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Book – PDF Jason Augustus Newcomb - Sexual Sorcery: A Complete Guide to Sex Magick (double-page scan)

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Jul 3, 2023
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In plain, straightforward language, Jason Newcomb, author of 21st Century Mage and The New Hermetics, tackles a subject that many magical texts gloss over or ignorethe practice of sex magick. Sexual Sorcery covers the many aspects of using sex as a sacrament, a ritual, or an expression of divine love. It also provides plenty of practical information helpful to any modern sexual sorcerer.

Sexual Sorcery includes preliminaries to practice, such as how to broach the subject of sex magick with a partner (or how to find a partner), explanations of sexual technique as well as etiquette and energy, and the value of love in any relationship, especially a sexual relationship incorporating magick. From this base, Sexual Sorcery delves into the various techniques, types, and rituals of sex magickusing magick to enhance sex, ecstatic and mystical experiences during sex, and more esoteric techniques of sexual invocation, evocation, and alchemy.

Newcomb defines a sorcerer as a solitary magician who is outside any particular faith or group, unbounded by the prohibitions of an order or coven, and able to explore the furthest realms of a subject without restriction. In this case the subject is sex magick, and Sexual Sorcery is the perfect guide for any 21stcentury sexual sorcerer. It follows no one particular traditional path, but incorporates what works from other esoteric sexual practices.

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