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if it's knot magic then what is it?!


Staff member
Sr. Staff Member
Sep 27, 2021
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I made a grid on a pentacle to draw sigils from and use as a “base” for a current project. First I wanted to trace them on there with chalk and erase them afterwards, but as I have been reading about knot-magick a bit lately I thought I could combine some things so that a piece of string is first used as the sigil on the grid and then used in a spell.

So, this is being tested at the moment. The grid I have is kinda big with small squares. Not ideal and the string resists sharp angles, but with some patience I managed to get it correct.

  • Make a grid or Magick square containing the letters of the names you are using.
  • Arrange a piece of string on the grid so that it spells out the name of the selected spirit.
  • Meditate on the spirit and his powers by the grid + string.
  • On the selected day, use this string-sigil on the grid as you would any other sigil on paper.
  • Then write out your intended goal / spell / target on a small piece of paper.
  • Stare into it, “see” it happen.
  • Spit a bit of saliva on the paper as you speak the name of the spirit.
  • Roll up the piece of paper and again speak the name of the spirit, adding the goal.
  • Now take the piece of string and wrap it around the paper, and tie a knot in it. Speak the name of the spirit again at the very moment you tie the knot.

Based in part on this technique given in Chaldean Magic by Lenormand:

"... a real or symbolical representation of the person whom he wishes to bewitch ; then he blows
and emits from his mouth a little saliva which had collected there,
and at the same time makes those organs vibrate which are used in
the utterance of this malevolent formula ; next he holds over this
symbolical image a cord which he has prepared with this intention,
making a knot in it to signify that he is acting with resolution and
persistence, that at the moment when he spat he made a compact with
the demon who acted as his associate in the operation, and to show that
he is acting with a determined resolution to consolidate the charm.
To these processes and malevolent words a wicked spirit is united,
which comes forth from the operator's mouth covered with saliva. Many evil spirits then descend, and the result of all is that the magician
causes the victim to be attacked by the desired evil.."