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Aug 9, 2024
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I'm here because I was looking for a digital copy of Theurgy: theory and practice (Newman) but stayed for the hospitality. I'm a former christian experiencing yet another rebirth lol. For me it started last summer after reading a book about communication with a non-human intelligence and UFOs. I guess the doors started opening in my mind at that point. Eventually I ran into a guy named Ammon Hillman on YouTube who spoke about what is basically the Pagan Continuity Hypothesis: the idea that Christianity inherited and adopted various ideas, symbols and practices from pagan cultures. I can't find anyone arguing effectively against this idea using the Greek. So I'm reading everything I can find that relates to anything I was told was false lol. I'm curious about all things occult. I abandoned logic and reason when I accepted Jesus as my savior. Never again.


Oct 20, 2023
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So I'm reading everything I can find that relates to anything I was told was false lol

It's amazing to consider, isn't it? The fires that are kindled in reaction to false assertions. I learn so much this way. And it's a great opportunity, because, there's so much of it everywhere. ~Chuckles~

I abandoned logic and reason when I accepted Jesus as my savior. Never again.

If I may, there is a great deal of power in those convictions. If you know how to recall it, and refine it, abandoning logic and reason like a fanatic is a very useful tool for certain circumstances.

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Jun 8, 2021
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Welcome!!! It is not Jesus the bad guy. It is all the abrahamic Religions. Including, Christianity. Glad to have you. Stay blessed!


Jan 26, 2024
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Christianity was a tool created by the jews to topple the roman empire, since Judea could not defeat them militarily.

So they created a religion that promotes false and slave morals resonating with the lowest denominator (slaves and plebs) this then spread due to the exhausting military campaigns and overall decadence of the Rex after Aurelius. Leading to the eventual fracturing and fall of the Roman Empire.

Later christianity backfired for the jews hilariously enough, leading to their expulsion by many christianised countries however, but after setting up the pope and the church they got the christcucks in line again, which brings us to the cucks of todays christians, conservatives and so on.

It is by far the most disgusting, most degenerating and most damaging dogma for your soul. It arrests your mind and locks you out of many spiritual principles and connections to primordial powers and concepts.

Glad you realised that and are back in the real world again. However you need to make sure to fully purge this mentality out of you, otherwise you have no chance at gnosis.

The bible consists of a hotchpot of sumerian, etruscan, egyptians and even hindu texts. However edited by jews and very diluted and disfigured. To the point that even knowing them won't help you understand the original teachings its based on. Our original gods, companions and friends were turned into demons and satan and whatnot. Much to the dismay of those suprasensible powers. Not that they feel hurt, they couldnt care less, but that you will have a hard time reconnecting again, which is what counts.

Not a single concept can be carried over. Do keep in mind to not relate back to residues of your christian upbringing when confronted or learning about actual aspects that are going on.
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There are no demons, angels, nephilim whatever. There are only powers which are not good or bad, but that are. There is no battle between good or bad. And no one will come to save you, no judgement day either, no nothing that would in any way shape or form take work from you, relieve you, deliver you or help you if you are indifferent, non acting and non willing. "It is for the gods to come to me, not for me to go to them". Like women attracted by men, you must compel them to help you. You do so by deeds. Action. The blood of heroes is closer to the gods than the ink of scholars or the prayers of the pious. Action is the language of the suprasensible powers.

Similar to a thunderstorm that brings both destruction with winds and lightning strikes and also blessing with rain for the dried out wheatfields.

This should bring you up to speed and change your thought pattern enough.
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Organized Chaos
Aug 1, 2024
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I'm here because I was looking for a digital copy of Theurgy: theory and practice (Newman) but stayed for the hospitality. I'm a former christian experiencing yet another rebirth lol. For me it started last summer after reading a book about communication with a non-human intelligence and UFOs. I guess the doors started opening in my mind at that point. Eventually I ran into a guy named Ammon Hillman on YouTube who spoke about what is basically the Pagan Continuity Hypothesis: the idea that Christianity inherited and adopted various ideas, symbols and practices from pagan cultures. I can't find anyone arguing effectively against this idea using the Greek. So I'm reading everything I can find that relates to anything I was told was false lol. I'm curious about all things occult. I abandoned logic and reason when I accepted Jesus as my savior. Never again.
Welcome! I’m glad to see you did an intro, and yes they 100% borrowed aspects from other religions going back to ancient Sumer. I may be mistaken but Mt. Hermon I think is where you can find links between the canaanites, the Greeks and the biblical yhwh.


Aug 17, 2023
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I'm here because I was looking for a digital copy of Theurgy: theory and practice (Newman) but stayed for the hospitality. I'm a former christian experiencing yet another rebirth lol. For me it started last summer after reading a book about communication with a non-human intelligence and UFOs. I guess the doors started opening in my mind at that point. Eventually I ran into a guy named Ammon Hillman on YouTube who spoke about what is basically the Pagan Continuity Hypothesis: the idea that Christianity inherited and adopted various ideas, symbols and practices from pagan cultures. I can't find anyone arguing effectively against this idea using the Greek. So I'm reading everything I can find that relates to anything I was told was false lol. I'm curious about all things occult. I abandoned logic and reason when I accepted Jesus as my savior. Never again.
Rene Guenon has a number of books on this theme. "The Symbolism of the Cross," is one.
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