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Journal Hunters for the Books of Powers

A record of a users' progress or achievements in their particular practice.


Sep 22, 2024
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Warned: What is this ficticious LARPing nonsense?
Dear members of the community "Hunters for the Books of Power"! Recently in
personal correspondence, as well as on the Kalaratri website, I received a message from
a magician calling himself "Black Wanderer" with the following content. Who has
heard anything about the book he is asking about. I myself think that such a book
may well exist, only the title may be a little different, 1-2
letters longer.
"Hello, I would like to share with you a story that a friend of mine told me, with whom I worked for some time in the same brigade. In 1992-93, he served in the NATO contingent on the territory of Yugoslavia. On one of the hottest combat days, he was sent as part of a platoon of soldiers to clear the area of militants in Apsonu on Garadzhi. This area is located in the mountains, between two ridges of rocks flows the Drina River (it begins in that area, local residents said that the water in the river, if you drink it, heals from any disease), but at that time only corpses were floating along it. There was also a male Christian monastery there. On the way, they met an elderly man, at that time he was already 96 years old. The soldiers gave this man some of their provisions, for which he showed them the entrance to the cave in gratitude and said that they would find something there that anyone would like. They began to move forward with great caution the depths of the cave (at that time, plastic mines were already being placed, which could not be detected by mine detectors and other ingenious mines), but glory to the Almighty, nothing like that was discovered along the way. Soon they entered a corridor apparently laid out in those ancient times, since there was no limit to admiration for the skill of the ancient builders. The masonry was done very skillfully. So they soon entered one of the rooms. In the middle of this room was a round altar. The altar was made of an amazingly colored marble and was covered from bottom to top with copper plates in the form of snakes. The altar was round, on its surface lay a book wrapped in cloth. The surface of the altar was round, on both sides there were candles in carved candlesticks. The surface of the altar around the book was round, at equal distances there were several of these rotating circles and on different sides on its marble surface various incomprehensible symbols. Along the wall there were shelves with ancient books, and a lot of attributes that were incomprehensible to him: rods, staffs, robes with also incomprehensible pentagrams and symbols on them... He took with him only this book, the binding of which was made of human skin and locks of gold. They were not allowed to take much with them, because it was considered looting and for this you could end up before a tribunal, but the officer corps and De La Marca (a contingent from Great Britain) dragged everything in a row: paintings, hundreds of ancient icons, gold and silver dishes, etc. He would have stayed to serve, but he was seriously wounded, a sniper bullet broke his kneecap, after which he ended up in a French hospital, where he underwent a complex operation and completely restored the functionality of his knee joint. He said that if he had ended up in a Ukrainian hospital, his leg would have been amputated. Already at home, by that time quite a lot of time had passed, he remembered about that book (which he took from this altar), he opened it... He saw a lot of things that were incomprehensible to him, its text was handwritten. The text was ancient Latin, the drawings and texts were done neatly in the Gothic style. But after some time he fell seriously ill and was taken to the regional oncology hospital, where he spent three months. Expensive treatment did not produce any results, his wife prayed for him in church all day long. A priest was invited to him, so that if he could, he would help him with his prayers. Apparently, this helped him, since his body by that time was already completely covered with terrible ulcers, and began to gradually clear up. When he arrived home, the first thing he did was light a fire in his garden, pour gasoline on the book and throw it into the fire. When the book caught fire, multi-colored tongues of flame began to burst out of the fire. The fire flared up so much that its flames rose 15-20 meters up. Everything around was humming and shaking like on a volcano. Many years have passed, and nothing grows on the site of the fire. This place is considered anomalous. During every thunderstorm, lightning strikes this place and the ground is red...
If possible, write your comment on this story. With respect, Black Wanderer."
You can either take or not take the Books of Power, and if you take them, give them to someone who needs them more. Their destruction can lead to negative results.

2. The Purple Book. Written in purple on white pages. Instead of letters, there are small geometric figures. Whoever remembers them all ("photographs" them in their memory) will receive the opportunity to work with beings of a parallel world and the key to enter this world with the physical body.

3. Scrolls from Sumer?
On January 5, 2009, I received a letter from a reader. He writes: “Dear Igor Vladimirovich! We have an ancient family. One of our ancestors, a non-commissioned officer, was classified as a bourgeois in 1825. He treated people. He could cure any disease. Scrolls were passed down through our family. These scrolls were written in Sumerian. Distant neighbors found out about these scrolls and stole them. A few days later, a fire broke out and their house burned down. Only the edge of the table on which the scrolls lay remained intact. They melted and turned into glass. Observers of the fire said that a beam of light emanated from the fire into the sky. A bright, blinding light. My great-grandmother read prayers from these scrolls and disappeared. And then she appeared. Is there any way to somehow return these scrolls and the power they contained? Perhaps someone has similar ones? Waiting for a reply. Sincerely, Sh… Evgeny Vasilyevich, City of Alushta, Autonomous Republic of Crimea." Any comments? Who of our participants has heard of such scrolls? These scrolls were clearly made of paper made of molten sand (silica) - that is, they are the technology of one of the ancient civilizations. Our scientists created paper from sand experimentally only in the 80s of the twentieth century.

4. Excerpt from the ancient mystical book "Volkhovnik"
1. How did the author get hold of the manuscript excerpt? On March 12, 2007, a journalist friend, the editor-in-chief of a serious newspaper, called me and said: - Rao, hi! It turns out that they already know you in Peru! I was taken aback: - Really? This is the other end of the world. Tell me more! The story began to become clearer. Our compatriot from Zhitomir, Oleg Danduryants, went to Peru to visit his wife's relatives - a beautiful Peruvian and hereditary Indian Katrin. Oleg took several of my brochures on magic with him to study them at his leisure. Having flown to the homeland of Carlos Castaneda, Oleg began to look for local magicians and wizards. And he found an entire town, the population of which consists mainly of sorcerers and sorceresses. The town is called Kachichi and is located in the state of Ica. Legend has it that magicians have always lived in Kachichi. Some can heal, others can tell fortunes, others can cast spells, others can remove them, others can change fate, others can talk to spirits, others can communicate with gods, and so on. Witchcraft knowledge is passed down through generations. And no one would have known about it if a witch from Europe had not come to this town a hundred years ago. She shared her knowledge with the Indians, and they gave her theirs. The town of Kachichi became famous thanks to the stories of the white witch, who then visited many places on the American continents and reported everywhere about the town of magicians. The next contact of the magicians from Kachichi was with me, albeit in absentia. Oleg translated some chapters of my brochures and the resulting texts not only pleased the Peruvian sorcerers, but also caused them to agree with the magic methods I provided. Having learned about such a wonderful journey of my works, I hurried to meet Oleg and Katrin. They turned out to be a beautiful and charming couple. Knowing that they would visit Peru more than once, I expressed my secret desire to introduce me as closely as possible to the magical technologies of the Indians. My new friends readily agreed, although... Katrin began to study ours - the ancient Slavic faith and magic. Both in Peru and in Bolivia, she had heard a lot about the strength and power, truth and greatness of our ancient knowledge. And the spouses, it turns out, in search of pearls of Slavic wisdom, set out on the path of searching for knowledgeable people and ancient texts. They were also asked to do this by Peruvian magicians. In 1994, a student from Zhitomir, Yevgeny Butsenyuk, met a knowledgeable grandmother living in the village of Kalinovka, Kyiv region. The grandmother said that in her family in ancient times there were sorcerers who left behind an ancient manuscript. This manuscript was rewritten many times due to the deterioration of the birch bark, parchment and paper, its pages were often lost, and some of them even burned in a fire during the Great Patriotic War. As a result, only seven sheets of the manuscript remained. The manuscript was called "Volkhovnik". Grandmother gave these sheets to Evgeny, and he translated the text into modern Russian. After some time, strange things began to happen to Evgeny. In his dreams, magical fairy-tale creatures began to come to him and colorfully describe various rituals and recipes for alternative medicine. On the streets where he walked, as if from nowhere
mysterious elders appeared, talked to him and went into nowhere again. Finally, one elder told Evgeniy that whoever possessed this manuscript, or part of it, automatically became the leader of the ancient mystical order of Magi, the Great Fire, which included not only ordinary priests and priestesses, but also Magi who had gained immortality, and even magical creatures described in myths. Evgeniy founded the society, the Perunov Regiment, which was engaged in collecting information about ancient times and putting this information in order. After some time, Evgeniy decided to leave for Russia with most of the Perunov Regiment, and the manuscript received from the Kalinovskaya grandmother, he gave to his friend Vladimir Chen. It was Vladimir's turn to found a new society, which he called the Great Fire. The manuscript's journey did not end there. Vladimir Chen gave it to Vadim Vinnik. And with both of them, during their possession of the manuscript, the same thing happened as with the first owner. And finally, Vadim Vinnik hands over the pages of the manuscript to Oleg Danduryants. Today, Oleg uses the mystical powers that the manuscript attracts to its owner to establish contact with knowledgeable sorcerers. But since he is planning a long trip to Peru and Latin American countries, he is going to return the manuscript to Vadim Vinnik. An interesting property of the manuscript is that virtually all people who read it actually begin to come into contact with the world of supernatural beings for a while. The text mentions some previously unknown to a wide range of readers new magical herbs - Gray and Rock. With the permission of the "Great Fire" in this book the reader has the opportunity to get acquainted with this mysterious text. Perhaps one of the readers will be lucky enough to become an ancient Slavic magician? Or maybe there are other grandmothers who keep other sheets of the manuscript called "Volkhovnik" and will help restore the full text? In any case, write to us.
A surviving excerpt from "Volkhovnik" in a modern Russian translation: "His name is Power. His Navi is around us. He will come when the circle is closed. He is mighty not only with the strength of his arms and legs, but also with the mind given by Rod. For He came from the lands where Dazhdbog leads the golden mare to sleep, for He came from the lands where Dazhdbog wakes up, and He walked like this twice. Sharpened by the power of Perun, He carries an invisible sword. And the Spirits will flock to His feast. And all that exists will kneel before Him. And the sky will fall and the Navi will say: “Rejoice, earth, watered by the spears of Dazhdbog! The wings of Simargl bring the wind. He has come, he will be! The Svarozhichi open their golden eyes, playing with the children of Khors in the spring. Hear: Perun is coming to us with a heavy step! Wash yourself with Perunova’s dew, which is called blood! It will add strength, for this dew conceals many miracles. Rejoice, being, for He is already near!” That which conceals terrible Power, which plays in the body like the wind of Simargl, Play the grass called Perunova. He who has learned of this wonderful grass will be invincible, for this grass endows the body with Wisdom. Oaks bow their heads before it, Spirits bring sacrifices to Perunova’s grass. Know where the land of Rod gave birth to her: in the pine forest, where Simargl flies from Midnight, and the roots of the pines are covered with moss. Pick her. She will boil on the fire. Drink her. And the mind of Perun will come to you. And you will hear the language of the beast running, crawling and flying. And you will remember the sons of Rod. Their Power is the Power of heaven and the Power of earth. And this Power is with us at this hour! Conscience is our Power, the rope of the past and future paths of Dazhdbog, for the sign of Perun is the sign of eternity (a swastika with twisted ends is depicted). Its four ends are the Navi of the past, present, future and Eternal! Prepare for battle! For fiends like wild beasts will come, and our Power will go to distant mountains and dense forests, from where rivers of bitter waters will flow, for on those rivers there will be great weeping, heard in all villages. And the Power of Perun will fall, and the grandchildren of Perun will forget it, but it will fall in order to rise again, for he who has fallen to the earth is its son, and he who has gone underground is a blind worm. The power of the earth and the sky is in your body, for your feet grow from the earth, and the palms of your hands rest on the firmament. Stand up to your full height. Do not take a sword, or a spear, or any other weapon. Sharpen the invisible sword and kill with the power of your Mind, without bringing death. When Svarog comes, become a beast, when Dazhdbog comes, become the sky, when Stribog comes, become the wind, and when Perun comes, become Thunder and Lightning! Do not indulge your flesh, like a wild beast, out of mere carnal desire. But indulge your flesh only with the one to whom your soul is drawn. If you indulge your flesh out of ignorance, you will die, like a filthy creature, crushed in the mud. But if you indulge your flesh in the desire of your soul, live forever! If you break this circle, you will fall as a creature into the swamps, where the One-Eyed Likho seeks warm blood. You will fall as a filthy creature into the river, where the Rock-grass will rot your bones! Love the one who walked through the forest thickets to you, in order to enjoy you! Love the one who, not fearing the Gods, walked to you, wearing out his clothes in the rains! Do not love the one who exchanged gold for the desire of the soul! Do not love gold, but love Reason! An excerpt from the ancient mystical book "The Magician"

Forget who you are. Rise up like Perun's fire from the clouds of heaven. Become a stone. Your hands are like lightning strikes. Your feet are like thunderclaps. Beat! For there is no good, just as there is no evil! Good is evil, just as evil is good. Merge together the Mind of Chernobog and the Mind of Belobog. Beat untruth for truth! Beat truth for untruth! Beat the evil, for he will become good! Beat the good, for he will become evil! Know no fear, for there is none! Only flesh vegetates through life. Life is a brief moment, death is Eternity. Death is the freedom of Reason! Do not be afraid to lose the flesh, but be afraid to lose Reason! With death the flesh dies, but the Spirit gains strength! Darkness is your guide! Your power calls her to itself. And she comes. And the Light goes away, the one that takes your strength as food. Do not be afraid of the Darkness, for it gives you the light of the night. And this light is beautiful! The sign of Darkness is the horseshoe of the golden mare of Dazhdbog (a crescent moon is depicted), which burns on the body of Darkness, the daughter of Perun, for in the Light of day Perun's sword is invisible to the eyes, but visible in the Darkness with the brightness of lightning! Call on the Darkness. She sleeps in the pine tree during the day. Wake Her up, if trouble has come! She will help! Call with the Power of Reason, with the power that sleeps in your chest. Call louder! She will hear! For Perun directs her gait, and Simargl will cover the sky with a cloud. Darkness will come! And you will be invulnerable! O, light of Darkness, give my body a small part of your great power on the full moon! Give summer rain, give winter snow! Give Strength to my Mind! You and I – we are all children of the Family! I will exclaim Glory to You, Darkness that gives Reason! Turn your gaze to the full moon. Become an owl, feeling the earth with your bare feet. Look, there, in the mounds of the Navi, your bodies are turning to dust. But their souls, by the power of reason, rest on the firmament. Call upon the light of Darkness, it will hear your voice. With it, your Navi will come closer. Draw their sign on the mound (the letter "Ж" is depicted). And draw it seven times. And call Darkness with your spirit. And the Navi will come. And you will know everything that they tell you. Call the Navi on the full moon... Let praise be given to him who despises his own appearance and that of others! For you are only a pot, but not the wheat in it! Throw away the pot, for it is inedible, and take the wheat! If you do the opposite, Perunov's punishment will befall you. Do not break a tree, a bush, or grass without need. For it is alive, for its roots drink the power of Dazhdbog, and give it to you. Do not offend the one who has no protection! Know, without offending! Otherwise Stribog will not penetrate your bones with the wind, and mother damp earth will not accept dust! Offend a tree - great or small - and Rod will take revenge on you. For you, too, are a child of Rod, like a thousand-year-old oak, like a small blade of grass. Merge with the living - breathe the forest and drink spring water! Rise up! It is not fitting for your Soul to lie like a stone, you came here so that another would come for you. Let there be a shadow on the earth from your power, which is watered with the living juice of Khors' days! But only a shadow - for the hill that preserves the body and waters with the juices of the earth, is the path to the future ... Deceive your enemies! Lie, so that your truth does not fall into the hands of the enemy. Lie to the enemy, but do not lie to a friend! Hide the truth from the enemy, for to him a lie is the truth. You are a link in the chain. Break it - and your truth will become visible to the enemy. Only the Navi know your truth. Be strong and at the appointed hour the Truth will descend with the winds of Stribog, it will pour out as rain on the damp earth! For your truth is hidden in the body and in your mind! Take care of it, for soon it will go into the bitter waters and into the dense thickets, where the aurochs do not take their cows. Of two evils, choose the third! Reason is the chastity of the Spirit. I exist only in this light. Soothe the pain in your body, so that your body becomes strong. There is no truth in the legs only when there is no truth in the world. Do not break the circle, let it close! Love is the delight of the spirit, but not only of the flesh. Do not equate the Moon to the day and the Sun to the night. Enter the Black Stone with the flesh, but leave with the spirit! " The end of the text. Probably, comments are unnecessary. But I really want to express my impressions of the text I just read - how much wisdom, how much philosophy, how much legitimacy in it! Guided even by this short passage from the great heritage of the ancients, you can harmonize your life, thoughtfully walking along the path indicated by the ancient Gods. Have you noticed how much reverence for nature and respect for the Dark Navi is in this poetic passage? "Conscience is our strength", "it is not right for your Soul to lie like a stone", "do not offend someone who has no protection" - well, aren't these commandments that should be confessed in order to gain true strength. "The Wizard" more than once mentions the greatness of the ancient Darkness, the light of Darkness, which is "your guide", which "will help".

5. Two Magic Books by Sus Kryshen
In countries where Islam is widespread, Sufism is also widespread. Sufis often keep the esoteric
(secret) teachings of Islam. Sufis claim that they have two books written by Jesus Christ. They say that one of his disciples, foreseeing repressions by the Roman authorities, decided to retire to the Arab countries, which he did, taking with him two manuscripts of the Teacher. By the way, many modern Christians believe that Jesus was a Gaul, from Galilee (an ancient state near Israel). Galilee was created by the Gauls, who came to Europe from the Carpathian Mountains about five thousand years ago. The Bible calls them Philistines. The Gauls are one of the ancient Slavic tribes. Therefore, they call Jesus by the name Sus Kryshen, with which I completely agree, since this is stated by serious sources found recently in India, Tibet, China and Japan. The famous Arab scholar Al-Biruni, and after him a whole galaxy of Eastern mystics, claim to have seen books written by Sus. Al-Biruni even cites images from these books and quotes in his work “On the Sun of Divine Knowledge...” The first book is dedicated to summoning Angels. The second is about resurrecting the dead. It is possible that there are other books. Who knows anything about them? This information proves one thing. The Apostles and the first Christians were magicians, and they used magic in their worship services. Which once again confirms the thesis that magic is the practical (applied) theology of all ancient religions.

6. Let us mention the book of fairies, which is kept by the descendants of the Welsh druids in England, and which has the same properties. This is only part of such magical books that have come down to us from ancient times. The author has been searching for such books for many years, translating them and adapting them to the modern achievements of human intellect. And also publishing those fragments, the publication of which is now permitted by the powers above. Therefore, we are only beginning such dialogues with our readers. And I think that in the coming years, we will see the results of the first publishing experiments.

7. The Book of Sand has been known since the time of L. Borges. It should not be considered idle fiction. The author has two patients who once saw this book. You open it, read the text and close it. You open it a second time - and the text is different. The third time - a third. You ask a question, open the book - and read the answer to your question. Neither the elements nor time can destroy this book of sand. Here I will cite another case that happened to the author in 1993. An experienced gypsy fortune teller came to Kiev and bought a house near the Baikove Cemetery. People came to her home for an appointment and received correct predictions. To receive predictions, the gypsy had an ancient book (in-folio, i.e. A3 format), which she opened at random and read the text appearing on the sheet. The author also decided to drop in on the gypsy to receive a prediction. But when he arrived, the book was not found in the house. They searched all over the house, but did not find it. In connection with this, the gypsy stopped using the book and switched to more traditional methods of fortune telling - cards and coffee grounds. The book has not been found to this day, which has left both the author and the gypsy at a dead end with an unsolved mystery. Then, several times, this book appeared to the author in a dream

8. The book Necronomicon. Operations with the forces of order and chaos. And although several necronomicons have been published, there is an opinion of experts that they are not complete. I had the opportunity to communicate with initiates from Sufi orders existing in Arab countries. They claim that they have access to texts on chaos magic of more than one thousand pages.

9. The Book of Dhyan. A book written by one of the ancient civilizations that lived on Earth before modern humanity. At one time it was in the hands of E.P. Blavatsky. Then the monastery, whose library the book belonged to, returned it to itself. Whether the stanzas in "The Secret Doctrine" correspond to the real text of Dhyan - none of the experts undertake to assert. According to legend, G.I. Gurdjieff was familiar with this book.

10. The Book of the Ancient Light of the Great Mother. I think it is also the legendary Delomelanikon and the Book of Thoth.

11. The Book of the Jinn. The book contains instructions on how to compose the Secret Name of Allah from 28 letters of the Arabic alphabet. This Name is then divided into 4 small Names with 7 letters each. Each of the 4 small Names gives complete power over the jinn of one of the elements. They say that Al-Buni's book "The Sun of Divine Knowledge..." contains a part of the "Book of the Jinn". 3. The Book of the Jinn. In the conversation about the "Necronomicon" it was already written that Al-Hazred studied with the outstanding mystic and astronomer Al-Beruni (by the way, it was this scientist who created the first globe), from whom he adopted various kinds of magical knowledge. And then he traveled a lot. In his wanderings, he collected a lot of new knowledge, which he wrote down in books. Oral Arabic legends attribute 12 magical treatises to the pen of Al-Hazred in addition to "Al-Azif". One of them is the Book of the Jinn. Djinns are not at all creatures of primordial chaos, as some authors try to convince us. Creatures of chaos are definitely called "Ancients". Djinns are spirits of the elements, the same as our elves, gnomes, salamanders, wood goblins, house spirits, often called by the Latin word "elementals". And the followers of Carlos Castaneda call them "allies". Yes, they live in irrational worlds of power on the other side of the physical world, but they often come out into our world to control the elements, while taking on a completely human form. They are mortal, divided into two sexes, enter into marriage relations with each other and have offspring. The Book of Djinns sets out methods for summoning and controlling them. For a magician, this means gaining power over the elements. The Book of Djinns, written by Al-Hazred, like the other 12 manuscripts, fell into the hands of the Sufis and is guarded by them to this day. The Book of Jinn was in the possession of the famous Algerian magician and astrologer Al-Buni, who placed part of the knowledge in his treatise "The Sun of Great Knowledge through the Light of Divine Knowledge". This treatise consists of two parts, the second is an addition to the first - these are "The Sun of Knowledge and the Subtlety of Messages" and "Strung Pearls on the Science of Magic Squares and Astrology". The essence of the book by Al-Buni (full name Taqi ad-Din Abu-l-`Abbas Ahmad ibn Ali al-Buni al-Qurashi) is that Allah (and in ancient Arabic traditions this word meant the Supreme Deity or Great Deity) revealed to people his Name, consisting of 28 letters (in particular, this explains the presence of 28 letters in the Arabic alphabet). The Great Name is divided into 4 small Names, 7 letters in each. Each of the minor Names is capable of fully controlling one of the elements (air, water, fire, earth). Those who correctly understand the Names are given the opportunity to fully master the elements through a series of magical rituals. The author has had many conversations with Arab magicians (some of whom came to the author for courses in Vedic Magic), as well as with Sufis (with the latter, including through the magician Ingvar). In conversation, they repeatedly confirmed that many Sufi orders of the East store various ancient manuscripts on magic. The existence of the manuscripts "Ancient Light", "Al-Azif" and "Book of Jinn" were confirmed by them in conversation, and it was noted that these are manuscripts about completely different forces of the universe, and that excerpts from them that ended up in Western grimoires, including the above-mentioned editions of the "Necronomicon" are amazingly incomplete and contain barely 100th part of the knowledge of the original manuscripts. The astrologer and specialist in Vedic religions Ruslan Kukonesku, who is very well known to the author, is studying with a Shaivite Brahmin in India, not far from the city of Putaparthi, where the legendary Satya Sri Said Baba lives. The mentioned Shaivite Brahmin had once studied with a similar Shaivite Brahmin. But the Teacher of the Teacher, in addition to Vedic traditions, also knew Arabic magic, in particular, it was claimed, he read the very Book of the Jinn and gained power over the elements. The Teacher summoned jinn and they helped him in conducting rituals and worship services. He gave one jinn to his student to obey and sent him on a journey through Asia. The jinn, according to the Shaivite Brahmin who taught Ruslan, could deliver food, water, and clothing even in desert conditions. Over time, the owner began to abuse the services of the jinn, ordering him to steal things he liked from rich houses.
After some time, his Teacher learned about this, took the genie back from him and said that from now on he would only have to follow the path of Shiva, since he could not withstand the temptations on the path of initiation into Arabic magic. There are also two reports from Iran from a reliable source. The first is that a powerful magician lives in Tehran who can summon genies from another world, materialize them and provide them as servants for a period of three years to those who wish. The cost of one genie for three years is the equivalent of 3,500 US dollars. But the genies are returned to the magician much earlier, since they are difficult to control for an uninitiated person. There are many people in Iran who are distant descendants (relatives) of the Prophet Muhammad himself. Genies periodically come to them (most often they materialize directly from the elements of their element, taking human form) and ask them to pray for something, since the prayers of the Prophet's relatives have great weight in the eyes of Allah. All three books have very great magical power and possess certain properties (meaning their full versions). When a person reads these books, the powers described in them come to the reader and... - then there are only two options. Either the magician masters the power and becomes its master (here the will of the Absolute Deity, and the strength of spirit, and the strength of will, and karma, and the predestination of fate, as well as other factors play a role). Or the power masters the magician, then he becomes possessed, but most often dies (usually within 24 hours after receiving the knowledge). Sufis told a case when two people died on the same day, when they read only the book of Al-Buni and an excerpt from the Book of Jinn. Sufis also say that certain families keep the said scrolls with permission from Above, and they are passed down from generation to generation from father to son.

12. The other two interesting books are from the magic of the ancient Slavs. One is called "Shestokryl", the second "Semikryl". Legends say that these books are brought by spirits, and that they contain very big secrets. One of the author's students, who lives in Spain, studies eastern magic systems, including the magic of the ancient Slavs. Once, while summoning spirits through a magic circle, a strange incident happened to her. Instead of the summoned spirit, a winged creature appeared, similar to an elf, with a book, and said that it was Shestokryl, the keeper of this book. At that time, the student herself did not know anything about this legend.

13. The book "Red Magic" - who knows about it?
Many seekers of secret knowledge, meeting with me, talked about Red Magic. This book gives exclusively powers aimed at improving a person's health, increasing life expectancy and improving other functions of the human body.
They say that this book was read by the famous doctor academician Bolotov, who at one time worked on improving the health of the entourage of the President of Ukraine L.D. Kuchma. He was able to improve the health of many people in "hopeless" cases. They say that some woman from Kyiv, in whose library a copy of "Red Magic" is kept, gave him this book to read.
Bolotov's friend, having read this book, slightly lost his mind.
There is information that such a book, indeed, was in the libraries of the initiated. Who can supplement this information?

14. The White Book or White Magic. A book of white pages, in which blue letters appear under certain conditions.
There are also other books. For example, "White Magic". It is believed that it gives the way to the worlds of true Light, which humanity knows nothing about yet. Let us quote the researchers of the unknown in the 20th century - L. Povel and J. Bergier "Morning of the Magicians": "Humanity does not know the mysteries of Darkness. But we also know no more about the world of Light." Everything that humanity knows is its idea of Light or Darkness, but not these principles at all. According to legends, "White Magic" was made in time immemorial, by unknown otherworldly creatures. Its connection with the images of a pegasus and a unicorn can be traced. This book is not affected by fire, water, or time. It has 777 pages and they are absolutely white. Only at sunrise in a wheat field do blue letters appear. If you read the book in 3 days, you will gain immortality and Divine knowledge. The supernatural beings who created the book knew the future of the planet and therefore left at least one copy of the book in each language of the peoples of the Earth. There are selected families that keep this book and pass it on by inheritance. Initiates can be brought to the descendants of this family and gain access to the book. The author knows one initiate who simply stitched 777 white sheets into a binding and opened this book at sunrise. He claims that for some time the blue letters appeared and he managed to read several effective spells that he does not reveal to anyone.

15. "The Book of Shadow or the Black Book" gives the key to knowing yourself and the Deity through the shadow properties of the Deity. Shadow properties mean local expansions (incarnations) of the Deity in the lower world. It is written in white letters on black pages that glow in the dark from the flame of candles.
The eternal companion of "White Magic" is the book "Black Magic", which has 666 pages that are black. And they, these 666 pages, when heated over candles, show white letters. This book must be read for three nights, and you will also receive knowledge. However, it is believed that this knowledge is far from the nature of the human soul and can cause its destruction.

If anyone knows anything about these or other books of Powers, please speak up or add your own information...

There is also a Slavic legend. If you perform certain manipulations with a black cat, spirits will fly in and bring the caller a magic book called the "Black Book". This "Black Book" is supposedly kept in the Kremlin, in the Sukharev Tower. Once the summoner has studied the book, it is taken back to the tower.