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[Help] Is body control achievable?

Someone's asking for help!


Sep 15, 2024
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Is their a method or meditation that enables someone to gain full control of their anatomy? Any specific way of reaching a point where you are completely aware and have full perception and control of your body's processes, physiology and anatomical structure?

Any advice is appreciated. Apologies if my question is vague


Organized Chaos
Aug 1, 2024
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Is their a method or meditation that enables someone to gain full control of their anatomy? Any specific way of reaching a point where you are completely aware and have full perception and control of your body's processes, physiology and anatomical structure?

Any advice is appreciated. Apologies if my question is vague
I’m not aware of any single meditation but the method would be via OBE like that achieved in NDE’s. But I don’t recommend going about it the the second way (I highly suggest against it because results may vary 💀) but if you get really strong at controlling an OBE then it should be the same as the latter.
For an obe it should be accessible through a process of being in a trance and then a repetitive drumming and repetitive tapping somewhere on your body.
if you want to look more into doing what your talking about that’s the path I’d look into.

* Rhe only time I’ve accidently had an obe it was through a physical process like running where there is the physical situation, the tiredness and everything else I was just trying so hard to block out by focusing on the rhythmic patterns of external stimuli that caused the bloop 🎈 of the mind popping out of the body- at least i’m pretty sure that’s what caused it. Shrug- but what you’re looking for sounds exactly like what some people experience in a near death situation where the mind can’t cope or process the situation.
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Staff member
Feb 18, 2023
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Is their a method or meditation that enables someone to gain full control of their anatomy?
I think there are the viable ways and the "mentioned but not known if viable" ways.

For the former it is nothing more than developing your proprioception and perception, but being able to feel and know some things doesn't automatically means having conscious control over them.You can try to learn more about human anatomy, physiology, acupuncture and other disciplines that are all about learning about how the body works, but again, knowing the "how" doesn't mean that you will suddenly be able to know how to control it all.

For the latter, there are different methods/systems that claim to allow a person to be able to achieve complete body control, like doing yoga or certain types of meditation, but realistically I don't know how much control people do end up getting over their bodies.The best examples we have so far are people like shaolin monks, gurus, and specific individuals like the "Iceman" guy(Win Hof).They learned to have a better control over their bodies, but that doesn't mean that they can do anything they want(like making the healing process go faster than normal, or giving themselves more strength without working out).

Why you seek that, if you don't mind my curiosity?

Robert Ramsay

Oct 1, 2023
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Any specific way of reaching a point where you are completely aware and have full perception and control of your body's processes, physiology and anatomical structure?
omg this sounds awful. No way do I want to have full perception of what my bowels are doing. And I count myself lucky for the degree of control over them I do have!

I guess the easiest one is control over pain. In the words of Lawrence of Arabia: "The trick is not to mind that it hurts."

I taught myself to overcome vertigo by shifting my state of consciousness, but this means that when faced with vertigo nowadays, I go on a bit of a self-induced drug trip. I was at Wembley Stadium, watching the band Muse. We were high up on one side, and I had the feeling I could just reach down into the stadium, pick up handfuls of people and nom them like they were sesame seeds. Very odd.


Sep 15, 2024
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I think there are the viable ways and the "mentioned but not known if viable" ways.

For the former it is nothing more than developing your proprioception and perception, but being able to feel and know some things doesn't automatically means having conscious control over them.You can try to learn more about human anatomy, physiology, acupuncture and other disciplines that are all about learning about how the body works, but again, knowing the "how" doesn't mean that you will suddenly be able to know how to control it all.

For the latter, there are different methods/systems that claim to allow a person to be able to achieve complete body control, like doing yoga or certain types of meditation, but realistically I don't know how much control people do end up getting over their bodies.The best examples we have so far are people like shaolin monks, gurus, and specific individuals like the "Iceman" guy(Win Hof).They learned to have a better control over their bodies, but that doesn't mean that they can do anything they want(like making the healing process go faster than normal, or giving themselves more strength without working out).

Why you seek that, if you don't mind my curiosity?
I kept reading articles about how monks were able to control their body temperature through visualization and meditation, and I got curious if it was possible to control other parts of our physiology, usually unavailable to us.


Organized Chaos
Aug 1, 2024
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I kept reading articles about how monks were able to control their body temperature through visualization and meditation, and I got curious if it was possible to control other parts of our physiology, usually unavailable to us.
Ohhh ok that really changes the context, in that case yeah, Taudefindi is 100% correct. I thought you were wanting a more visual inside look.
As for something more like what monks do that’d be more specialized. but a good place to look would maybe, be the energy of inside the body like chi/qi.


Staff member
Jul 3, 2023
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I kept reading articles about how monks were able to control their body temperature through visualization and meditation, and I got curious if it was possible to control other parts of our physiology, usually unavailable to us.
A physician friend of mine, sober and materialistic as can be, once told me about when he was part of a relaxation technique study group and one of his Indian colleagues offered to stop his own heart. Of course the others were skeptical but then that Indian guy really stopped it, for all as a flatline to see on the cardiac monitor - all those doctors naturally panicked and rushed to resuscitate him. He didn't tell me more, if the guy would have been able to restart his heart himself; admirable yogic faculty but what's the practical application of such a feat?

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practitioners have been tested under laboratory conditions, and they indeed succeeded in significantly raising their body temperature, and this would certainly come in handy in inclement weather conditions in the mountains. It's an advanced tantric practice so in the Kagyüpa school, for example, you would have to complete the basic Ngöndro training first, involving e.g, 100,000 prostrations, and that's just the first level of four. Then there's is a video on youtube showing a monk revealing practical Tummo exercises for the first time, and all he did was trying to go in a cross-legged from a standing position and then plonking down hard on a thick gymnastic mat, so the secret seems to be delivering shocks to the spine, hardly a safe way to achieve supernatural powers.

I once took part in a one-day workshop with Mantak Chia, and after his lecture there were practical Qigong exercises led by his students. It was long ago but what I remember most was that they burped a lot, which they never explained... Chia referred to the stomach as 'the furnace', so maybe theirs was running too hot. ;)