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How long did it take you to master astral projection?


May 10, 2024
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In the A∴A∴ system, the duty of the Neophyte is to master traveling in the Body of Light. Interesting that that is considered basic.

Does it take most people a year? 100 hours of practice?


Jun 8, 2021
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In the A∴A∴ system, the duty of the Neophyte is to master traveling in the Body of Light. Interesting that that is considered basic.

Does it take most people a year? 100 hours of practice
How it happens to me, is that I surrendered to The Universe and only pop out of my Body whenever The Universe allows me to.


Apr 29, 2024
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I can assure you that, as a spiritual being trapped in flesh, moving into the etheric body is one of the most important things on your agenda. If you don't before your body dies, then...

Take it seriously, more seriously than anything. Meditate. Focus on it. It will happen when you are ready, it isn't like practicing an instrument, it requires will. The body must sleep, but the mind needs to remain sharp and aware without being swept away by drowsiness. You can practice for ten thousand hours but if your heart isn't in it, if you're not psychologically ready, and more than anything, calm in total chaos, then it just won't happen. You must cleanse yourself too, emotionally and psychologically, otherwise you'll just be lost in a maze of pleasures and gratifying fantasies.

Also, practicing extra hard on full moons is a good idea.

Start by dream Journaling like your eternal spirit depends on it.

For reference, I'm a Shaman not a Hermetic, take that into consideration when weighing my advice.


Jun 8, 2021
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I've never bothered learning anything about astral projecting. Like football, it never seemed to be of any interest to me.
But it's fun!!!!! Even though my OBE's didn't last long.
Post automatically merged:

I can assure you that, as a spiritual being trapped in flesh, moving into the etheric body is one of the most important things on your agenda. If you don't before your body dies, then...

Take it seriously, more seriously than anything. Meditate. Focus on it. It will happen when you are ready, it isn't like practicing an instrument, it requires will. The body must sleep, but the mind needs to remain sharp and aware without being swept away by drowsiness. You can practice for ten thousand hours but if your heart isn't in it, if you're not psychologically ready, and more than anything, calm in total chaos, then it just won't happen. You must cleanse yourself too, emotionally and psychologically, otherwise you'll just be lost in a maze of pleasures and gratifying fantasies.

Also, practicing extra hard on full moons is a good idea.

Start by dream Journaling like your eternal spirit depends on it.

For reference, I'm a Shaman not a Hermetic, take that into consideration when weighing my advice.
I like how you mentioned how to have a will for it. It's crazy because I haven't been out of my Body in long time and I desire it the most. Ever since I had my first few experiences, I want more. Perhaps, my time will come.


May 10, 2024
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I've never bothered learning anything about astral projecting. Like football, it never seemed to be of any interest to me.
why are you posting on WizardForums in the middle of the FA Cup final???????
Post automatically merged:

I can assure you that, as a spiritual being trapped in flesh, moving into the etheric body is one of the most important things on your agenda. If you don't before your body dies, then...

Take it seriously, more seriously than anything. Meditate. Focus on it. It will happen when you are ready, it isn't like practicing an instrument, it requires will. The body must sleep, but the mind needs to remain sharp and aware without being swept away by drowsiness. You can practice for ten thousand hours but if your heart isn't in it, if you're not psychologically ready, and more than anything, calm in total chaos, then it just won't happen. You must cleanse yourself too, emotionally and psychologically, otherwise you'll just be lost in a maze of pleasures and gratifying fantasies.

Also, practicing extra hard on full moons is a good idea.

Start by dream Journaling like your eternal spirit depends on it.

For reference, I'm a Shaman not a Hermetic, take that into consideration when weighing my advice.
So what was the training process like for you?


Apr 29, 2024
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why are you posting on WizardForums in the middle of the FA Cup final???????
Post automatically merged:

So what was the training process like for you?
The majority of the training involves painting the dire background (putting things in perspective to escape the casual, brain-dead cattle state most of us live in so that we actually WORK & take things seriously) and meditating to learn how to disconnect from the body.

To leave the body, you need to see the border between where you end and your body begins. Meditate on what your experience is, who you are, what sensations actually are and how they effect "you". This gnosis sheds light on what your vehicles are; without meditating, trying to Astral project is like climbing into a helicopter with a blindfold on...

Other senses exist, outside of the 5 ones you are used to. To discover them you need to shut them off and explore. Sensory deprivation, curiosity, and more than anything fearlessness is a good combo.

To exist in the dream state your consciousness needs to be strengthened, like a muscle. Meditation is exercise for that muscle.


Aug 11, 2023
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Other senses exist, outside of the 5 ones you are used to. To discover them you need to shut them off and explore. Sensory deprivation, curiosity, and more than anything fearlessness is a good combo.
Do you truly need fearlessness?
Is ceaseless courage not enough?


Apr 29, 2024
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Do you truly need fearlessness?
Is ceaseless courage not enough?
Fear is a "no" emotion, it leads only to panic and aversion; if you feel fear while walking a tight-rope, or while experiencing something completely alien and foreign, it will not help you in any way, if anything it will make you slip, or come to some conclusion outside of truth.

Even courage is too much imbalance when you're dealing with higher level experiences: equanimity, lightness, curiosity, and sobriety are your finest guiding lights from my view. From the Gnostic/Hermetic, Yogic, and Buddhist/Zen literature I've seen, most of them say that at a point all emotions need to be discarded when you leave the realm of duality. This doesn't make you colder, only more at peace and increases your capacity to love, where as courage or fear could get in the way of it.

Becoming fearless is easy as well with true gnosis and objectivity. Why would a wave of the ocean feel anxiety about crashing along the shore?


Aug 11, 2023
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I have some experience with Buddhist literature and meditation practice but I am still a neophyte. I have touched on equanimity in earnest but my skill is still in the early stages of development. AP seems to be far from me for the time being.

I have a Buddhist temple in the area.
I have not yet spent time with any of the monks to further my practice which is curious because I have asked for a teacher several times.

In your experience would a Buddhist temple (mainly the monks) possess the resources to improve a meditation practice?

I am less interested in AP than spiritual development. If AP is a necessary step in developing the spirit then it sounds like a good goal.


Apr 29, 2024
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I have some experience with Buddhist literature and meditation practice but I am still a neophyte. I have touched on equanimity in earnest but my skill is still in the early stages of development. AP seems to be far from me for the time being.

I have a Buddhist temple in the area.
I have not yet spent time with any of the monks to further my practice which is curious because I have asked for a teacher several times.

In your experience would a Buddhist temple (mainly the monks) possess the resources to improve a meditation practice?

I am less interested in AP than spiritual development. If AP is a necessary step in developing the spirit then it sounds like a good goal.
A Guru, a master, a better location or Sanga, all of it has the allure of being the "one thing" you need that's holding you back from spiritual enlightenment. It's human nature, we do that in material matters too, I believe it's just a way for the psyche to ease its burden by linchpinning.

Monks and masters may help, but they could also hinder you just as much; half of Zen literatute can be sumerized as smacktalk about how all the other Zen sanctuaries are doing it wrong, so giving your spiritual development to the care of another... is a gamble. Every master claims to be right.

In the Astral there may be beings worth trusting with reverence, but us humans are a dishonest, delusional, and lovable breed. You would be safest acting as your own guide, as you'll eventually have to tread the path ahead alone anyway. I suggest research and reading from all different kinds of traditions and schools (its easier than it sounds) then coming to your own conclusions about how to practice spiritual development! 📖 🦉

Just as a kind of cosmic "soul insurance" I would suggest getting control of your Astral Vehicle, as many traditions "secretly" believe you can escape death through it when the physical body perishes. It also will give you a lot of perspective needed to advance with gusto spiritually; dreams become a lot more insightful too as a reault of the attempting and can themselves contain teachings that sound as though from an actual master. My own personal Astral experience while meditating shook me to my core and put gas on my fire like nothing else.

Most of what monks do all day is meditate anyway. And sing, ir clean. You don't need to radically change your life, just make more time for meditating. Perhaps cut back on the screentine and entertaining - but useless - pastimes.

I've read a lot, too much probably, but out of everything I've read, only meditating on one book has ever resulted in me having an Astral experience: the Marrow of Zen section in Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind. I recommend that book with my whole being. Also the Baghivad Gita, Platform Sutra, and Upanishads, just cause they're neat.

You can read the words of masters from all around the world and throughout history from a box that fits in your pocket, we are more capable of spiritual evolution than ever! 🦉


Apr 29, 2024
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Of course, the simple fact that one can pop out of the body under some conditions does not establish survival after death, at least not for any length of time. Me going scuba diving doesn't make me Ariel, the Little Mermaid.
There is the question of what is popping out. Are we beings of light? Is the Astral form our true form, or just a projecton of our bodies? There's also considerations to be made of what is death, what - if anything - perishes. What of reincarnation? Are we damned to thousands of lifetimes of suffering, tearing animals apart with our teeth and being clawed to death by others if we do not escape in these human vehicles while they're ours? Cosmologies, opinions, research, it's only as complex as you make it.

You're right that just because one can pop out does not guarentee survival after death. Still, as an entity that may vanish at any moment, unrealized and incomplete, it's something to think about.

At the very least, you may not be Ariel, but you could still hang out under water in a scuba-suit for a deal if you have a good system and stuff. It's a thing people do, so it can be mastered, and mastery comes with benefits.



Aug 17, 2023
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There is the question of what is popping out. Are we beings of light? Is the Astral form our true form, or just a projecton of our bodies? There's also considerations to be made of what is death, what - if anything - perishes. What of reincarnation? Are we damned to thousands of lifetimes of suffering, tearing animals apart with our teeth and being clawed to death by others if we do not escape in these human vehicles while they're ours? Cosmologies, opinions, research, it's only as complex as you make it.

You're right that just because one can pop out does not guarentee survival after death. Still, as an entity that may vanish at any moment, unrealized and incomplete, it's something to think about.

At the very least, you may not be Ariel, but you could still hang out under water in a scuba-suit for a deal if you have a good system and stuff. It's a thing people do, so it can be mastered, and mastery comes with benefits.

Good point: what pops out? I still haven't sussed that part, though I have managed a bit of out-popping.


Apr 29, 2024
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Good point: what pops out? I still haven't sussed that part, though I have managed a bit of out-popping.
What pops out?
What animates these physical bodies and houses our experience? What makes something "alive"?

All I know for certain is that life is brutal and painful, animals savage each other for territory that they use to hunt, or forage and find their flesh torn from their bodies. Did you know packs of Hyeenas typically
target their preys balls to get them to quit running away, before ripping flesh off then a chunk at a time, taking sometimes hours for that beings pain to end?
Just the possibility of getting thrown back into that is enough to motivate proper Astral Projection practice in me in hopes of escaping that blind, animal existence where brains aren't complex enough to escape.


Jan 26, 2024
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@IllusiveOwl knows something many don't.

traditions "secretly" believe you can escape death through it when the physical body perishes.

The belief that everybody's "soul" is immortal is rather odd, or that survival after death is a given, very little of this is mentioned in Tradition.

Samsara or Moksha

Reincarnation Soul Matrix on the Moon or being send back to source on Orion

Going back into the soil or totem serving as basis for those after you or becoming an hero, guiding those coming after you.

Being a servant in Hel or feasting with the gods in Walhall.

Staying on earth, reborn as a Hyena this time or being reborn on the many other planets or going back to Grsnaloka and stay with the Absolute.

Whatever term you are more comfortable with, they all describe the same.

Various aspects of your human aggregate have various fates attached to them.

Your concious I, your Daimon (yes Demon, perverted term by christians), your shadow (what remains of most people).

For most people your concious I will vanish, your personality, which was illusionary to begin with anyway, you are then reduced to a shadow (like the state what you are in your dreams), which will die a second time, a various lengthy period.

If you, through various means receive actual transcendence you can overcome the second death. But this is far from confused vision and fantasies, its rather akin to the state of a God. Your race and caste helps in this, but is no gurantee or free ticket. The material body is lost anyway, it can not be saved and will never be. It can never be because it is meant to die. Only by creating an immortal body or second body out of the Daimon you can survive. It must be able to stand on its own in the astral plane or invisible domain. However all of this must have been preceded by Initiation. Which is similar to death already. Otherwise you are too confused when you actually die and let the opportunity slip away. Try being concious as closely as possible to the moment you fall asleep. It's exactly like that. If you can preconceive "10" and immediately fall asleep you are very far.

"Leaving behind every fault; go back Home. Filled with splendor; be reunited with your Body"

Death grants Immortality.

I find it very interesting that you see astral projection as training for this second death. It's not a wrong conclusion. That's what made me comment.

Bardo Thödöl is a good reference for what the second death is like.


Aug 17, 2023
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@IllusiveOwl knows something many don't.

The belief that everybody's "soul" is immortal is rather odd, or that survival after death is a given, very little of this is mentioned in Tradition.

Samsara or Moksha

Reincarnation Soul Matrix on the Moon or being send back to source on Orion

Going back into the soil or totem serving as basis for those after you or becoming an hero, guiding those coming after you.

Being a servant in Hel or feasting with the gods in Walhall.

Staying on earth, reborn as a Hyena this time or being reborn on the many other planets or going back to Grsnaloka and stay with the Absolute.

Whatever term you are more comfortable with, they all describe the same.

Various aspects of your human aggregate have various fates attached to them.

Your concious I, your Daimon (yes Demon, perverted term by christians), your shadow (what remains of most people).

For most people your concious I will vanish, your personality, which was illusionary to begin with anyway, you are then reduced to a shadow (like the state what you are in your dreams), which will die a second time, a various lengthy period.

If you, through various means receive actual transcendence you can overcome the second death. But this is far from confused vision and fantasies, its rather akin to the state of a God. Your race and caste helps in this, but is no gurantee or free ticket. The material body is lost anyway, it can not be saved and will never be. It can never be because it is meant to die. Only by creating an immortal body or second body out of the Daimon you can survive. It must be able to stand on its own in the astral plane or invisible domain. However all of this must have been preceded by Initiation. Which is similar to death already. Otherwise you are too confused when you actually die and let the opportunity slip away. Try being concious as closely as possible to the moment you fall asleep. It's exactly like that. If you can preconceive "10" and immediately fall asleep you are very far.

"Leaving behind every fault; go back Home. Filled with splendor; be reunited with your Body"

Death grants Immortality.

I find it very interesting that you see astral projection as training for this second death. It's not a wrong conclusion. That's what made me comment.

Bardo Thödöl is a good reference for what the second death is like.
I knew an old geezer in Alaska, a retired Army chaplain no less, who'd sometimes muse over his cups, "Eternal life? You barely deserved this temporary one!"


Mar 21, 2024
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In the A∴A∴ system, the duty of the Neophyte is to master traveling in the Body of Light. Interesting that that is considered basic.

Does it take most people a year? 100 hours of practice?
Well, Astral projection is a complicated subject as even though after 3 years I think, of training, I mastered it to potentially astral project at will, still, Astral projection surprises me as I still have to master a lot of things related to it.

Astral projection is a complicated subject indeed, but not impossible to master, even if it may take a year, or two. Practice and practice until you get comfortable and sure about it. That is the best thing to do in this case


Apr 29, 2024
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Well, Astral projection is a complicated subject as even though after 3 years I think, of training, I mastered it to potentially astral project at will, still, Astral projection surprises me as I still have to master a lot of things related to it.

Astral projection is a complicated subject indeed, but not impossible to master, even if it may take a year, or two. Practice and practice until you get comfortable and sure about it. That is the best thing to do in this case
Do you have any suggested daily practices, or specific things you focued on improving upon each time you attempt to Astral project while folk work through their first few years? 🧉 🦉


Mar 21, 2024
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Do you have any suggested daily practices, or specific things you focued on improving upon each time you attempt to Astral project while folk work through their first few years? 🧉 🦉
Well, I basically started with trance working, both solo, and by slowly looking at the sensations I would get by astrally projecting.

Other things include even meditations I found from YouTube like this one here:

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It is really deep and helped me practice.

And also this one from a channel I recommend called Sound Energy Alchemist:

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And, the other steps I did were a lot of aura work and personal guidance of course, from my Guardian angel related to such matters. Spiritual communication is a good practice in order to master at-will astral projection.

Hope it helped