• Hi guest! As you can see, the new Wizard Forums has been revived, and we are glad to have you visiting our site! However, it would be really helpful, both to you and us, if you registered on our website! Registering allows you to see all posts, and make posts yourself, which would be great if you could share your knowledge and opinions with us! You could also make posts to ask questions!

Hi all! Excited to learn. :)


Jan 26, 2025
Reaction score
Hi all! I'm Jamie. Labels have never really been able to capture everything I wanna say about myself, but I tend to describe myself as an animist and polytheist.

I first leaned into my spirituality about 6 years ago through (inclusive!) Norse Heathenry-- and even though I no longer call myself a Heathen, it's still a framework that informs how I do a lot of things and I have a lot of affection for the community.

I'm kind of just in this phase of working with my Ancestors and trying to build relationships with local land spirits. But I have about a billion spiritual/occult related interests I'd like to start pursuing, so I am happy to be part of a diverse group where I can learn a lot. Thanks for having me!