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Open Request INFERNAL UNION: Sinister Initiation & The Satanic Psalms By Michael W. Ford

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Jul 30, 2022
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INFERNAL UNION offers Luciferian initiation into the merciless realm of the Adversary in its many masks of Gnosis, through this Sinister Grimoire and The Satanic Psalms presented within. Written in Luciferian tradition, it provides a path to Self-Liberation and Illumination, culminating in an Apotheosis of the Self.

Through this book, aspirants and adepts seek initiation into Cultus of Diabolos and the Great Dragon of the Abyss. Unlock a realm of Liberation, Illumination, and Apotheosis via the Satanic Psalms: dedicated rituals developed from heretical lore and gnostic practices invoking the Antitrinity within the Luciferian Tradition.
Bask in INFERNAL UNION - Sinister Initiation & The Satanic Psalms by Michael W. Ford, a powerful grimoire of history, myth, lore, and authentic practice developed from obscure and heretical concepts of Satan, Lucifer, Lilith, and the pandemonium. Embrace the darkness of Luciferian initiation and experience the power of the Devil’s hand.

Behold! This is the result of the accumulation of history, myth, lore, records, surviving manuscripts and the passing on of power by the left-handed consecration by the cruel talons and inspiring touch by the Devil’s hand. This work balances the conceptualizations and imagery of that Therionic mask of Lucifer – Satan and the pandemonium of fallen angels from the dark ages, medieval, renaissance, and into the modern era. Do not be misled: this is not mere supplication or devil-worship, there is no dependence or submission to the Judeo-Christian cosmology of the Yahweh-deity and his cross-hanging story-of-a-son.
The Satanic Missal, laying down here the texts and rites which are ordered in such a way that they express the Diabolic Mysteries that they signify, invoke the shadowing forth by the veil of majesty inherent in the Antitrinity.
Herein are veiled and deep texts which reflect hidden teachings and methods of Liberation, Illumination, and Apotheosis so promulgated as Luciferianism. The aesthetic of the Antitrinity, medieval demonology, and Satanological hymnals are revealed to the aspirant and adept to seek initiation via the Cultus of Diabolos and the Great Dragon of the Abyss and this living world. Some may define it as Traditional Satanism, Luciferic Satanism, or by some other; such is merely a cipher of the majesty of Luciferian Spirit, reflected by the Black Flame.

A pragmatic and metaphysical exploration of the SITRA ACHRA (the Qliphoth) is presented also herein with an initiatory focus on MALKUTH and YESOD regarding the alchemical and Gnosis related concept of Infernal Union. The lore of this Black Book has many origins from which the Adversary and the Other Side have emerged veiled by atmospheres of Satanic theology; Luciferianism delves deep into the Chthonic depths and Abyss to have formulated this mytho-poetical Black Magickal work. Medieval Diabolism is revealed to the initiatory path of balance embracing both the therionic and demonic in direct alignment with the pre-Christian and so-called “Pagan” pantheons from which the Adversary assumed countless forms and names.

The book is available for free as ebook for who has the kindle unlimited subscription, so hopefully a good samaritan will be able to share this 🙏🏻.