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How to summon Bhoot Aaiyyani Chudarmanian Adhavena

Note: the actions in summoning this being are similar to that of the Preta, so sections below have been copied from section 13 and adapted for this entity.

(A summary of the ritual is given below so you can skip to that section if you wish to try out summoning a Bhoot)

As is traditional in most Tantric Abhichaara Aaiyyanist Practise, one must perform this ritual when the sun is completely set, i.e. at night. This is regardless of what time-zone you are in; it must be when it is completely dark from sunlight. (Please note: artificial light or candlelight is required when you write the symbols/yantra down as described below).

Historically many Aaiyyanists choose 2 am in the morning to perform this ritual. When the sun is visible the positive energy of the Sun God Surya permeates this realm and can dispel the "negative resonant energy" required to link up with the Bhoot Tala or other Talas. Thus if you try to perform this ritual during the day it will not work, unless you are a very high level Tantric Aaiyyanist practitioner and are very linked with the entity you are trying to call.

In order to breakdown the gap between our realm and the Bhoot Adhavena Tala you must first inscribe the ancient Dravidian Aaiyyanist script (which is shown in the image above) onto the floor. (This is the script that was revealed to us by Adhavena herself as described by the previous sections.) In other words, you must copy the image you see above onto the floor. This can be done directly onto the floor or on paper. This can be done using candlelight to see or using a lamp or lantern. Artificial (electric) light is also permitted but do not make the light too bright.

The method of copying can be done in a few ways that are traditional to various Aaiyyanist schools. You can either draw the symbols/yantra onto the ground using a wooden stick, or if the ground is too hard you can use charcoal. If you are inside your house you may also use paper placed onto the floor and inscribe the Tantric symbols using charcoal.

By writing down the Aaiyyanist inscription onto the floor the link between our reality and the Bhoot dimension will be open. To facilitate resonant transference of energy to create the doorway/tunnel - it is imperative that you chant the name of the Bhoot you are trying to contact. So, once the inscription is finished. The final part in unlocking the gateway between this realm and the Tala is chanting the mantra of:

"Aaiyyani Chudarmanian Adhavena"

You must keep chanting "Aaiyyani Chudarmanian Adhavena" until you begin to feel the presence of Adhavena.

As you chant the mantra feel yourself becoming relaxed and meditative and allow your spirit to enter into the realm of the Bhoot Tala.

It will usually take 100 chants to summon Bhoot Aaiyyani Chudarmanian Adhavena for a practised Tantric Aaiyyanist. For a lay person it may take 100-500 chants of this mantra before you feel the presence of Adhavena. And trust us you will feel her presence in the room with you.

(Additional notes from the Aaiyyanist VarNa Tantric form: You can also stare for as long as possible (a form of unblinking meditation known as Andraanayanal) at the Tala image until it fades from view and changes such that the Tala begins to open. As you become more attuned to this process you will see it change before you.)

Once you feel the presence of Aaiyyani Chudarmanian Adhavena, all you need to do is tell her verbally your wishes and allow her to do the rest. Remember that entities in Talas and Lokas do not communicate verbally but speak via the mind and spirit. There is no language barriers between entities (Asuras, Gods etc...) and humans; but by speaking verbally you actually clear your mind and focus on what needs to be said. (You can test this yourself by speaking a clear sentence and trying to have your mind wander at the same time). So speaking clearly to the entity will form the basis of the communication. For example if you wish to curse someone you should tell Bhoot Adhavena the name of your enemy and how you would like them to suffer. She will then send the negative energy to your enemy.

You can also ask the Bhoot to remove negative energy from you to give you wealth and power or secret knowledge. Many of our world leaders invoke entities this way to further their careers or power base.

You must perform this action/ritual every night until the act you wish to happen has been carried out and fulfilled. It does not matter if you miss a night, only the resonant energy transfer will diminish if you have long gaps in between invocations.

There is something that I should mention. Entities such as Gods, Suras, Pretas, Bhoots, Asuras etc... do not exist in this space time. They exist in Lokas and Talas (other dimensions) so can appear to multiple people at the same time. Many Aaiyyanist Hindus practise astral projection by entering Lokas close to our plane of existence and thus can be seen by many people in different locations.

A summary of the ritual is given below:

1. Perform the ritual at 2 am using candlelight (or dim lights).
2. Inscribe the symbols you see in the Tala image at the top of this page. This must be done onto the floor or paper using charcoal or a wooden stick for sand covered floor. You can also stare (unblinking) for as long as possible at the Tala image until it fades from view and opens itself.
3. Chant the mantra: "Aaiyyani Chudarmanian Adhavena" until you feel the presence of the Bhoot.
4. Ask the Bhoot what you wish to happen. Speak clearly.
5. You may ask the Bhoot (politely) to leave you immediately but the resonant energy link will eventually dissipate and the entity will naturally depart before sunrise.
6. Or you may ask the entity to remain with you, so that you will ultimately become One.​
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