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lee smith

Jul 24, 2024
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Hello Everyone,
I go by Lee Smith. I'm in my late 50's.My wife and I have been married for 30 years and we have 3 grown children and some grand kids. I have been around magic and spirituality almost my whole life. i am retired-disabled and during the warm months, I am mostly house bound. I do have experience in Magick. Most of my experience is in mysticism and Shamanism. What religious inclinations I have are toward my ancestral gods which are the Norse and German gods. I have engaged in Goetia. I've found it doesn't seem to work as intended. It works but just not the way you think it will. I also spent many years as a Christian in the church. I was ordained in fact. So there we are.

lee smith

Jul 24, 2024
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Well the last Goetic Ritual I did because I was in severe financial need. I have limited resources and medical issues. I needed several grand immediately for vehicle repairs and such. I contacted Clauneck under Duke Dantalion's advisement. Within about 4 days I had a large sum of money fall into my life from nowhere. Then not long after my wife was seriously injured. I specified in the working that no friend or family be injured. I could be wrong but after much thought and discussion with my spiritual advisor, I have to take the stance that my wife's injury was a result of that working. Do I blame Clauneck? No, he did what I asked. But there are always unexpected consequences to any action taken. I am hesitant to practice Goetia further until I have greater understanding of the principles of evocation. In all honesty, I could have made a mistake as a lot of my non shamanic training was in Chaos Magick and we tend to be a little loose with the rules in ritual.
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: "Lots of different places" :)
Thank you. Lol, I am not a Macleod, but I am a Hall.
Last edited:
Oct 7, 2023
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Hello Everyone,
I go by Lee Smith. I'm in my late 50's.My wife and I have been married for 30 years and we have 3 grown children and some grand kids. I have been around magic and spirituality almost my whole life. i am retired-disabled and during the warm months, I am mostly house bound. I do have experience in Magick. Most of my experience is in mysticism and Shamanism. What religious inclinations I have are toward my ancestral gods which are the Norse and German gods. I have engaged in Goetia. I've found it doesn't seem to work as intended. It works but just not the way you think it will. I also spent many years as a Christian in the church. I was ordained in fact. So there we are.
Well the last Goetic Ritual I did because I was in severe financial need. I have limited resources and medical issues. I needed several grand immediately for vehicle repairs and such. I contacted Clauneck under Duke Dantalion's advisement. Within about 4 days I had a large sum of money fall into my life from nowhere. Then not long after my wife was seriously injured. I specified in the working that no friend or family be injured. I could be wrong but after much thought and discussion with my spiritual advisor, I have to take the stance that my wife's injury was a result of that working. Do I blame Clauneck? No, he did what I asked. But there are always unexpected consequences to any action taken. I am hesitant to practice Goetia further until I have greater understanding of the principles of evocation. In all honesty, I could have made a mistake as a lot of my non shamanic training was in Chaos Magick and we tend to be a little loose with the rules in ritual.
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Thank you. Lol, I am not a Macleod, but I am a Hall.
I've found that magic rarely works the way we expect. In fact magicians I work with often have to be shown when they've achieved a result 'cos often they're looking the other way. I always call a spirit in meditation first and ask them first if they're willing to do what I ask and then how they intend to fulfill that task. Often this becomes quite a lively discussion. When I was much younger I had a five hour argument with a spirit I had evoked about how a request would be fulfilled. We eventually came to a satisfactory agreement and the ritual worked well and all the agreements were fulfilled. The only thing I forgot to do was put a time limit on the result and it's still working all these years later which is sometimes a little inconvenient and embarrassing. William Bloom (who did the Abramelin) worked out that we attract spirits to us all the time and the thing is to talk to them. Phil Hine suggests we should talk to our angels and demons to find out what they're trying to do for us and how. For instance, asking the Demon of Self Esteem why it finds it necessary to have us buy a new pair of shoes every month just so we can feel good about ourselves. Oh, I see angels and demons as the same. I think they're all elementals who are delightfully childlike but if you develop a great relationship with them, you can learn and gain a lot.

lee smith

Jul 24, 2024
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Ummm. I would never think of either angel or demon as child like. In a lot of ways they are very similar. TBH, I tread lightly around either one.An Angel can and will thump you if you offend them. My illness affects my language skills at times. So I don't know the right words to express my concept. You could say that I find demons grungy compared to angels but they are both Ancient and Awesome (in the old meaning of the word, not the cool one.)


Aug 17, 2023
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Hello Everyone,
I go by Lee Smith. I'm in my late 50's.My wife and I have been married for 30 years and we have 3 grown children and some grand kids. I have been around magic and spirituality almost my whole life. i am retired-disabled and during the warm months, I am mostly house bound. I do have experience in Magick. Most of my experience is in mysticism and Shamanism. What religious inclinations I have are toward my ancestral gods which are the Norse and German gods. I have engaged in Goetia. I've found it doesn't seem to work as intended. It works but just not the way you think it will. I also spent many years as a Christian in the church. I was ordained in fact. So there we are.
Greetings! An interesting background. A few weeks back, someone mentioned starting a study group of Stephen Flowers' course on Rune magick.


Jun 10, 2024
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Greetings! An interesting background. A few weeks back, someone mentioned starting a study group of Stephen Flowers' course on Rune magick.
Well the last Goetic Ritual I did because I was in severe financial need. I have limited resources and medical issues. I needed several grand immediately for vehicle repairs and such. I contacted Clauneck under Duke Dantalion's advisement. Within about 4 days I had a large sum of money fall into my life from nowhere. Then not long after my wife was seriously injured. I specified in the working that no friend or family be injured. I could be wrong but after much thought and discussion with my spiritual advisor, I have to take the stance that my wife's injury was a result of that working. Do I blame Clauneck? No, he did what I asked. But there are always unexpected consequences to any action taken. I am hesitant to practice Goetia further until I have greater understanding of the principles of evocation. In all honesty, I could have made a mistake as a lot of my non shamanic training was in Chaos Magick and we tend to be a little loose with the rules in ritual.
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Thank you. Lol, I am not a Macleod, but I am a Hall.
Will, what you just said fits perfectly with my experience with lower spirits "none angelic" to them your like a fish, and they need to hock you up and reel you in, they might answer your request every now and then, but they'll purposefully cause problems for you in indirect ways in your life so that you keep going back for more and more help, kinda like a drug dealer trying to get his new customer hooked on hardcore drugs, they deeper you go with them, the worse the conditions become, untill one day you wake up and you are completly owned and shackled by them, by that time if they ask to go kill someone you have no choice but to do it, because they not only have position over you but over everything you hold dear, I have seen this story play out so so many times, I come from a background where contacting spirits and working with them was a common day occurance. Somehow I survived by saying NO all these years despite all the temptations. I don't want to dampen your spirits, but the spirits your gonna encounter in shamanism are the exact ones from the goetia, just different names and different masks

lee smith

Jul 24, 2024
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Spirits are in some ways like folks. Some are easy to get along with and some aren't. Your statement indicates that you have no operational experience. I would guess that most of your experience in watching others involved watching those who were out of their depth. If I'm wrong, please correct me. The incident with Clauneck is my fault as I operated on a wrong set of assumptions. I am correcting my assumptions regarding Ceremonial Magic. If / when I do another goetic working it will be using a Grim that I understand intrinsically.

In regards to Shamanism, it as any spiritual endeavor, including the Jesus Prayer, has it's dangers. A plant or tree spirit is a totally different type of spirit then an angel or demon. The spirit I walk the path with in shamanistic, well actually my life is a totally different type of spirit. I only speak with him every 3 -5 years as he, like myself, is a solitary creature.

The Gods and Goddesses of my ancestors are for the most part very easy to get along with as long as you prove that you are not afraid to stand up to them and won't take their shizz. They are not impressed with those who denigrate themselves to them. Respect yourself and respect them and it's all good. In Norse religion a lot of your dealings are with your ancestors. Why? You have a better chance that one of your actual ancestors may like you.

So my experience over all in spiritual matters refutes your statement, at least to me. Thank you for feeling concerned enough to speak to me about your concerns.
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