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Isn't it better to hire someone for curse or even love spells?


Feb 1, 2023
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I know its been a subject brought up over and over and over...we are now in 2023, there are covens on line in the UK, France, Germany, Pfizer even has their own coven and vampire rings, the list of it becoming mainstream has now begun....its no wonder why politicians get away with things today and no one slams the book on them for treason, obstruction etc.., so with rituals been cheaper (aside materials) why would you prefer to carry out your own ritual if its best to let someone else use their space, state of mind, material management and even risk of entity attacks?
Sep 9, 2021
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In my opinion and experience, yes. Not all of us are experts on everything, or maybe they are and Im only speaking for myself.
I made a major blunder during my curse using my old name tag for the symbol of the company, it might have worked, it might have failed, and it could have rebounded. I never took into thought the exception that there might be someone more powerful than me that just did a return to sender on me. Now if it worked still and that was the case, then I guess technically it still worked. But much easier to hire someone for the work. Unless you learn like all else, trial and error until you master something.


Staff member
Feb 18, 2023
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why would you prefer to carry out your own ritual if its best to let someone else use their space, state of mind, material management and even risk of entity attacks?
Yes, hiring a specialist is usually better than doing things yourself, specially if you lack the knowledge, materials and experience.

On the other hand, if you "know your stuff" and have faith in your skills, it can be more discreet to not have loose ends like "someone else doing the work" least you end up in a blackmail of sorts.

After all, you can never be sure if the other person will be a professional or someone just looking to make money no matter how.Even if it means going against their "clueless client" after doing their job.

Some people can be that greedy.
Jan 6, 2023
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i am attracting a certain young girl i know, and it is going fantastic, in fact it is working so well i attracted another girl, one that looks a lot like my original target, she saw me at the market and could not stop staring at me, her boyfriend caught her and got plenty angry, was glaring at me, i caught her gaze again and gave her a smile which totally melted her down, best market day ever

all it takes is absolute cult like mind control, my conscious mind is six different realities working together all at once, i never get attacked because i seek out evil and release its energy for my own needs, only weak minded beings should fear magic, and what you fear is me