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Greetings 🙌🏼


Sep 11, 2024
Reaction score
Hello there!
Well I landed here searching for a specific and rare book (galdrastafir) via qwant (search engine) and I liked the concept so I registered.

I'm not very participative, not very consistent in communities usually, maybe the barrière of language doesn't help. I m from France and I lack some language subtle nuances sometimes and it happened before that people do not understand what I mean because I said it 'crooked' 🙃 so I'm reluctant but I read a lot and share things the best I can when I have a nice source. I'm picky with the sources. Not into academic sources absolutely, I have to feel the person is a cool person, not the ego type, willing to share not to impress.
Ok présentation right. What am I?
I'd say I'm a painter, a crafter, an experiencer also. I chose none of that, it simply happened since childhood, they said it would stop at 7 but nah it never stopped 😂. So I have spent my life searching for answers. And usually, the universe doesn't answer with words, but more experiments 😂
I've been researching into ancient civilisations (remains, language, arts) and I came back to the one where I landed d on this realm, the celts former lands. I'm not into witchy things, magic things happen by itself sometimes, I may or may not have a quantum physics theory about it. But I'll research anyways. It's human to try to understand 🤷🏻‍♀️

I also love ancient manuscripts, calligraphies, enlightments...

Why vovla yulen, because yulen is close to my real first name and I was born on yule 78, that's why in case one asks.

And that's it 🙌🏼 thanks for having me here🙌🏼 and sorry for my weird english


Organized Chaos
Aug 1, 2024
Reaction score
Welcome! I hope you enjoy your stay, correct grammar is nice but it’s not the end all be all. As long as people understand 🤷‍♂️.
I like Ancient civilizations as well. Or even theorized ones. There’s a brick box rock relief they found near Kef Kalesi in Turkey that has very interesting symbolism 🤔.


Sep 11, 2024
Reaction score
hey!! bienvenue , je suis aussi française aha! on peut faire connaissance :)
Mais carrément cool 🙌🏼🥳 (I answered '' super cool'')
Post automatically merged:

Welcome! I hope you enjoy your stay, correct grammar is nice but it’s not the end all be all. As long as people understand 🤷‍♂️.
I like Ancient civilizations as well. Or even theorized ones. There’s a brick box rock relief they found near Kef Kalesi in Turkey that has very interesting symbolism 🤔.
Ohhh I'm gonna research about that stone thank you Shade I didn't know. OK I found it I think, a big basalt box with winged people displayed symetrically? They look very mesopotamian. What's your opinion Shade?
Thank you I didn't hear about this finding.
Welcome! I hope you enjoy your stay, correct grammar is nice but it’s not the end all be all. As long as people understand 🤷‍♂️.
I like Ancient civilizations as well. Or even theorized ones. There’s a brick box rock relief they found near Kef Kalesi in Turkey that has very interesting symbolism 🤔.
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