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Book – PDF Harold Roth - The Forbidden Knowledge of The Book of Enoch

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Jul 3, 2023
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The Book of Enoch has captured and commanded interest for the past two thousand years. Sometimes part of religious canon and doctrine, and sometimes outright banned, the Book of Enoch is more popular today than ever. Still many questions remain. Who was Enoch? Who—or what—were the Watchers, and what knowledge did they bring? What became of their wives and their children, the rapacious half-man, half-angel giants, the Nephilim?

From Renaissance magic of Dr. John Dee and early Christian apocalyptic texts, to contemporary conspiracy theories and modern magical angelology, the Book of Enoch has been influential in many spiritual and religious traditions. What has been missing from the various approaches to the Book of Enoch are any real attempts to find not only what is at the center of these stories but also their connections to magic. The Forbidden Knowledge of the Book of Enoch identifies and elucidates those connections.

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Once more all credit goes to @dosintheshell who once more proved his book-sleuthing prowess!

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