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Open Request Hoodoo Honey and Sugar Spells: Sweet Love Magic in the Conjure Tradition

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Jul 15, 2023
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Deacon Millett of Four Altars Gospel Sanctuary presents full, complete, and authentic instructions on every kind of sugar, honey, apple, onion, molasses, and syrup spell you can imagine. Deacon Millett is a Reconciliation and Love Spell specialist, and the incredible opening section is filled with the Deacon's recipes for making your own sugar scrubs, sweet bowl spells, and honey baths! Plus, he has included an extensive "Frequently Asked Questions" section, gleaned from the pages of the Lucky Mojo Forum -- with incredible answers by our intrepid moderators and members of the Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers. The information you have always wanted is now available in one easy-to-read compendium.

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