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Is “Celebrity” Magic(k)

Frater Apuleius

Jun 12, 2022
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The thought came to me recently “Is ‘celebrity’ some sort of magic?” or to put in another way is “celebrity” reinforced by unconscious/inadvertent acts of magic by ordinary people. Is there more to celebrity than merely the regular assumptions of human psychology and societal group dynamics?

Funnily enough I’ve bumped into a few celebrities recently and so have some of my closest friends. Perhaps people in the comments can relate to this - some celebrities you run into appear normal and ordinary, you hear people say “X is just a normal dude” or some other iteration of the same idea. On the other hand you might run into a celebrity and they might appear otherworldly in both appearance and manner, “graceful, glowing, etc.”. These seem to be the two main reactions when us ordinary people meet/see a celebrity. It is the latter encounter with celebrity that I’m interested in here.

My girlfriend was recently invited to the same party as the British actress Emma Watson. I asked her what Emma Watson was like she proceeded to describe a near encounter using adjectives such as, “radiant, glowing, graceful, otherworldly, elegant, etc”. These descriptors reminded me of the magical concept of a “glamour” which I’ve read about in various witchcraft, hoodoo and magick texts. While I’m sure many celebrities dabble in magic it seems more reasonable that for many celebrity this glamour is something imposed on them by inadvertent acts of magic done by ordinary non-magical-thinking folk.

Let us take a rather crude example such as the latest female celebrity deemed highly attractive by the media apparatus and thus deemed attractive by most of the population. [insert fashionable sex icon of choice here]; now imagine how many millions of pubescent boys are fantasising about said celebrity, many even orgasming thinking about them… is this not sex magick?!? On a very minor level aren’t these millions of boys enacting a very low-level inadvertent form of sex magick? Does this give the celebrity power/energy from the ritual act? Does this actually drain the energy of the celebrity somehow?

Celebrities are constantly talked about in the media, their images placed on billboards and bedroom walls, fantasised about, dreamt about, idolised… you get the idea. This must have some magical effect. Can the “celebrity” of certain celebrities be attributed to some sort of cumulative thought form created unconsciously & consciously by the wills of millions of regular people?

I know it’s not a particularly new idea to suggest that celebrities are ritualised and idolised in a similar way to ancient deities, saints and monarchs. However, I’m wanting to understand if these small acts of cumulative ritual have a materially palpable effect on the human who happens to be a celebrity.

Are celebrities aware of this? Do they draw on this for energy magically or have to protect themselves from it? Has anyone had any first-hand or second-hand experience with celebrity and magic?

I have no answers myself only observations and questions. This is my first post so I might have directed this thread in the wrong section, don’t hesitate to let me know if I have.