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Book – PDF James A. Eshelman - The Mystical and Magical System of the A .'. A .'. - The Spiritual System of Aleister Crowley & George Cecil Jones (scan)

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Jul 3, 2023
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Previously, so comprehensive a guide book has not been readily available.

Initiation is a reality. Humanity has a potential to grow far beyond its native state of consciousness and capability. This growth is a spiritual growth. Its fruits inform and empower every facet of human, mortal expression, while disclosing to each of us our own inherently immortal natures.

On this spiritual growth, more than any other thing, the future welfare and progress of humanity depends.

For thousands of years, Adepts have known how to unlock or awaken this growth how to mature it and unleash genius at will. Beginning in 1906, two such Adepts, Aleister Crowley and George Cecil Jones, organized and made public the mystical and magical disciplines by which any motivated person can achieve this spiritual maturity and have direct experience of realization, liberation, union with God, or cosmic consciousness.

They called their system A .'. A .'. Its methods are those of empirical science; its aims, those of devoted religion.

This book explores, step-by-step, the mystical and magical system of the A .'. A .'. For many in the West, it is a strange thought that spirituality can be drilled in the same way that a muscle is strengthened. Yet, an ear trained to listen to music detects wondrous subtleties that the untrained ear misses. The same is true of the palate trained to distinguish fine food and wine, or the eye trained to discriminate nuance in any of a thousand areas.

The same is true of spiritual experience. The stages of its unfolding are distinct: the discovery of one s True Will (or who one is in the Universe), and the practical means of expressing this in the world; the Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel (or conscious union with the Divine); and the continued advance toward and through that vast gulf, or Abyss, which lies between humanity and Divinity.

The author, in more than 20 years of experience of the mystical and magical system of the A .'. A .'., has derived enormous value from it. This book is the clearest, most complete presentation of the system ever written.

Never before have the inner pathways of this Journey been so finely mapped, nor the Way so clearly marked. To you, dear children of the Light, do we deliver freely what has been given to us. May the Way be opened for all who would walk it, proudly, joyously, serenely with strength, wisdom, love, and the LIGHT which informs them with Beauty. from Chapter 11 of the Mystical and Magical System of the A .'. A .'.

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