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Hello! My Intro for the Forums

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Jul 25, 2024
Reaction score
Hi!! I'm Shadow, I'm 25 and a witch. I've been actively practicing witchcraft since I was 17. Though there were peculiar occurrences all throughout my childhood. My areas of interest are all over the place. My forte is blood magick, dream work, and whatever concoction of rootwork I cook up. I'm also rather clair-audient on a good day. My interests also lie in necromancy, but I don't really practice this, I just read a lot of books about it. But one day I'll get around to it!

As of right now, I'm focused on working with entities, strengthening and improving clair-senses, and improving my astral travel abilities (I can project without problem but I can't get to the full OBE point). However, I am working regularly with runes regularly. I love them/their energy. The runes are little gods in my eyes so you may see me talk about them in such a way, but this is also how I work with them. Aside from working with runes, I also read them. And I, more or less, read tarot. It could be better, and it's certainly been worse, but I'm slowly improving with the cards. My other forms of divination are a relatively inaccurate pendulum and a scrying mirror I can't seem to work out. What I do better than anything else is scrying into the backs of my eyes. This is my strongest form of divination. I thought it'd transfer to using the scrying mirror, but that's not been the case.

I used to primarily work with and/or interact with Norse gods, but since acquiring a familiar from Lilith, my focus has been exclusively on this spirit and working with it. Prior to this, I was working with a Norse god, but, results are king, right? It fizzled out when I realized after a year that I was just getting fun conversations and empty promises. Now, I am working with a familiar who's serious. Before this ritual with Lilith, I'd interacted a handful of times with the Goetia. Really, aside from a couple Norse gods and now my familiar, my working relationships with entities were very very limited. Entirely transactional, I couldn't tell you much about their personalities or behaviors. But I want more. Which is why I am where I am with this familiar.

I've been lurking the past week and I love the treasure trove of information this forum is! And it seems like the community here is quite nice as well. I'm often lost in rabbit holes of random occult theories or other related interests. (The search function and I have already gotten very acquainted here. :D ) I always have questions and even though we may not always have concrete answers, reading others' perspectives, personal gnosis, and ideas is something I value.

Thank you!

Sorry I kind of wrote a book here. I was trying to be thorough and cover all my bases :D


Jun 13, 2024
Reaction score
Hi!! I'm Shadow, I'm 25 and a witch. I've been actively practicing witchcraft since I was 17. Though there were peculiar occurrences all throughout my childhood. My areas of interest are all over the place. My forte is blood magick, dream work, and whatever concoction of rootwork I cook up. I'm also rather clair-audient on a good day. My interests also lie in necromancy, but I don't really practice this, I just read a lot of books about it. But one day I'll get around to it!

As of right now, I'm focused on working with entities, strengthening and improving clair-senses, and improving my astral travel abilities (I can project without problem but I can't get to the full OBE point). However, I am working regularly with runes regularly. I love them/their energy. The runes are little gods in my eyes so you may see me talk about them in such a way, but this is also how I work with them. Aside from working with runes, I also read them. And I, more or less, read tarot. It could be better, and it's certainly been worse, but I'm slowly improving with the cards. My other forms of divination are a relatively inaccurate pendulum and a scrying mirror I can't seem to work out. What I do better than anything else is scrying into the backs of my eyes. This is my strongest form of divination. I thought it'd transfer to using the scrying mirror, but that's not been the case.

I used to primarily work with and/or interact with Norse gods, but since acquiring a familiar from Lilith, my focus has been exclusively on this spirit and working with it. Prior to this, I was working with a Norse god, but, results are king, right? It fizzled out when I realized after a year that I was just getting fun conversations and empty promises. Now, I am working with a familiar who's serious. Before this ritual with Lilith, I'd interacted a handful of times with the Goetia. Really, aside from a couple Norse gods and now my familiar, my working relationships with entities were very very limited. Entirely transactional, I couldn't tell you much about their personalities or behaviors. But I want more. Which is why I am where I am with this familiar.

I've been lurking the past week and I love the treasure trove of information this forum is! And it seems like the community here is quite nice as well. I'm often lost in rabbit holes of random occult theories or other related interests. (The search function and I have already gotten very acquainted here. :D ) I always have questions and even though we may not always have concrete answers, reading others' perspectives, personal gnosis, and ideas is something I value.

Thank you!

Sorry I kind of wrote a book here. I was trying to be thorough and cover all my bases :D
You seem like a very interesting young occultist. It is an honor to have you here. If you ever have any questions about the occult I'm always up for answering.
Post automatically merged:

Oh, and we don't mind writing books here. It's actually very normal for us


Aug 17, 2023
Reaction score
Hi!! I'm Shadow, I'm 25 and a witch. I've been actively practicing witchcraft since I was 17. Though there were peculiar occurrences all throughout my childhood. My areas of interest are all over the place. My forte is blood magick, dream work, and whatever concoction of rootwork I cook up. I'm also rather clair-audient on a good day. My interests also lie in necromancy, but I don't really practice this, I just read a lot of books about it. But one day I'll get around to it!

As of right now, I'm focused on working with entities, strengthening and improving clair-senses, and improving my astral travel abilities (I can project without problem but I can't get to the full OBE point). However, I am working regularly with runes regularly. I love them/their energy. The runes are little gods in my eyes so you may see me talk about them in such a way, but this is also how I work with them. Aside from working with runes, I also read them. And I, more or less, read tarot. It could be better, and it's certainly been worse, but I'm slowly improving with the cards. My other forms of divination are a relatively inaccurate pendulum and a scrying mirror I can't seem to work out. What I do better than anything else is scrying into the backs of my eyes. This is my strongest form of divination. I thought it'd transfer to using the scrying mirror, but that's not been the case.

I used to primarily work with and/or interact with Norse gods, but since acquiring a familiar from Lilith, my focus has been exclusively on this spirit and working with it. Prior to this, I was working with a Norse god, but, results are king, right? It fizzled out when I realized after a year that I was just getting fun conversations and empty promises. Now, I am working with a familiar who's serious. Before this ritual with Lilith, I'd interacted a handful of times with the Goetia. Really, aside from a couple Norse gods and now my familiar, my working relationships with entities were very very limited. Entirely transactional, I couldn't tell you much about their personalities or behaviors. But I want more. Which is why I am where I am with this familiar.

I've been lurking the past week and I love the treasure trove of information this forum is! And it seems like the community here is quite nice as well. I'm often lost in rabbit holes of random occult theories or other related interests. (The search function and I have already gotten very acquainted here. :D ) I always have questions and even though we may not always have concrete answers, reading others' perspectives, personal gnosis, and ideas is something I value.

Thank you!

Sorry I kind of wrote a book here. I was trying to be thorough and cover all my bases :D
Greetings! Some books are worth writing; for others, one should apologize to the fallen trees (wasted wattage?). Your post is the former. So, again, welcome.


Apr 29, 2024
Reaction score
Ave and welcome! 🦉🪄✨️

Delighted to see a new and dedicated soul! I look forward to hearing what you have to share and enquire about! The library here is full of gold, I hope it helps you along your journey.


Jul 25, 2024
Reaction score
Ave and welcome! 🦉🪄✨️

Delighted to see a new and dedicated soul! I look forward to hearing what you have to share and enquire about! The library here is full of gold, I hope it helps you along your journey.

Yes! I've only dipped my toes in it so far. Earlier I was reading some people's responses about the Grimorium Verum in the library I believe.

There's so much here that I can't wait to discover. :D

You seem like a very interesting young occultist. It is an honor to have you here. If you ever have any questions about the occult I'm always up for answering.
Post automatically merged:

Oh, and we don't mind writing books here. It's actually very normal for us

Greetings! Some books are worth writing; for others, one should apologize to the fallen trees (wasted wattage?). Your post is the former. So, again, welcome.

Thank you all so much for such a warm welcome. I truly appreciate and look forward to my time here!


Mar 21, 2024
Reaction score
Hi!! I'm Shadow, I'm 25 and a witch. I've been actively practicing witchcraft since I was 17. Though there were peculiar occurrences all throughout my childhood. My areas of interest are all over the place. My forte is blood magick, dream work, and whatever concoction of rootwork I cook up. I'm also rather clair-audient on a good day. My interests also lie in necromancy, but I don't really practice this, I just read a lot of books about it. But one day I'll get around to it!

As of right now, I'm focused on working with entities, strengthening and improving clair-senses, and improving my astral travel abilities (I can project without problem but I can't get to the full OBE point). However, I am working regularly with runes regularly. I love them/their energy. The runes are little gods in my eyes so you may see me talk about them in such a way, but this is also how I work with them. Aside from working with runes, I also read them. And I, more or less, read tarot. It could be better, and it's certainly been worse, but I'm slowly improving with the cards. My other forms of divination are a relatively inaccurate pendulum and a scrying mirror I can't seem to work out. What I do better than anything else is scrying into the backs of my eyes. This is my strongest form of divination. I thought it'd transfer to using the scrying mirror, but that's not been the case.

I used to primarily work with and/or interact with Norse gods, but since acquiring a familiar from Lilith, my focus has been exclusively on this spirit and working with it. Prior to this, I was working with a Norse god, but, results are king, right? It fizzled out when I realized after a year that I was just getting fun conversations and empty promises. Now, I am working with a familiar who's serious. Before this ritual with Lilith, I'd interacted a handful of times with the Goetia. Really, aside from a couple Norse gods and now my familiar, my working relationships with entities were very very limited. Entirely transactional, I couldn't tell you much about their personalities or behaviors. But I want more. Which is why I am where I am with this familiar.

I've been lurking the past week and I love the treasure trove of information this forum is! And it seems like the community here is quite nice as well. I'm often lost in rabbit holes of random occult theories or other related interests. (The search function and I have already gotten very acquainted here. :D ) I always have questions and even though we may not always have concrete answers, reading others' perspectives, personal gnosis, and ideas is something I value.

Thank you!

Sorry I kind of wrote a book here. I was trying to be thorough and cover all my bases :D

Welcome aboard 😀! I am very happy to see that you are having a lot of interest in the occult, especially from a young age.

I wish you a good stay and may Odin bless you, and also the Universe!


lee smith

Jul 24, 2024
Reaction score
Hello Shadow,
Welcome. I'm new, too. So far everyone has been nice to me. It could be because they don't know me yet 🤣. It sounds like that you could have been talking with Loki. I've heard he's like that. Hail Loki! Myself, I concern myself primarily with: All Father, Thor, Momma Freyja, Momma Jord, Sunna (I'm somewhat of a devotee to her), Hel, and of course Loki. You may have noticed a lot of Goddesses in my list. What can I say? I like girls.

I own a set of blood runes I made. TBH, I prefer the Rider-Waite tarot as I can get a better level of granularity in my readings. As far as astral work it took me 2 years to manage full astral projection. That was with someone with over 20 years experience working with me. I'm careful with it since I became ill (I'm afraid, I might not get back in. jk) It is somewhat a resource intensive process for me so I use it wisely. Here's a little technique that helped me a lot.
get in state.
Form an energy ball in your hand with a line that goes to your astral cord.
Throw the ball as hard as you can in the direction that you want to go.
Let it pull you out toward your target.

You may find remote viewing is more cost effective for you.

The library has a lot of gold. It also has a large smattering of poo (somebody let their monkey in there, I guess. :eek:). So read carefully and critically. A good resource on that is "How To Read Book" by Mortimer J. Adler.

Look forward to hearing from you.


Aug 17, 2023
Reaction score
Hello Shadow,
Welcome. I'm new, too. So far everyone has been nice to me. It could be because they don't know me yet 🤣. It sounds like that you could have been talking with Loki. I've heard he's like that. Hail Loki! Myself, I concern myself primarily with: All Father, Thor, Momma Freyja, Momma Jord, Sunna (I'm somewhat of a devotee to her), Hel, and of course Loki. You may have noticed a lot of Goddesses in my list. What can I say? I like girls.

I own a set of blood runes I made. TBH, I prefer the Rider-Waite tarot as I can get a better level of granularity in my readings. As far as astral work it took me 2 years to manage full astral projection. That was with someone with over 20 years experience working with me. I'm careful with it since I became ill (I'm afraid, I might not get back in. jk) It is somewhat a resource intensive process for me so I use it wisely. Here's a little technique that helped me a lot.
get in state.
Form an energy ball in your hand with a line that goes to your astral cord.
Throw the ball as hard as you can in the direction that you want to go.
Let it pull you out toward your target.

You may find remote viewing is more cost effective for you.

The library has a lot of gold. It also has a large smattering of poo (somebody let their monkey in there, I guess. :eek:). So read carefully and critically. A good resource on that is "How To Read Book" by Mortimer J. Adler.

Look forward to hearing from you.
I like the sound of the technique you suggest. I'll try it soon. It seems that projection is highly idiosyncratic. What works for Tom fails for Harry.


Jul 25, 2024
Reaction score
Hello Shadow,
Welcome. I'm new, too. So far everyone has been nice to me. It could be because they don't know me yet 🤣. It sounds like that you could have been talking with Loki. I've heard he's like that. Hail Loki! Myself, I concern myself primarily with: All Father, Thor, Momma Freyja, Momma Jord, Sunna (I'm somewhat of a devotee to her), Hel, and of course Loki. You may have noticed a lot of Goddesses in my list. What can I say? I like girls.

I own a set of blood runes I made. TBH, I prefer the Rider-Waite tarot as I can get a better level of granularity in my readings. As far as astral work it took me 2 years to manage full astral projection. That was with someone with over 20 years experience working with me. I'm careful with it since I became ill (I'm afraid, I might not get back in. jk) It is somewhat a resource intensive process for me so I use it wisely. Here's a little technique that helped me a lot.
get in state.
Form an energy ball in your hand with a line that goes to your astral cord.
Throw the ball as hard as you can in the direction that you want to go.
Let it pull you out toward your target.

You may find remote viewing is more cost effective for you.

The library has a lot of gold. It also has a large smattering of poo (somebody let their monkey in there, I guess. :eek:). So read carefully and critically. A good resource on that is "How To Read Book" by Mortimer J. Adler.

Look forward to hearing from you.

Hit the nail on the head. It was Loki I worked with. There were many good moments with him and as I said above many wonderful conversations, the conclusion to end our working relationship and move on was not one I took lightly. But outside of Loki, Freyja is held dear to my heart. She's who I call when I need a shoulder to cry on. She's been my loving big sister in times I felt my lowest.

I understand where you're coming from with the runes. I have a blue agate set that I cherish, however, I recently got The Pulp Tarot deck and for the first time I feel like I finally understand. Now, I'm not a great reader, certainly not proficient, but before this deck, I couldn't manage a reading at all. I just could not interrupt what I was seeing. I guess everyone was right about finding "your" deck. I just need a couple of years of practice to really get somewhere.

Thank you so much for this technique! I've not tried this before and I'm so tired of trying to grab a rope and pull. :D I'll give it a shot and let you know. Remote viewing is what I do best, but I've been chasing the full-fledged out-of-body experience for some time. I truly believe I'll get it under control one day. Right now, I can get close. And it's usually accidental. It'll be that moment when I'm just meditating, remote viewing and I'll be standing up in this view, usually, I'm not even focused on exiting my body in that moment and then I fall. It's like the floor just disappeared and I'm being dragged down (out?). Unfortunately, that freefall usually startles me too much and I pull out of it. So I'm trying to find a more stable way of astral projection rather than freefalling into the abyss every time I enter.

The library has kept me rather occupied for the last 48 hours. I'm updating my reading list as I go along. Plus digging through a little poo, makes you really appreciate the gold treasures you find in the end!
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