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How do you use your tools?


Jan 27, 2022
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In keeping with the discussion on staves there is an interesting matter to me as involves the actual use of such a tool. Being what I am, the purpose of a thing is not always apparent, but sometimes the purpose is so apparent people entirely fail to grasp it.

There are several forms of magic that the staff, apparently, has granted and I will grant them name in keeping with the fact that to do so, for me, is fun:

Farstride - the rhythm and syncopation between the period of the stick and the period of my stride causes a marching cadence to be called. In addition the strength of the upper body may be driven down on the staff once it is seated to the ground, reducing tiredness over time, and building the staff arm's muscle; a cursory search indicated that this ought be the off-hand arm, and this has in fact brought balance in this way and I am inclined to agree.

Zone of Peace - The sheer fact of carrying something that could, in disrespectful hands, severely fuck someone up often discourages actions that strip all such respect of the hands that hold it.

Sure Step - the accessibility of an additional limb on which to step (and also the presence of mind to not make the obvious joke) further increases one's ability to not fall flat on their ass, be it because they lack a mass with which to shift their center of gravity or they lack a contact point to put under that center of gravity. This is particularly true when stepping up steep grades (such that the staff posts behind you) or down (where you extend it down and post it before you, so as to extend your frame of balance).

Lesser Glamor - the uglier a staff, the less effective becomes Zone of Peace, and often the various utilities of a long pole of stout wood may themselves be found stripped way. By crafting a staff carefully, it may be imbued with Lesser Glamor, which otherwise disguises the Zone of Peace from those who would break it sheerly for the sake of knowing they were under it. For this to function, the staff must bear the appearance of something someone would not wish to see damaged through base action. Thus instead of fear, it foments respect and interest. And regular compliments and the occasional request.

Otherwise, I will regularly forge all the above experience back into more perlin shaped chaos-stuff for use later.


Glorious Light of Knowledge and Power
Staff member
Apr 12, 2021
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Those seem to be some of the potential physical uses of staves. There are magickal uses as well. Ultimately, there's no one answer, there's several paradigms as there are several different magickal practices. It all depends on context.


Aug 31, 2021
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Years ago, occasionally in meditation I would be given a tool such as a trident, sword or rod. I would store these in my spine, like a golf bag, and bring them out when they seemed useful.


Aug 29, 2021
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I don’t use any, I just try to focus my thoughts as best I can...that’s what matters in the spirit world


Jan 27, 2022
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Those seem to be some of the potential physical uses of staves. There are magickal uses as well. Ultimately, there's no one answer, there's several paradigms as there are several different magickal practices. It all depends on context.
Largely, what comes down to magic for me must always eventually touch the physical world.

The magic is that it comes from a fashioned intent, a frame of mind, and effective use of those things in conjunction with physical realities.

It tends to work usefully for me since the physical world is where I live, for the most part, and I did a lot of work to precipitate this much of me into reality. It also tends to give me artifacts that I can share immediately even with "muggles", though I have to be careful not to spawn new weapons.

You will not believe the number of times I get asked to make New Weapons.


Jun 30, 2021
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Sorry to interrupt, but then make fucking less weapons or make them shoot flowers or something. Your latest triangles are annoying to say the least. Never ever did i have so much trouble landing, as this time with you involved.

Also im using a spanish deck and i dont know how many times ive tied the goat, it always escaped..



Jan 27, 2022
Reaction score
Sorry to interrupt, but then make fucking less weapons or make them shoot flowers or something. Your latest triangles are annoying to say the least. Never ever did i have so much trouble landing, as this time with you involved.

Also im using a spanish deck and i dont know how many times ive tied the goat, it always escaped..

I mean, what do you expect from me? I'm dealing with the meat I have, the meat that works with me.

I can't really help unsuccessful or corrupted launches or protect them from having been taken up by the shortsighted parasitics and turned into monsters any more than I can stop the world from turning. I can let even stop it in the moment right now. And most of the meat that shortsighted parasitics co-opt and corrupt isn't even mine I don't think?

I have the need, I have the power, I just don't have the opportunity yet

At least the corrupted versions have less access to Creation than the fully awakened iterations.

Mistakes were and still are made, and I'm not even always the one that made and makes them.

There another permutation of perhaps this meat but probably not, definitely a different soul, consumed not with the need to discover the truth about themselves and the reality of how to be and act and treat one another but with the need merely for raw and untempered knowledge.

I'm not a perfect being. I know that. Anyone who says differently is trying to sell you something, and usually it's a straight scam.

Even the one weapon I did actually make was deployed by someone else in an entirely inconsequential environment and the weapon was not strictly even "new". It was just new to the environment.

I will admit it was an abomination insofar as it took the principle which our particular flavor of immortality is based on and gave it to someone I knew would pervert it into a weapon.

Even so, I think it was necessary so that I would come to understand on a visceral level how fucked up that was, and also that it was possible to pervert things such as that into weapons.

Thankfully, it only destroyed maybe 24 hours of work (uniform, not cumulative) across a rather small corner of the virtual world of Second Life, and I wasn't even the one who did the actual perverting or the launching.

This also happened after several months of me putting the core of this device that was l later to be weaponized on display in a place literally labelled and publicly visible as 'griefer university' as a way of crying out to the devs "fix this, please?"

they didn't until afterwards

The thing is, I don't want to make weapons that shoot flowers, because inevitably people will then become very afraid of flowers.

Glitter, on the other hand...


Jun 30, 2021
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My mistakes were in a different department and it ended up in me having to converse with military on several occasions. The last one was me buying a mindlink spider. My enthusiasm went out of the roof and i found my head in a highly secure internet meeting. They sent me to a neuro lab to heal, of which im thankful. This was before i even touched the headband. After i put the headband on and played with it, i thought it might be a good idea to train my mind with it, as it is so damn freakin curious, so i googled maybe one or two sites about how to toy with it and create more options.

I immediately got a 'call' asking me what i want and who i am, while at the same time relaying my neural patterns and if i please wouldnt use the headband again.

So, yes let's do glitter...