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Great to be here, As in need of advice


Aug 21, 2023
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Hi everybody

Thanks for the opportunity to be part of this group, and I apologise if on first introduction I ask for advice.

My understanding of the occult is average, but has stayed very mainstream such as the law of attraction, and studying various religions and Basic hermetics

However, my current situation is quite serious, and please forgive me if in trying to explain, I use terminology out of context or show a lack of understanding of what is happening

I believe my father, who is now deceased has placed a demonic assignment upon me, and it is, and has been causing extreme problems in my life.

I have some psychic ability, and have seen my father in mirrors, who has told me that he has a gift for me

I also remember that my father was very involved in the occult, And would often let entities come through him when he was alive

I’m not sure if this is a demonic curse or assignment, or if it is an attachment that has moved through our bloodline.

My father and I, did have our issues when he was alive, and therefore when he died I did not go to his funeral. There was bad blood between us

It took me a long time to forgive him for some of the things that he did, but that has now been dealt with through various means including therapy.

The issues occurring to me are supernatural and often involve numeric references such as 666 - I understand this relates to satanic influences

Although I can deal with the emotional and the mental, I feel less able to deal with dark energies against me.

I know what I’ve just written Will ring alarm bells for some, but I assure you I am of sound mind, and a very clear thinker

It has taken me a long time to take up the courage to seek out of forum, where I may find help and assistance from people who have more knowledge of the occult and I do.

Once again, I do apologise if my explanation seems very basic.

If there is anyone here who is able to assess the situation for me, or assist me blocking the attack, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you for your time, and once again, thank you for letting me join the group

Kind regards


Jun 8, 2021
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Welcome!!! And don't show fear to these entities. You have to understand that these Demons are aspects of yourself. Maybe, you are going through a tough time right now, and your emotions manifest as theses Demons. Once you understand, that Demons are mirrors of you. Only then, will you regain back your power.


Aug 21, 2023
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Hi Konsciencia

thank you for your reply and advice. It is very much appreciated.

This situation started a long time ago 1996, and has continued in various ways since then, including serious attacks on family members and my partner

Although I do understand your comments relating to the shadow self, these interactions ( attacks ) are ongoing and very personal.

I have also undergone a lot of personal therapy in my life to integrate and accept all areas of my personality .

I really do think this is something to do with my deceased father but obviously I’m open and thankful for all advice

I understand fear feeds these entities, and I do my best to remain calm and balanced as possible.

Thank you once again for taking the time to reach out


Apr 29, 2024
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Remember that there is only one thing that dispels darkness, and that is light.

Welcome to the forum, I hope you find what you are looking for, grow in power, and become free of what binds you.