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Success Story I found my superior

A post about how a spell, ritual, or other type of magick worked.


Jan 26, 2024
Reaction score
I met a very interesting woman. One that, for the first time ever is superior to me. And better than me. I mean in terms of magic, occultism, being. I think if I would try anything funny I would meet my end swiftly.

2 years ago I realised I needed a guide. A mentor. I did many things, but couldn't found one. It came during meditation and certain other things I did that many issues I had was for the lack of guidance. And that I need discipline and someone to hold me accountable. Because of all the potential I have and energy, that is often being wasted and not properly directed.

One time even, during a spontaneous OBE I think I encountered something and asked it to be my mentor but was swiftly refused. I tried a lot and yearned for it. During a dream too, I even got on my knees and asked for it to make me its student. But was kicked out of the dream into a nasty sleep paralysis episode.

A bit of a backstory, I hate authority. I opposed it all my live. And I don't mean a quiet sentence spoken under my breath but actually.

It caused me so many problems in school and my job life. Teachers denounced me and more often than not expulsion was in the room. But because of our laws that very clearly states that children are entitled to education they could not throw me out unless I was acting criminal

Later in life I was fired from so many jobs because I could not accept any authority. 5 at least.
Because they all were weak. Beneath me. Mentally, physically and spiritually. They had enormous egos, short temper and it was easy for me to make them break character. Lose their nerves, make themselves look foolish. How they even got into a position of authority in the first place was beyond me.

It is a natural ability of mine to sniff out weak leaders. As I'm a Kshatriya. And don't think it's one sided. I hold myself to a ridiculous high standard. I'm my own Tyrant, Rockefeller Mindset.

But I realised that for further growth and to fulfill my Dharma I needed a Master. A mentor. This is why I worship Ishtar, who is responsible for turning men into kings if they are strong enough, or to turn them into women, if they aren't up for it.

And for the last years the only thing I could think of was to find someone who can teach me. Who is better than me. But never found someone. Me, who resisted any form of authority his whole life.

Until a few days ago. I met her online and the first time I heard her voice something changed in me. She sounded exactly like my Daimon. The tone, the way her sentences are structured and this underlying authority in her voice. This self assurance. This calm superiority. And I was immediately hooked. She never lost this. Even during argument. Well as others argued with her. Threw insults at her and all. It was a scene that would break half of you. If you already think I'm a Nazi and asshole, those guys make me look like a crystal emily that waves trans flags.

We talked about esoteric and occult topics and she was able to add unto it. I often leave out stuff to see if the other person can add on it and she was the first who did so. Not just that, but she said exactly what I was about to say. And she said things I wasn't even aware of. And the way she conversed with me. As if she knew what I was thinking. I genuinely never had this in my life.

As we talked privately she said "Well seems like you were the one I'm supposed to find" and I couldn't even answer properly.

We spoke for a few more minutes and she said "You are being Neurotic. Stop that" and I was taken aback. I defaulted to a submissive "Yes I will" and almost added "Ma'am" to it. I never had this in life either. She triggered my swadisthana too from simple talking. Usually it only triggers during romance or similar.

I told her "I need a strong hand to guide me" and she didn't laugh, smirked or anything and said in the exact same tone "You have found it now".

I was not able to view her, but she viewed me. I didn't felt it happening. I don't know if it was telepathic but she read me. Like actually. And for the first time I felt superiority. Not fear. But superiority over me. This person is above me. I did no attempt to hide anything. She could see anything if she wanted to and my attempts at hiding were nothing to her.

And spoke frankly. She did never lose composure. She never had an egregore talking through her. Like so many others have. I did probe her like how I probe people to see if they are weak but it shattered completely. She had no ego either. Like this was insane. If she put on a mask or played a role, this was the best role someone ever played. Like seriously. I'm not a naive new ager.

She said Saturn is her God. Like she worships Saturn. And I often hear people say something like that but with her I really felt it.

It all feels surreal. And this is coming from someone that builds alternate realities during meditations. It feels surreal because for the last 2 years I worked tirelessly to receive a Master. To have someone I can subordinate myself to. Because no one wanted me or was adequate enough. And now it actually came.

I asked her if there is anything I can or should do for her. No. Only to keep doing what I would do anyway. She will contact me.

I feel happy. But also kinda fearful. Because it worked. I send out the call and someone or something answered it. And potently at that. I wonder if she knows I post this here.

I don't know where to go from here. Because if I would actually ask her to be my Master or Mentor/ Guide I would place a lot of pressure on her she might not even want. But on the other hand she let me know that she was looking for someone and I'm this apparently. There is also the chance she is manipulating me. But what if I want to be manipulated? I said it before that I'm into femdom, and this is the purest expression of that.

How can I be a worthy student/ subordinate to her? I don't want to fuck this up. Because I never met someone like her and I don't think I ever will again.

However just that this happened alone is great. That people like this exist. That can subdue me without even trying. Naturally. This means I can improve, become better and more than what I am. I hope that she will guide me. And make a good man out of me. To make me the king I'm destined to be.


Dec 31, 2024
Reaction score
I'm happy for you. Savor these feelings, remember them. It's a rare and electrifying sensation to find someone of merit that sees your potential.

When I found my Sensei, it was like a bird of prey had plucked me from the forest bed and brought me up to the treetops where I'm sharing beers with world-champion fighters.

How can I be a worthy student/ subordinate to her?
Respect. Simply acknowledge that she knows more than you do, that you are not better than her, and relish the chance to hold reverence for a person. You want to have merit yourself, learn from her, find how she acquired it. Leave your ego and shame at the door, do not place a burden of instruction on her, just learn as much as you can about her, her technique, and her regimen. Then the work is up to you.


Jan 26, 2024
Reaction score
I'm happy for you. Savor these feelings, remember them. It's a rare and electrifying sensation to find someone of merit that sees your potential.

When I found my Sensei, it was like a bird of prey had plucked me from the forest bed and brought me up to the treetops where I'm sharing beers with world-champion fighters.

Respect. Simply acknowledge that she knows more than you do, that you are not better than her, and relish the chance to hold reverence for a person. You want to have merit yourself, learn from her, find how she acquired it. Leave your ego and shame at the door, do not place a burden of instruction on her, just learn as much as you can about her, her technique, and her regimen. Then the work is up to you.

I just wonder what the enticement for her is in all of this. Out of pity? Or perhaps that she will use me for something? It could be that she's doing this for the sake of it perhaps. But we live in the Kali Yuga. Everyone wants to get something out of everything.

I just try to be useful to her. Because I can really learn a lot just from the way she speaks. I don't usually mention this here but I do youtube videos and I will become a famous and successful YouTuber. She knows about this.

As I told her this she said "You know that everything has a price right?"

Perhaps if I'm more famous or influential its more interesting for her. She kinda keeps me lowkey for now. And I expected her to talk more often with me. But It seems I have to learn this. As I can't demand this from her.

Like its not with other women that I want to conquer, with her its different.

I just hope it doesn't end here. But even if it does I at least know that these people exist. Perhaps when I'm more famous those people are more enticed to contact me. But it will likely only be fucking freemasons or whatever club approaches influencers.

But anyway this all is super exciting. For years I complained about my boring ass life. Nothing is happening! I need some Mystique and Drama! Like a Demonking I need to fight or a Kingdom to build from the ground up. But no its stupid consumerism.

At least now It starts to get interesting. Like hey some people are interested in me. Yes even if they want to manipulate me, its a start.


Jan 26, 2025
Reaction score
I met a very interesting woman. One that, for the first time ever is superior to me. And better than me. I mean in terms of magic, occultism, being. I think if I would try anything funny I would meet my end swiftly.

2 years ago I realised I needed a guide. A mentor. I did many things, but couldn't found one. It came during meditation and certain other things I did that many issues I had was for the lack of guidance. And that I need discipline and someone to hold me accountable. Because of all the potential I have and energy, that is often being wasted and not properly directed.

One time even, during a spontaneous OBE I think I encountered something and asked it to be my mentor but was swiftly refused. I tried a lot and yearned for it. During a dream too, I even got on my knees and asked for it to make me its student. But was kicked out of the dream into a nasty sleep paralysis episode.

A bit of a backstory, I hate authority. I opposed it all my live. And I don't mean a quiet sentence spoken under my breath but actually.

It caused me so many problems in school and my job life. Teachers denounced me and more often than not expulsion was in the room. But because of our laws that very clearly states that children are entitled to education they could not throw me out unless I was acting criminal

Later in life I was fired from so many jobs because I could not accept any authority. 5 at least.
Because they all were weak. Beneath me. Mentally, physically and spiritually. They had enormous egos, short temper and it was easy for me to make them break character. Lose their nerves, make themselves look foolish. How they even got into a position of authority in the first place was beyond me.

It is a natural ability of mine to sniff out weak leaders. As I'm a Kshatriya. And don't think it's one sided. I hold myself to a ridiculous high standard. I'm my own Tyrant, Rockefeller Mindset.

But I realised that for further growth and to fulfill my Dharma I needed a Master. A mentor. This is why I worship Ishtar, who is responsible for turning men into kings if they are strong enough, or to turn them into women, if they aren't up for it.

And for the last years the only thing I could think of was to find someone who can teach me. Who is better than me. But never found someone. Me, who resisted any form of authority his whole life.

Until a few days ago. I met her online and the first time I heard her voice something changed in me. She sounded exactly like my Daimon. The tone, the way her sentences are structured and this underlying authority in her voice. This self assurance. This calm superiority. And I was immediately hooked. She never lost this. Even during argument. Well as others argued with her. Threw insults at her and all. It was a scene that would break half of you. If you already think I'm a Nazi and asshole, those guys make me look like a crystal emily that waves trans flags.

We talked about esoteric and occult topics and she was able to add unto it. I often leave out stuff to see if the other person can add on it and she was the first who did so. Not just that, but she said exactly what I was about to say. And she said things I wasn't even aware of. And the way she conversed with me. As if she knew what I was thinking. I genuinely never had this in my life.

As we talked privately she said "Well seems like you were the one I'm supposed to find" and I couldn't even answer properly.

We spoke for a few more minutes and she said "You are being Neurotic. Stop that" and I was taken aback. I defaulted to a submissive "Yes I will" and almost added "Ma'am" to it. I never had this in life either. She triggered my swadisthana too from simple talking. Usually it only triggers during romance or similar.

I told her "I need a strong hand to guide me" and she didn't laugh, smirked or anything and said in the exact same tone "You have found it now".

I was not able to view her, but she viewed me. I didn't felt it happening. I don't know if it was telepathic but she read me. Like actually. And for the first time I felt superiority. Not fear. But superiority over me. This person is above me. I did no attempt to hide anything. She could see anything if she wanted to and my attempts at hiding were nothing to her.

And spoke frankly. She did never lose composure. She never had an egregore talking through her. Like so many others have. I did probe her like how I probe people to see if they are weak but it shattered completely. She had no ego either. Like this was insane. If she put on a mask or played a role, this was the best role someone ever played. Like seriously. I'm not a naive new ager.

She said Saturn is her God. Like she worships Saturn. And I often hear people say something like that but with her I really felt it.

It all feels surreal. And this is coming from someone that builds alternate realities during meditations. It feels surreal because for the last 2 years I worked tirelessly to receive a Master. To have someone I can subordinate myself to. Because no one wanted me or was adequate enough. And now it actually came.

I asked her if there is anything I can or should do for her. No. Only to keep doing what I would do anyway. She will contact me.

I feel happy. But also kinda fearful. Because it worked. I send out the call and someone or something answered it. And potently at that. I wonder if she knows I post this here.

I don't know where to go from here. Because if I would actually ask her to be my Master or Mentor/ Guide I would place a lot of pressure on her she might not even want. But on the other hand she let me know that she was looking for someone and I'm this apparently. There is also the chance she is manipulating me. But what if I want to be manipulated? I said it before that I'm into femdom, and this is the purest expression of that.

How can I be a worthy student/ subordinate to her? I don't want to fuck this up. Because I never met someone like her and I don't think I ever will again.

However just that this happened alone is great. That people like this exist. That can subdue me without even trying. Naturally. This means I can improve, become better and more than what I am. I hope that she will guide me. And make a good man out of me. To make me the king I'm destined to be.
Hi there, I'm glad you met her. I'm a student of magick myself. Pretty new at this and was thinking the same thing that it would be good to find someone who can guid me more. I follow a book at the moment and building my inner temple. Imagination/visualisation.

If you can answer me this: when you have encircled cross with four pentagrams, do you have to place to pentagrams inside the encircled cross together with all 4 objects as sword, rod etc. or is 4 pentagrams are outside the circle?
If that's makes sense what I'm asking. Thank you .

By the way I love how you said you are going to become a famous youtuber. That's the attitude you need! You have to know this in your heart, your subconscious mind will make it happen. Have to be so sure about it. Not maybe or I'll try, but I WILL!


Nov 19, 2023
Reaction score
I must say I am really touched by your description of the situation. I envy you, it sounds absolutely great. I guess I've been looking for a mentor since i started in the occult. The only one i found was a narcissistic predator, revenge on him is what keeps me going. Maybe not the best motivation to work my butt off in the occult, but it is what it is.

I really do hope your situation turns out great. There are people who genuinely do help others without using them. Damn few people, but they exist. Hopefully that's who you've found.


Jan 26, 2024
Reaction score
Hi there, I'm glad you met her. I'm a student of megick myself. Pretty new at this and was thinking the same thing that it would be good to find someone who can guid me more. I follow a book at the moment and building my inner temple. Imagination/visualisation.

Yes definitely. I am myself a very dominant person but realised I can achieve more by having someone I can ask, and or that tells me what to do. Alexander had Aristotle guide him from childhood. Because everyone knew he was becoming the new macedon king. And Aristotle instilled a lot of the aggression in him, since they saw the writing on the wall that at one point greece would fight for their independence of Persia. And this can only be done by a God-like King. Because Persia at that time was the biggest and strongest empire in history.

If you can answer me this: when you have encircled cross with four pentagrams, do you have to place to pentagrams inside the encircled cross together with all 4 objects as sword, rod etc. or is 4 pentagrams are outside the circle?
If that's makes sense what I'm asking. Thank you .

This sounds like an high magic ritual, since you mentioned a sword and rod. Usually the objects are arranged outside. But I don't know what specific ritual you do.

By the way I love how you said you are going to become a famous youtuber. That's the attitude you need! You have to know this in your heart, your subconscious mind will make it happen. Have to be so sure about it. Not maybe or I'll try, but I WILL!

1st Hermetic Principle:

"The All is mind. The Universe is mental"

2nd Hermetic Principle

"Law of correspondence (as above so below"

I had the fortune of talking with actual successful people and they are like this. One told me, the 5 mins before falling asleep he repeated it ad infinitum in his mind "I will become rich and successful". He was a Manager of an insurance company and gets most his money from premiums and such.
Also if you read Rockefellers book you notice how insanely occult he actually was. Unintentionally.
Post automatically merged:

I must say I am really touched by your description of the situation. I envy you, it sounds absolutely great. I guess I've been looking for a mentor since i started in the occult. The only one i found was a narcissistic predator, revenge on him is what keeps me going. Maybe not the best motivation to work my butt off in the occult, but it is what it is.

I really do hope your situation turns out great. There are people who genuinely do help others without using them. Damn few people, but they exist. Hopefully that's who you've found.

Thank you! Yes this is what I'm worried. Not so much right now as she told me she has another woman that wanted similar from her. She introduced me to her just now. Not gonna lie this is like in chainsaw man. She literally is Makima. I told her this too lmao.

I'm not joking. Aryan ethos means you are not allowed to be dishonest or to lie. Otherwise the magic stops working. I can't believe it myself because this what I wanted.

A strong woman to command me. To tell me what to do. Because I can not listen to men and I love women. I tried female led relationships before but women don't like this actually. Yeah it may be fun for a while but many want the man to take charge and decide. So this is rare.

She told me she doesn't really need anything from me except loyalty and reliability. She isn't attached to it either.

I don't know how much I can or should say on this topic from now on. But yes. People like in the movies do exist. Actual Mentors. Like in those movies where a young man is tutored or teached by that veteran warrior.

I didn't believed it, but this was my pessimism. I hope she will drive this out of me.
Last edited:


Jun 8, 2021
Reaction score
I met a very interesting woman. One that, for the first time ever is superior to me. And better than me. I mean in terms of magic, occultism, being. I think if I would try anything funny I would meet my end swiftly.

2 years ago I realised I needed a guide. A mentor. I did many things, but couldn't found one. It came during meditation and certain other things I did that many issues I had was for the lack of guidance. And that I need discipline and someone to hold me accountable. Because of all the potential I have and energy, that is often being wasted and not properly directed.

One time even, during a spontaneous OBE I think I encountered something and asked it to be my mentor but was swiftly refused. I tried a lot and yearned for it. During a dream too, I even got on my knees and asked for it to make me its student. But was kicked out of the dream into a nasty sleep paralysis episode.

A bit of a backstory, I hate authority. I opposed it all my live. And I don't mean a quiet sentence spoken under my breath but actually.

It caused me so many problems in school and my job life. Teachers denounced me and more often than not expulsion was in the room. But because of our laws that very clearly states that children are entitled to education they could not throw me out unless I was acting criminal

Later in life I was fired from so many jobs because I could not accept any authority. 5 at least.
Because they all were weak. Beneath me. Mentally, physically and spiritually. They had enormous egos, short temper and it was easy for me to make them break character. Lose their nerves, make themselves look foolish. How they even got into a position of authority in the first place was beyond me.

It is a natural ability of mine to sniff out weak leaders. As I'm a Kshatriya. And don't think it's one sided. I hold myself to a ridiculous high standard. I'm my own Tyrant, Rockefeller Mindset.

But I realised that for further growth and to fulfill my Dharma I needed a Master. A mentor. This is why I worship Ishtar, who is responsible for turning men into kings if they are strong enough, or to turn them into women, if they aren't up for it.

And for the last years the only thing I could think of was to find someone who can teach me. Who is better than me. But never found someone. Me, who resisted any form of authority his whole life.

Until a few days ago. I met her online and the first time I heard her voice something changed in me. She sounded exactly like my Daimon. The tone, the way her sentences are structured and this underlying authority in her voice. This self assurance. This calm superiority. And I was immediately hooked. She never lost this. Even during argument. Well as others argued with her. Threw insults at her and all. It was a scene that would break half of you. If you already think I'm a Nazi and asshole, those guys make me look like a crystal emily that waves trans flags.

We talked about esoteric and occult topics and she was able to add unto it. I often leave out stuff to see if the other person can add on it and she was the first who did so. Not just that, but she said exactly what I was about to say. And she said things I wasn't even aware of. And the way she conversed with me. As if she knew what I was thinking. I genuinely never had this in my life.

As we talked privately she said "Well seems like you were the one I'm supposed to find" and I couldn't even answer properly.

We spoke for a few more minutes and she said "You are being Neurotic. Stop that" and I was taken aback. I defaulted to a submissive "Yes I will" and almost added "Ma'am" to it. I never had this in life either. She triggered my swadisthana too from simple talking. Usually it only triggers during romance or similar.

I told her "I need a strong hand to guide me" and she didn't laugh, smirked or anything and said in the exact same tone "You have found it now".

I was not able to view her, but she viewed me. I didn't felt it happening. I don't know if it was telepathic but she read me. Like actually. And for the first time I felt superiority. Not fear. But superiority over me. This person is above me. I did no attempt to hide anything. She could see anything if she wanted to and my attempts at hiding were nothing to her.

And spoke frankly. She did never lose composure. She never had an egregore talking through her. Like so many others have. I did probe her like how I probe people to see if they are weak but it shattered completely. She had no ego either. Like this was insane. If she put on a mask or played a role, this was the best role someone ever played. Like seriously. I'm not a naive new ager.

She said Saturn is her God. Like she worships Saturn. And I often hear people say something like that but with her I really felt it.

It all feels surreal. And this is coming from someone that builds alternate realities during meditations. It feels surreal because for the last 2 years I worked tirelessly to receive a Master. To have someone I can subordinate myself to. Because no one wanted me or was adequate enough. And now it actually came.

I asked her if there is anything I can or should do for her. No. Only to keep doing what I would do anyway. She will contact me.

I feel happy. But also kinda fearful. Because it worked. I send out the call and someone or something answered it. And potently at that. I wonder if she knows I post this here.

I don't know where to go from here. Because if I would actually ask her to be my Master or Mentor/ Guide I would place a lot of pressure on her she might not even want. But on the other hand she let me know that she was looking for someone and I'm this apparently. There is also the chance she is manipulating me. But what if I want to be manipulated? I said it before that I'm into femdom, and this is the purest expression of that.

How can I be a worthy student/ subordinate to her? I don't want to fuck this up. Because I never met someone like her and I don't think I ever will again.

However just that this happened alone is great. That people like this exist. That can subdue me without even trying. Naturally. This means I can improve, become better and more than what I am. I hope that she will guide me. And make a good man out of me. To make me the king I'm destined to be.
That is beautiful. I hope everything works out between you and Her. This reminds me of my High School sweetheart. She was not ordinary looking at it now. But, I fucked it up.