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Book – PDF Itzhak Mizrahi - May We Know No Sorrow

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Jul 3, 2023
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The complete book of Charms, Amulets, Talismans and King Solomon’s Seals

For the first time – the King Solomon’s Seals which serves Judaism and Christianity also contains, witchcraft, Relationships, Love, Evil Eye, Health and Superstitions

What do you known about superstitions and their origin?
How do we prepare amulets and talismans?
What should you do with unused and old talismans?
What is the meaning of blockage, evil eye, witchcraft and sorcery?

This book includes detailed explanations and illustrations, as well as some photographs for greater clarity (King Solomon’s Seals never written or published with full meaning of each seal until now, included are also seals which were used in Judaism to prepare amulets, and Goetic seals, as well as Seals according to the 72 names of the Lord).

It covers a broad spectrum of life, including family and romantic relationships, livelihood, fertility, home and health issues.

From Mr. Mizrahi’s experience and the experience of others, charms, amulets, talismans and King Solomon Seals presented in this book improved the lives of many, in some cases even filling their lives with light, prosperity, health and success. In addition to it, the book gives advice for serenity and good life.

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