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If evil is an illusion can we also rule out good ?

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Jul 4, 2024
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If evil is an illusion can we also rule out its counterpart goodness as an illusion aswell?

Theres some people out there that has based their entire moral ground and Outlook on life on the basis that the notion of good is an inherited quality of a simulation matrix or that evil is some kind of a learning ground for the spirit to grow by experiencing polarity ,i can only say that this is a fallacy , and whilst its entirely true that evil is an quality that could only exist in duality then the same could not be said by its counterpart and in order to explain that

We can begin by drawing an parralell/methaphore between the unified field of consiousness and colour trough an analogy for sake of simplicity.

Lets equate the colour green with the unified field of non duality or whatever you want to call it.

Before the dualistic perspective could occur

The colour green/ unified consiousness

Existed as holistic whole , there was no such thing as dualistic concepts of good and evil becuse the unified consiousness is all encompassing as all potentials exist in it not only in the expression of what makes up their highest expressions but also in an unbroken unit.

Now within this holistic whole of potentials there resides within that field the potentials that enables us to forget what is to experience the whole by locking out certain potentials in favour of clinging unto a limited field of potentials expressed trough certain modes of Outlooks/perspectives/experiences

The allknowing and allbeing state representing the colour green


Duality or the limited field of potentials representing good and evil as the colour that makes up green ( blue and yellow)

Now within the simulation the colours that makes up duality ( blue and yellow ) would cease to exist when they reunite to make green and as such they take on a quality of expression that is neither yellow nor blue ( neither good and evil but always adherent to what we experience as good as you will see shortly )

So when the lower expressive forms of the potentials that makes duality possible reverts back into its highest forms of expressions in non duality the lower qualities they represented prior as blue and yellow are stripped of their lower forms and transform into the higher quality of expression ( green) that is as previously mentioned neither yellow nor blue which in turn renders the lower potential expression that signifies evil itself without any existence , it simply cease to exist in any shape or form becuse evil could only exist in a conceptual relationship that has limitation as an field of experience.

The allknowing and all being state Is beyond bliss . No such thing as misery or evil inherit in it. nothing exist outside of it and theres nothing that is not part of it.

Sure we could say we agreed to enter this simulation as a sort of a holiday to experience ( emphasis on experiencing not "learning") limitation be it trough good or evil becuse its true ( we did) but when humanity has been entrapped in the simulation for thousands of lifetimes unable or more correctly unwilling to break free from its bondage arent we making a home for the lie at the expense of the truth, arent we truly exchanging the truth for the lie? and as a result arent we only justifying our own misery and the misery of others on continuous repeat?

And if that isnt the ultimate evil then i dont know what is...

So bottom line is that the qualities of goodness survives although in even a higher mode of expression in the unified field of consiousness ( truth) whereas the qualities of illusion/evil doesnt becuse it belongs to the potential of limitation thus it can only thrive and survive in the home of limitation.

Theres alot of illuminated ones that prescribes to the idea that conflict has to coexist with good all they way down to subatomic level or that the world would either cease to exist as we know it or stop in its progress of individual and planetary progress to the source - this order out of chaos idea is nothing more than a blueprint creation wrapped up with esoteric philosophy to justify the creation of evil so another force can siphon on the negative energy that humanity produce , Ive been told ( by Matthew Delooze) that the dense and heavy evil energies in particular are regarded as delicacy to the reptilians from the underworld .

To much evil and the structure of society would collapse to little evil and the reptilians wouldnt be satisfied - there i just stripped of the glamour of the idea of Maat or dharma or kabbilistic tree of good and evil

doesnt sound as appealing when they were created to enslave mankind as a food source does it?


Glorious Light of Knowledge and Power
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Apr 12, 2021
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Warned and moved to psychology section. If you continue to post in the wrong section your account will continue to be restricted.


Jul 4, 2024
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Warned and moved to psychology section. If you continue to post in the wrong section your account will continue to be restricted.
What about the thread called Angels of ana B' koach
Or the thread called "levethian and behemotian magic'

They've been listed on the top of the general section for days

Shouldnt they be listed under the religion/ spirituality and the magic section respectively

Surely they couldnt have escaped your keen eyes

Or is it that my content is rubbing off on you the wrong way ?


Glorious Light of Knowledge and Power
Staff member
Apr 12, 2021
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Surely they couldnt have escaped your keen eyes
Report it then. Any more off topic conversation will result in a warning.


Staff member
Jul 3, 2023
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These ramblings and soliloquies are better suited for a journal. I for one would find it hard to answer your post, you're all over the place.
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