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How do i actually talk to spirits


Jun 25, 2024
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I have done some small invokations form the arbatel and asked for some stuff but never got a real response but some of you actually seem to be able to have 2sided conversations with spirits
Is there a trick to it or is it just luck/practice


Apr 29, 2024
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You need to empty yourself, your chattering thoughts are like water that fills the cup of your mind. You need to empty it and be ready to receive incoming transmissions. Being able to listen is a skill that needs to be honed and practiced, same with your attention, otherwise communications will be too subtle for you to pick up.

From my understanding, non-material beings communicate in a way that surpasses words, they use feelings, visions, lessons. Sometimes it's like information is directly downloaded into your mind, or veils are lifted. These beings are also reported to be felt as geometric shapes or fields of condensed vibration / plasma.


Nov 20, 2023
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You need to empty yourself, your chattering thoughts are like water that fills the cup of your mind. You need to empty it and be ready to receive incoming transmissions. Being able to listen is a skill that needs to be honed and practiced, same with your attention, otherwise communications will be too subtle for you to pick up.

From my understanding, non-material beings communicate in a way that surpasses words, they use feelings, visions, lessons. Sometimes it's like information is directly downloaded into your mind, or veils are lifted. These beings are also reported to be felt as geometric shapes or fields of condensed vibration / plasma.
Yep - that's pretty much it.


Practical Philosopher
Mar 25, 2022
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If you don't have the space in mind for you to specifically "hear" the spirits, there are other ways to experience what they are attempting to communicate. Divination via Tarot or Ouija or even automatic writing are good methods that tend to be useful. Depending on they type of entity as well you can use context clues based on the environment.

If you need a focal point, a mirror (oftentimes a "black mirror" - basically polished obsidian) is a good method, which also allows for usage of symbols on the mirror for "protection" if you don't feel comfortable with talking to another entity.
Aug 14, 2024
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From my understanding, non-material beings communicate in a way that surpasses words, they use feelings, visions, lessons.

It's my own UPG but i tend to think that MOST OF spirits communicate that way.

We all fantasize to have a talk like what we see in movies but experiences made me realise you can't expect a spirit of a river, a plant or even a stone to talk like grandmother.

Most of it comes from feelings, images, visions, body sensation etc.

I remember when i started trying to talk to the fay i expected them to appear like pokemon would do. I had no image but i had web like feeling on my face, tingles in my hair, my feet would vibrate etc.

Even since i try to use my "inner vision" all those events stopped happening.


Organized Chaos
Aug 1, 2024
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As others said, clearing out any chatter but I’d also include training your ears can help as well. Doing this can be as easy as sitting and picking out multiple sounds at once or listening to music and picking out the different instruments, you can even train your ears listening to a double and triple time flows, hear the words and also listen to the beat at the same time. It helps to be able to clear your mind but also have trained ears in order to pick up on things people normally can’t do so well. It’s a way to get in a “flow state” without thinking about it. I first noticed this when I was in a state where there were just flowing thoughts and my mind couldn’t keep up because my mind was so cluttered it’d jump from one question to another and I’d be unable to retain what was expressed.
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I have done some small invokations form the arbatel and asked for some stuff but never got a real response but some of you actually seem to be able to have 2sided conversations with spirits
Is there a trick to it or is it just luck/practice
Luck if you don’t practice, but with practice you don’t need as much luck, sometimes without practice you can retain some info but it can slip away as quickly as it comes, it’s by luck you remember anything unless you practice. I outlined some practice techniques to help retain for information by practice getting into a flow state with sound. Eventually it becomes second nature, also as someone else mentioned clearing the mind. Like zen meditation.


Jul 7, 2024
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I have done some small invokations form the arbatel and asked for some stuff but never got a real response but some of you actually seem to be able to have 2sided conversations with spirits
Is there a trick to it or is it just luck/practice

There is no trick, it is all practice. As other people have mentioned, put yourself in a meditative state to start your ritual. High magick opened my spiritual senses. I was banishing nightly, raising energy several times a week, meditating in the ambiance of the banishing ritual, and doing pathworkings on the Tree of Life. Then I started following all that with some modern grimoire work. Eventually I occasionally had spirits showing up and talking to me. If it worked for me, it can work for you.

As for the form of the conversations, mine were often UPG in the form of thoughts in my head - I hate to use the word "telepathy" because of its cheesy science fiction connotations - to which I responded verbally. They were usually short and to the point, but they do occur.