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how do i know all this witchcraft stuff is real?


Mar 2, 2024
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I am new to this but am unsure if any of it is truly real.
I just can't wrap my head around how doing some spell is going to change the future in any way shape or form.
My aunt in law is a "psychic" and "witch" but I think she's just doin that to make some money.

I guess what I'm asking for is some sort of proof or such like some spell or something in which I can do to experience something strange or supernatural.

And if this is all real, can someone make a spell to change my physical appearance and or make me grow taller or something like such?


Oct 13, 2022
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One can say that magic happens coincidentally and that will actually be your proof of magic, you can summon demons and you might end up believing that it was all in your head. You just some how made it up which is false and I believe can be dangerous, believing such falseness isn't healthy for the mind in my opinion. I've summoned demons and asked for the amount of £x,xxx and I've received it.

Unfortunately I can't proof it, someone has already posted books for you to read so I would begin reading those.

change my physical appearance and or make me grow taller or something like such?
I believe that to be a possibility, I don't how and many would disagree but magic bends reality and makes it so.


Aug 17, 2023
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I am new to this but am unsure if any of it is truly real.
I just can't wrap my head around how doing some spell is going to change the future in any way shape or form.
My aunt in law is a "psychic" and "witch" but I think she's just doin that to make some money.

I guess what I'm asking for is some sort of proof or such like some spell or something in which I can do to experience something strange or supernatural.

And if this is all real, can someone make a spell to change my physical appearance and or make me grow taller or something like such?
There's a test mechanism ready to hand. Try your aunt out. If she's the real deal, she should be able to pony up some tangible results. Maybe she's in it for money. But she may have some ability nonetheless. Since we in the forum are separated by physical distance and the digital divide, we can say any old thing, all unverifiable. Your aunt is right there, no?


Jul 2, 2022
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And if this is all real, can someone make a spell to change my physical appearance and or make me grow taller or something like such?
Mate, if there is someone who can do that with a single spell, they surely are not hanging around here. Thats a big if.

Start with something small, like trying to manifest 3 dollars 32 cents, something like that. That wouldn't be on the realm of gods and myth but it also would be in a point you can't just chalk it up to coincidence.


Oct 29, 2023
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ok but what if we make him think or believe to be taller thus giving him the confidence
to indirectly manifest .... 3 dollars and an inch

eeeh? eeeeeeh?
its a technicality but we could do something with him yet
Post automatically merged:

Hell. Crows is right. give us the child and a week or such
we just might make him taller
how long it would last is another thing.
Last edited:


Jul 2, 2022
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ok but what if we make him think or believe to be taller thus giving him the confidence
to indirectly manifest .... 3 dollars and an inch

eeeh? eeeeeeh?
its a technicality but we could do something with him yet
Get Fuego out of the closet while you are on the way 😂

In a serious note, I am not stopping anyone who wants to help someone.


Aug 17, 2023
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ok but what if we make him think or believe to be taller thus giving him the confidence
to indirectly manifest .... 3 dollars and an inch

eeeh? eeeeeeh?
its a technicality but we could do something with him yet
Post automatically merged:

Hell. Crows is right. give us the child and a week or such
we just might make him taller
how long it would last is another thing.
One does not need magick to create confidence.. One should go try something difficult or that they fear. If the succeed, there's a quantum confidence leap. If they fail, they showed themselves they had the grit to try. (And they learned how not to try it next time.)


Oct 29, 2023
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that's out of context to the point.
i started the wall of text before i realized you probably knew that

we prob. 🌠could🌠give that witch one inch

i have spoken thus it is so.
do not tempt my ire thy bringer of difficulty and conflict, sway your black wings away
for i know the names by which ye be warned, by which ye be constrained.
away with ye.
Sep 9, 2021
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There is a weather spell for a rainy day I used to use ... Let's see if I can remember.
To be used on a rainy day, where the sun's light can be seen behind the wall of grey...

Rain, rain go away,
Come back another day,
Apollo! Helios! Kepper-Ra!

Reach both hands up toward the sky like a Y, imagine your fingers thrust up toward the sun, pulling the clouds away as if a napkin taped to the sky

Come out of the gray!
Let it be a sunny day!

Still reaching up like a Y, pull hands apart as if opening a curtain

Apollo! Helios! Tum! Hathor-Ra!

The sun should come out, a rainbow and the rain cease.


Oct 22, 2023
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One of the first principles of magic believing. If you believe is not real then it isn't.

Then What you think is true or not: you're right.

We used to want everything easy.

Find your own truth. Search, think and play but be careful.

God bless you.


Staff member
Feb 18, 2023
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I am new to this but am unsure if any of it is truly real.
I just can't wrap my head around how doing some spell is going to change the future in any way shape or form.
You experience it yourself, it's the only way.
No one does their work in hopes to "prove" it to others, they do it for themselves, so it is kind of a moot point to even talk about this specifically.

My aunt in law is a "psychic" and "witch" but I think she's just doin that to make some money.
To each their own, while there are indeed "quacks" out there that give a bad reputation to those with actual skills, it isn't wrong of them to try to make money from their alleged skills.People pay for it if they want and if they believe, no one has to do it if they're doubtful or outright don't believe it.

I guess what I'm asking for is some sort of proof or such like some spell or something in which I can do to experience something strange or supernatural.
No one can nor will do it for you, because if you're already with this mindset of not believing(or even if you actually believed in it), your bias will make it so nothing will be seen as an "act of the supernatural".
I do realize that what you're seeking here seems to be akin to asking someone to suddenly "do a D&D" and "summon a fireball", but as far as I've seen this isn't what happens.Things are more subtle or don't work as directly like that.

If things worked like in Hollywood, I'm sure that there would've been many news of massive deaths, a lot of people getting rich suddenly, couples breaking up and getting together in a matter of seconds, etc.

As much as even I wanted to, so far it doesn't seem like real life magic is like D&D, a pity indeed.
And if this is all real, can someone make a spell to change my physical appearance and or make me grow taller or something like such?
Guess we reached the actual desire of yours.Not to know if the supernatural and magic are real, but if you can get visibly fast and easy results out of it.As far as I know the only way for someone to grow taller is by doing exercises and praying to their genetics, or doing a surgery to lengthen their legs.

Mate, if there is someone who can do that with a single spell, they surely are not hanging around here. Thats a big if.
You never know, but the idea of someone like that being here does sound interesting, doesn't it?The idea that someone with this kind of power could actually be real.
Sep 9, 2021
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I'm sorry to point you towards the books I mentioned, They don't have a thing to do with witchcraft.
Laurie Cabot and Margot Adler (Power of the Witch, Drawing Down the Moon) do work
We do have a few witchcraft books in the library.


Jan 29, 2024
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You will believe the more you practice and the more results you see. I was also a skeptical atheist at one point but the more proof and signs I saw that spells work and that demons/deities exist, the more I believed. And the more your believe, the better and more powerful your spells will be.

Robert Ramsay

Oct 1, 2023
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Basically, what everyone else said. Magic is like sex; you have to experience it before you know what all the fuss is about.

I would start simple; don't try to eat the whole elephant at once, as they say.

I recommend the essay Pop Magic! by Grant Morrison. It's straightforward, it's funny, and it contains the basics of what you need to know.

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Jul 3, 2023
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Even if you experienced something "strange or supernatural", you could always explain it away with self-delusion, coincidence or some other rational explanation. There is only anecdotal evidence, and it's just that: other people's stories, nothing more. I think that magic won't ever by accepted by science because so much depends on the operator, not on the formula used, and that clashes with the replicability principle. So there is no proof, and there can be no proof, I'd say. Like Alan Chapman says: "Truth is experiential". You have to get your hands dirty yourself, and all we can offer you is theories that may fail to convince you.

Extremely simply put: we are practising magic (or trying to) because we want to, regardless of the success of our spells. Every so often somebody would go on the magick or occult Reddit and post something like: "Prove to me that magic is real!". Mostly that person gets no answers at all, or only ones such as "Nah", "Don't feel like it, go play with your toy chemistry set", etc.

Moreover, beginners like me go constantly through what Tanya M. Luhrmann ("Persuasions of the Witch's Craft: Ritual Magic in Contemporary England", it's in the Library) calls an 'interpretive shift', from "I don't believe a word of it" to "Holy crap, this shit works!", from purely psychological explanations like "It's all in my head" to a firm belief in spirits and back again, or they may be completely unsuccessful and begin to search for a reason for this in themselves (again like me). Others feel drawn by magic because of its olde worlde mystique or unrealistic and overblown expectations fuelled by the media but stick with it due to curiosity and inquisitiveness.

You'd have to find out yourself if you really can make yourself more attractive or taller but for this initial inquiry, you must give magic at least the benefit of the doubt in order to persist in a quest where constantly getting sidetracked and reading a lot of books, useful or not, is almost a given. Many of us do not mind that there is no guarantee of success and become involved in an almost fanatical quest for self-transformation or experiencing the divine, all but forgetting about spells, successful or not - again, the 'interpretive shift' phenomena at work, up to the point where we are unable to explain what we do, or trying to do, to outsiders.

You may call this "Try it yourself" a cop-out but that's the only answer we can truly offer you, the truth of the pudding being in the eating and so on. No proof, no guarantees of success, highly unreliable and unpredictable… small wonder magic is considered such a fringe activity.


Sep 1, 2023
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I am new to this but am unsure if any of it is truly real.
So for me, something doesn't have to be 100% proven real for me to think it's worth experimenting with

If something is free or cheap, and does no harm, why not try it? If it doesn't help, what have you lost?

I take the drug buproprion for my ADHD. It's not the standard treatment because it doesn't work as reliably as other medications, but in my case the standard meds don't help and this one does. Most proven medications, actually, work well for maybe 2/3rds of people and are useless for the remaining third. So psychs/doctors give you one to try, and see how you go after a few months. If your symptoms don't improve, they give you something else to try.

You see what I mean? I didn't insist on definite proof that buproprion would work for me. No proof could exist - it doesn't work for everyone. I just knew that it works for quite a few people, so it's worth experimenting with.

I would say: don't hold magic to a higher standard than western medicine in terms of how sure you have to be before trying it out.

(The real difference is, you won't feel embarrassed if you try medication and it doesn't work. But you might feel embarrassed if you try magic and it doesn't work. In fact, I felt embarrassed doing magic when I first started out, even when it DID work. But fear of embarrassment is not a good reason to avoid something, especially something you can do in private that no one else will ever know about)


Aug 17, 2023
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So for me, something doesn't have to be 100% proven real for me to think it's worth experimenting with

If something is free or cheap, and does no harm, why not try it? If it doesn't help, what have you lost?

I take the drug buproprion for my ADHD. It's not the standard treatment because it doesn't work as reliably as other medications, but in my case the standard meds don't help and this one does. Most proven medications, actually, work well for maybe 2/3rds of people and are useless for the remaining third. So psychs/doctors give you one to try, and see how you go after a few months. If your symptoms don't improve, they give you something else to try.

You see what I mean? I didn't insist on definite proof that buproprion would work for me. No proof could exist - it doesn't work for everyone. I just knew that it works for quite a few people, so it's worth experimenting with.

I would say: don't hold magic to a higher standard than western medicine in terms of how sure you have to be before trying it out.

(The real difference is, you won't feel embarrassed if you try medication and it doesn't work. But you might feel embarrassed if you try magic and it doesn't work. In fact, I felt embarrassed doing magic when I first started out, even when it DID work. But fear of embarrassment is not a good reason to avoid something, especially something you can do in private that no one else will ever know about)
Like Karl Popper said, there's no such thing as confirmation of a theory. And, as his critics quickly pointed out, no such thing as disconfirmation either. It's 3-Card Monte all they way and the worst that can befall is, that's right, the full Monty.