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Hi, first time here.

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Jul 20, 2024
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I grew up in a Christian cult and things of the occult were strictly forbidden on pain of shunning, so I am not very familiar with the topic.

I have experienced strange phenomena all my life but resisted exploring this for fear of suffering damnation, but lately things have happened that makes this exploration unavoidable. Things like deeply symbolic dreams, date specific premonitions, communication with entities who's motivations can't be guaged easily.

It feels like things are escalating and I am unable to 'see' or understand it all.

Maybe this is paranormal and not the occult? I don't even know the difference.

Well, see you around I guess.


Aug 17, 2023
Reaction score

I grew up in a Christian cult and things of the occult were strictly forbidden on pain of shunning, so I am not very familiar with the topic.

I have experienced strange phenomena all my life but resisted exploring this for fear of suffering damnation, but lately things have happened that makes this exploration unavoidable. Things like deeply symbolic dreams, date specific premonitions, communication with entities who's motivations can't be guaged easily.

It feels like things are escalating and I am unable to 'see' or understand it all.

Maybe this is paranormal and not the occult? I don't even know the difference.

Well, see you around I guess.
Greetings. If your experiences brought you here, you're probably in the right place. Feel free to let us know what's up, if you want. There's a lot of information to be had here.


Jun 8, 2021
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I grew up in a Christian cult and things of the occult were strictly forbidden on pain of shunning, so I am not very familiar with the topic.

I have experienced strange phenomena all my life but resisted exploring this for fear of suffering damnation, but lately things have happened that makes this exploration unavoidable. Things like deeply symbolic dreams, date specific premonitions, communication with entities who's motivations can't be guaged easily.

It feels like things are escalating and I am unable to 'see' or understand it all.

Maybe this is paranormal and not the occult? I don't even know the difference.

Well, see you around I guess.
Welcome friend! Like Xenophone has mentioned, you are in the right place. However, if you are serious to deep dive into the Occult. Definitely, you must be ready for whatever comes your way. First thing you need to do, is lose fear.


Jul 20, 2024
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Greetings. If your experiences brought you here, you're probably in the right place. Feel free to let us know what's up, if you want. There's a lot of information to be had here.
I'll read as much as I can and see if I find some answers. Unfortunately the people in my life that are left to talk to avoid these topics and even though it is an issue for me, and feels very real, they just brush it off as nothing. I was so sad yesterday, since I tried to explain some things to my sister, but her reaction, though understandable I guess, left me feeling that we are strangers somehow.
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Welcome friend! Like Xenophone has mentioned, you are in the right place. However, if you are serious to deep dive into the Occult. Definitely, you must be ready for whatever comes your way. First thing you need to do, is lose fear.
Thinking of the fear you mention, two kinds come to mind: the paranormal and judgement.

Regarding the paranormal, I used to suffer sleep paralysis growing up, and it lingered, becoming a nightly occurrence for more than twenty years. I learned to walk into the dark places since I had nowhere else to go; no helping hand, at least that I was aware of. It remains scary but I found courage somehow. Whats more is these days reality and dream seem to be hard to distinguish, and those terrors seep into the waking world. I stay alone and the shadows from my dreams now lurk in my periphery, they whisper predictions and prophecy, or maybe its just my own thoughts, according to psychologists. Everything that has transpired lately made me consult tarot, and I kept getting told that I am being watched; some feminine energy, which does not help.

Regarding fear of judgement, it is something that is deeply ingrained from my upbringing, and whenever I explore these topics it gnaws at the back of my mind, but I pleaded with God for answers for so many years, crying like a child sometimes but he or it remains silent, and I have become so tired. I need to talk with something, and if I face judgement for speaking with shadows to try and understand the light, so be it.
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Aug 17, 2023
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I'll read as much as I can and see if I find some answers. Unfortunately the people in my life that are left to talk to avoid these topics and even though it is an issue for me, and feels very real, they just brush it off as nothing. I was so sad yesterday, since I tried to explain some things to my sister, but her reaction, though understandable I guess, left me feeling that we are strangers somehow.
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Thinking of the fear you mention, two kinds come to mind: the paranormal and judgement.

Regarding the paranormal, I used to suffer sleep paralysis growing up, and it lingered, becoming a nightly occurrence for more than twenty years. I learned to walk into the dark places since I had nowhere else to go; no helping hand, at least that I was aware of. It remains scary but I found courage somehow. Whats more is these days reality and dream seem to be hard to distinguish, and those terrors seep into the waking world. I stay alone and the shadows from my dreams now lurk in my periphery, they whisper predictions and prophecy, or maybe its just my own thoughts, according to psychologists. Everything that has transpired lately made me consult tarot, and I kept getting told that I am being watched; some feminine energy, which does not help.

Regarding fear of judgement, it is something that is deeply ingrained from my upbringing, and whenever I explore these topics it gnaws at the back of my mind, but I pleaded with God for answers for so many years, crying like a child sometimes but he or it remains silent, and I have become so tired. I need to talk with something, and if I face judgement for speaking with shadows to try and understand the light, so be it.
Strangers in one's family? They say one meets one's true family after he leaves home. Or, in a happy turn of phrase, there's an old Louis L'Amour story about guys who have worked in the same ship through thick and thin, "Bilge Water is Thicker Than Blood."


Apr 29, 2024
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Welcome to the forum! Regardless of which side you choose - left or right hand - you will find find a vast library here to educate & liberate you 🦉

Left me feeling that we are strangers somehow.
It's an Alchemical metaphor that the brighter your flame grows, the dimmer everyone else's grows around you, until you are left in darkness with nobody's light but your own. Questioning, learning, and growing is scary, that's why a lot of people don't bother. As you grow, the stagnant ones around you shrink. Remember to always love them, but depend only on yourself and those who you can genuinely learn from.

Parapsychology is a fun hole to go down, it runs down similar avenues as the Paranormal. Jung is a solid foundation for Parapsychology, Blavatsky & Stiener are fun for Paranormal perspectives, but there are loads of authors to pick from here. Its dense but Blavasly's Isis Unveiled is full of paranormal cases.

Whats most important is that you follow your passion, wherever it takes you, if you stick with it and disregard fear, you'll walk your path faithfully.

Robert Ramsay

Oct 1, 2023
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Welcome to the forum!

If it's any help, sleep paralysis is not a paranormal phenomenon of itself.

Occult just means 'hidden', but not usually in the sense of a withheld secret, more in the vein of things that are difficult or impossible to explain to anyone who hasn't had the experience.

As I understand it, paranormal are experiences out of the ordinary and parapsychology is the study of those experiences.


Feb 8, 2022
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Welcome to the forum :)


Jun 8, 2021
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I'll read as much as I can and see if I find some answers. Unfortunately the people in my life that are left to talk to avoid these topics and even though it is an issue for me, and feels very real, they just brush it off as nothing. I was so sad yesterday, since I tried to explain some things to my sister, but her reaction, though understandable I guess, left me feeling that we are strangers somehow.
Post automatically merged:

Thinking of the fear you mention, two kinds come to mind: the paranormal and judgement.

Regarding the paranormal, I used to suffer sleep paralysis growing up, and it lingered, becoming a nightly occurrence for more than twenty years. I learned to walk into the dark places since I had nowhere else to go; no helping hand, at least that I was aware of. It remains scary but I found courage somehow. Whats more is these days reality and dream seem to be hard to distinguish, and those terrors seep into the waking world. I stay alone and the shadows from my dreams now lurk in my periphery, they whisper predictions and prophecy, or maybe its just my own thoughts, according to psychologists. Everything that has transpired lately made me consult tarot, and I kept getting told that I am being watched; some feminine energy, which does not help.

Regarding fear of judgement, it is something that is deeply ingrained from my upbringing, and whenever I explore these topics it gnaws at the back of my mind, but I pleaded with God for answers for so many years, crying like a child sometimes but he or it remains silent, and I have become so tired. I need to talk with something, and if I face judgement for speaking with shadows to try and understand the light, so be it.
Your shadows are things you have to face. Like for example: all the things that are terrifying you in the Dark. Those are your shadows. Ask yourself questions: like why am I feeling this way? Or why am I having issues?.

Try to not let anybody tell you that you are wrong or that you are going to hell if you go this route. You should not let anybody control your life. You just have to have a mindset of not giving a fuck about what people think.

If God is not answering you, go within. Ask your Soul some questions, and I promise you, sooner or later, you'll get your response. But, be patient and if you can, do some meditation.
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