with how awesome and attractive it was designed, at first sight it looked like a serious and big professional site
but then when i entered it ad dealt with it's members, i found that it's owners/moderators and most of it's members are retarded ignorant trolls who troll, harass and bully anyone who do not belong to their type of people(a hive of human-bots who believe in the NWO dogma that mix modern liberalism(feminism/capitalism), with all religions, with magic and even with satanism, all in the same time! and who are puppeteered by some fate/AI-like entity who lead them against me and against people who are like me and who make them rule the world with their laws/rules that are designed to give them the the right to commit crimes against me while criminalizing my basic freedoms/rights )
then call their trolling/harassment help, then accuse their victims with being the trolls, bullies, harassers, then insanely punishing them for it

and not just this
the site itself look like just a trap
the site is actually small, not as big as it may seem at first sight, there are only about 200 active members her , who posted only about 1000 thread in the last two years(only about two threads daily)
nearly all of these threads are laughably silly and useless nonsense that are about praying to christian angels and using kabbalah
it offer the same little, very complicated yet very useless NWO nonsense that was invented to look like magic and that one can find it anywhere else

yesterday i made a thread here to ask about the occult identity of some religious/feminist entity who haunt me and about how to stop it

but then some retarded dog here who name himself Diluculo_DelFuego together with another pig who name himself@ Lemongrass00
instead of telling me about it's identity, or at-least leave me the hell alone
they trolled my thread and they insulted me and provoked me
by calling me in their comments things like:"unstable person who seek magic because he is unstable and believe fictional Hollywood movies" and by saying: "sanity-tests must be enforced everywhere to filter and quarantine people like me away"
and by insulting my sexual desire/manhood by saying that desiring sex is robotic/mechanic act, not human acts, feelings and emotions
and by telling me that what i must do, is that instead of fighting back my enemies(feminism/feminist groups) that i am complaining about in my thread because they harm me(dishonor/defame me and criminalize my manhood/freedom), and the entity that puppeteer them, must instead join them

and they also kept saying disinformation nonsense that are totally unrelated to the thread like saying: "the Americans are poor people and they do like sex"
and they mixed all this with their superficially magical-looking nonsensical religious-beliefs(kabbalah) that is not really occult knowledge and that is totally useless to me

then they called their disinformation, their religious useless nonsense, their psychological warfare(insults/Gaslighting) and their brainwashing-attempts to convert me to join my enemies(feminists/Abrahamic religions) : "a help that i refuse to accept"

they was acting like "human-bots" who are controlled and programmed to attack me like this, by the entity whom i am her -in first place- to ask about how i stop it from attacking me using such bots

then when i replayed to their trolling by reason and simply some laughing Emoticon icons to show them how silly their nonsensical trolling are
they shifted the blame and called me the troll and called my thread trolling thread
then your site, instead of siding with the victim(me) it sided with them
not just by closing my thread so i can not reply to their insults any more
but also by insulting me further by putting beer icon next to may name that troll, harass and bully me by saying : "drunken troll go home"

why this site did this to me?
how your site treated me is not just injustices, this is madness and Nazi censorship

and it is obvious that your rules here is:
1-any useless and inappropriate insane nonsense, trolling, harassment/bullying or provocation/insult that you and your people say, you consider it: sanity, normality and even "good help"
2-any one say anything, that you and your people dislike, even if it was reasonable response or truthful rational reply to the trolling, insults and the bullshit of your people
you judge it as: "insanity, trolling, harassment/bullying and inappropriate"

this mean that this site is now under the influence of my enemies, their religious(monotheist)-liberal(feminist/capitalist) NWO, their unjust biased crazy laws/rules and the fate/AI-like entity that puppeteer them

thus, if this site did not give me the information i seek, or at-least give me any valuable occult information
then i do not fear your threats of banning me, because in this case such sites are useless to me
and not just useless, it is also even dangourse for me because of the psychological attacks(Gaslighting/insults/accusations/threats) and the brainwashing(converting attempts) i will get from it's members

and now your site even put "On Probation" next to my name
unjustly treating a great, good and innocent man like me, who just came to you seeking help, not just like a drunk and troll, but even like a criminal that you motherfuckers control his life/freedom and put on Probation!!
as the usual with the religious feminist bot-hive of my enemies, you motherfuckers did not just committed crimes against me, you accused me that i the one who committed these crimes against you and you even over-punished me for it by insulting and threatening me like this, using your crazy laws/rules and crazier definitions

thus, after such insult, let me tell you motherfuckers, that whatever if your site was useful for me or not
this site and it's owner/moderators/members can go group fuck themselves -together with their mothers- with a tire iron in their asses
you and your site has just earned a new powerful enemy that will not rest until you all looked in eternal hell
and there will be no"Probation" for you there motherfuckers
Everyone into occult is considered unstable by mostly (not all) christians where programmed to hunt down anyone not programmed with the churches lies, america is a crown colony, beat slaves and teach them about your god… according to most Christians who ever does not accept jesus is a devil worshiper.. very few here pointed out proofs showing how the dead sea scrolled revealed that the torah and jews where never corrupted, every nation that accepted jews and learned their teachings where welcome to apply them and they all benefited, but as soon as threatened leaders with lack of responsibility undermined the people to be leaders they used force to attack the jews mainly their children and their country experienced famine and war.

occult is real, mankind where never apes, once you understand this it will explain why there are over 5000 books in tibet libraries about it and details of journeys after death, during life etc..the real insane people are those who forgot they will die and can not control it.,

so i would offer respect to the op if he was insulted, why insult anyone coming to this site? Is that whats its about?
on the other hand if the op is here to annoy from his her lack of respect then so be it, ignore the insultters…its one said that toxic ppl (programmed people)burst at others with insults whenever they dont fallow the program…. rather then walking away,
- ask the insulter….if someone offers a gift but its not accepted who then has it? they will say they do…you then tell them so be it, its your al0ne.
Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score
Yeah, fair points.
In regard to the Christians, yeah, they are not all Essenes, many are Pharisees in nature.
It explains right there why the Transatlantic slaves adopted Catholic saints in order to mask their practices, clever people indeed.
I possibly went overboard, but it made me cringe any time he mentioned manhood vs feminism. Particularly due to my sister, my two nieces and several female cousins.
That's when my blood began to boil.
So, yeah, perhaps I went overboard.
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I should also mention that early in my occult period before a deliverance, I was evoking Qlippoth entities up to Samael.
I started to then hear voices and screams in the night, saw blurry faces on people in the day.
I think that is when working with Belial I all of a sudden realized that two near deaths of family were due to him, and why I went to a deliverance.
So, foolish and psychotic.
But, I was not psychotic or hearing voices before then.
Post automatically merged:

I also do recall reading somewhere that early in the AD years, a sect of Jews hid the real Tanakh and Book of Jasher(same as Job but Abraham instead of Job), and also hid Qabalah teachings.
Mazzarenes? Something like that.
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Nov 10, 2022
Reaction score
Yeah, fair points.
In regard to the Christians, yeah, they are not all Essenes, many are Pharisees in nature.
It explains right there why the Transatlantic slaves adopted Catholic saints in order to mask their practices, clever people indeed.
I possibly went overboard, but it made me cringe any time he mentioned manhood vs feminism. Particularly due to my sister, my two nieces and several female cousins.
That's when my blood began to boil.
So, yeah, perhaps I went overboard.
Post automatically merged:

I should also mention that early in my occult period before a deliverance, I was evoking Qlippoth entities up to Samael.
I started to then hear voices and screams in the night, saw blurry faces on people in the day.
I think that is when working with Belial I all of a sudden realized that two near deaths of family were due to him, and why I went to a deliverance.
So, foolish and psychotic.
But, I was not psychotic or hearing voices before then.
Post automatically merged:

I also do recall reading somewhere that early in the AD years, a sect of Jews hid the real Tanakh and Book of Jasher(same as Job but Abraham instead of Job), and also hid Qabalah teachings.
Mazzarenes? Something like that.
Have u heard from the guy again. I think he is a Targeted Individual and is gang stalked. He is black listed and getting harassed by some very powerfull people.
Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score
I know someone was recently causing trouble with satanic groups on FB with similar flair.


Jun 12, 2023
Reaction score
What the hell? I just saw this thread. His ramblings are so incoherent. I hope the owner of this site has some strong esoteric protection up, because this person is seriously unbalanced!
Post automatically merged:

So for entertainment purposes I looked at his other posts . He lumps feminists in with Allah worshipers. I can't think of any people more disparate! 🤣😂
Well he doesn't have a good handle on reality, so I guess that explains it. I don't believe in hell, so his wishes for us to burn there sort of fall flat for me.
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Have u heard from the guy again. I think he is a Targeted Individual and is gang stalked. He is black listed and getting harassed by some very powerfull people.
What do you mean by this? Curious.
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Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score
Have u heard from the guy again. I think he is a Targeted Individual and is gang stalked. He is black listed and getting harassed by some very powerfull people.
Nope, luckily. He was a jerk after getting outed for what he was at the time,.not saying people cannot change. My hope is that he is in therapy not involving religions.
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He also had a flair for pushing the envelope, where he pissed me off enough with his ramblings and backpedals and calling me a troll, made me want to curse the jackass.


Aug 31, 2021
Reaction score
Some humans are subject to oppression by adverse entities. The oppression can interfere with the brain, imposing brain-thoughts and disturbing the flow of consciousness.

Such interference produces symptoms that encourage the dismissal of that individual.

Sometimes it is useful to look more deeply into the lightbody of such a human - not judging a book by its cover


Feb 8, 2022
Reaction score
One of the more funny posts on the site that I have skimmed through :)


Nov 10, 2022
Reaction score
Some humans are subject to oppression by adverse entities. The oppression can interfere with the brain, imposing brain-thoughts and disturbing the flow of consciousness.

Such interference produces symptoms that encourage the dismissal of that individual.

Sometimes it is useful to look more deeply into the lightbody of such a human - not judging a book by its cover
This. He lost grip on reality. I would encourage all to research Community harassment ir gang stalking . It was first used by the stazi police in Germany to control the population. Now its happening on a global scale. Havana syndrome is part of this gang stalking.
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What the hell? I just saw this thread. His ramblings are so incoherent. I hope the owner of this site has some strong esoteric protection up, because this person is seriously unbalanced!
Post automatically merged:

So for entertainment purposes I looked at his other posts . He lumps feminists in with Allah worshipers. I can't think of any people more disparate! 🤣😂
Well he doesn't have a good handle on reality, so I guess that explains it. I don't believe in hell, so his wishes for us to burn there sort of fall flat for me.
Post automatically merged:

What the hell? I just saw this thread. His ramblings are so incoherent. I hope the owner of this site has some strong esoteric protection up, because this person is seriously unbalanced!
Post automatically merged:

So for entertainment purposes I looked at his other posts . He lumps feminists in with Allah worshipers. I can't think of any people more disparate! 🤣😂
Well he doesn't have a good handle on reality, so I guess that explains it. I don't believe in hell, so his wishes for us to burn there sort of fall flat for me.
Post automatically merged:

What do you mean by this? Curious.
Gang stalking is torturing a person to death. If your chosen as a target they will start by spreading rumors about you around your community. You will start loosing friends and loved ones. Then they will target your source of income. They will make you quit or they will fire you from your job. You will start to hear voices in your head and think you are schizophrenic. But its done using technology.

You will start noticing people closely watching you and following you wherever you go. Be it vacation, grocery shopping or even hospitals. Everything combined you will start getting nervous and paranoid. You will be sleep deprived. They will do this to you untill you die or kill yourself. Sone People are getting gang stalked for more than 40 years.

You will never be able to eat from hotels because your food will alwsys be tampered with. At one point it gets too much and you will snap. You will kill yourself or will try to hurt others. Why do you think all the shootings in schools and malls are happening all of sudden. These people where gang stalked and made to kill others. They use brain data from targets for AI research also. Thats why AI is more advanced now a days.

Being a Targeted Indivitual is truly hell. I hope the poor guy is doing okay.
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