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Jewish Messiah - a reptilian !


Jul 4, 2024
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Keep your garbage posts in the controversy section
who is the jewish messiah?
even the rabbis agree ...

in hebrew every letter signify a numerical value and a symbol. it is esoterically known that there is a intrinsic and organic relationship between words that add up to the same overall numerical value - they all point to the same common themes and metaphories

in this case ..

Serpent = nachash = 358 (50 + 8 + 300 )
the letter nun is valued at 50, the letter chet is valued at 8
and the letter shin is valued att 300

in other words the serpents numerical value add to 358
just as the jewish messiah does below..

Savior/messiah = mashiach = 358 (40 + 300 + 10 + 8 )

it is also very intresting that pharaoas was annointed by alligator ( reptilian fat) when they were crowned

this christening alligator fat of the pharaoes was called the messhe which according to air Laurence gardener is the root of the word messiah

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jesus said he was the morning star but so did lucifer.. and the snakes tounge is slithered in two - playing both roles of good cop/bad cop

And Yes im aware that the second coming of the messiah ( in horseshit kabbalah) might refer to the elevation of the awareness in the initiate - possibly by the upgrade of energies involved in the replacement of the inferior mother of malkuth into the superior mother of binah and such the second coming might referer to the direct Union with the supernal triangle of binah chokmah and keter in everyday consiousness life

And Yes im also aware that some brainwashed occultists believe that THE serpent is only a methaphore for that Shakti or serpent fire that is raised trough THE 33 vertabra in THE spine trough mystical sex practises .. but the serpent encompasses a broader multidimensionell meaning and extends itself further to real reptilian beings in THE lower fourth dimension.

Those beings
keeps certain information hidden from the view of intiates, even those who have attained the 33 degree in the Scottish rite.

And my point being how certain occultists are possessed by a reptilian force that uses humans beings to do its of en biddings

Matthew Delooze said that high rankers within secret societies will be left to their own demise once they have served their purpose

Keep preaching the gnosticism you fools...

you will soon find out that not only did you help enslave your fellow men you were also used as a means for an end , in Matthews words i wouldnt trade a bucket full of piss and shit for your spiritual futures.

The time isnt far off either


Aug 17, 2023
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who is the jewish messiah?
even the rabbis agree ...

in hebrew every letter signify a numerical value and a symbol. it is esoterically known that there is a intrinsic and organic relationship between words that add up to the same overall numerical value - they all point to the same common themes and metaphories

in this case ..

Serpent = nachash = 358 (50 + 8 + 300 )
the letter nun is valued at 50, the letter chet is valued at 8
and the letter shin is valued att 300

in other words the serpents numerical value add to 358
just as the jewish messiah does below..

Savior/messiah = mashiach = 358 (40 + 300 + 10 + 8 )

it is also very intresting that pharaoas was annointed by alligator ( reptilian fat) when they were crowned

this christening alligator fat of the pharaoes was called the messhe which according to air Laurence gardener is the root of the word messiah

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jesus said he was the morning star but so did lucifer.. and the snakes tounge is slithered in two - playing both roles of good cop/bad cop

And Yes im aware that the second coming of the messiah ( in horseshit kabbalah) might refer to the elevation of the awareness in the initiate - possibly by the upgrade of energies involved in the replacement of the inferior mother of malkuth into the superior mother of binah and such the second coming might referer to the direct Union with the supernal triangle of binah chokmah and keter in everyday consiousness life

And Yes im also aware that some brainwashed occultists believe that THE serpent is only a methaphore for that Shakti or serpent fire that is raised trough THE 33 vertabra in THE spine trough mystical sex practises .. but the serpent encompasses a broader multidimensionell meaning and extends itself further to real reptilian beings in THE lower fourth dimension.

Those beings
keeps certain information hidden from the view of intiates, even those who have attained the 33 degree in the Scottish rite.

And my point being how certain occultists are possessed by a reptilian force that uses humans beings to do its of en biddings

Matthew Delooze said that high rankers within secret societies will be left to their own demise once they have served their purpose

Keep preaching the gnosticism you fools...

you will soon find out that not only did you help enslave your fellow men you were also used as a means for an end , in Matthews words i wouldnt trade a bucket full of piss and shit for your spiritual futures.

The time isnt far off either
You know, a lot of people here agree with you, at least in broad outlines. To go calling us fools is hardly the way to exert a saving influence.


Jul 4, 2024
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You know, a lot of people here agree with you, at least in broad outlines. To go calling us fools is hardly the way to exert a saving influence.
Should we call them insensitive and cold instead :)

you know i spend halv an hour ( whilst in a headache) sending you all the links i have to Matthews articles at your request , its not mandatory but a simple "thank you" would suffice mate ..๐Ÿ˜„

Jokes and jabs aside ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„

My passion sometimes gets the best of me but i believe and stand by what i have said 110%

Obviously i dont want to sweep all occultists under the same brush ...and i know souls like you xhenophan are in genuine search for truth...but the majority of occultists im sad to say are unknowingly serving the agenda of a force that doesnt have humanities best interest at heart


Jun 30, 2021
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got me some shit here:
all humans have a part in their brain we call reptilian brain.
being jewish just means you know how to follow the female line instead of the male line.
snake spirit is just that a totem animal.
being initiated doesnt mean you know it all.
using sex and tantra is like having patience while being married and have kids.

so what the hell are you talking about? even lady discordia didnt approve.


Jul 4, 2024
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You know, a lot of people here agree with you, at least in broad outlines. To go calling us fools is hardly the way to exert a saving influence.
Should we call them insensitive and cold instead :)

you know i spend halv an hour ( whilst in a headache) sending you all the links i have to Matthews articles at your request , its not mandatory but a simple "thank you" would suffice mate ..๐Ÿ˜„

Jokes and jabs aside ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„

My passion sometimes gets the best of me but i believe and stand by what i have said 110%

Obviously i dont want to sweep all occultists under the same brush ...and i know souls like you xhenophan are in genuine search for truth...but the majority of occultists im sad to say are unknowingly serving the agenda if a force that doesnt gave humanities best interest at heart
got me some shit here:
all humans have a part in their brain we call reptilian brain.
being jewish just means you know how to follow the female line instead of the male line.
snake spirit is just that a totem animal.
being initiated doesnt mean you know it all.
using sex and tantra is like having patience while being married and have kids.

so what the hell are you talking about? even lady discordia didnt approve.
Im familiar with the r-complex

Heres something i wrote on my Fb long time ago

so who the fuck was abram?
"ab" simply means "off" or "source of" it is also the name for father in arabic . On Top of that it can mean snake aswell

"ram" means well a ram!
amen/amun was called the lord/father of the two horns of the ram. amen ras temple in karnak is full of ram statues. amen ras hidden form was that of the snake. who intiatiates and enthrones the pharaohs that takes on the living name of amen ra? it could only be the high priests couldnt it? indeed upon the Coronation ceremony the kings had to take several oaths to stay true to the regulations established by the high priests. abram is no other than a snake/naga high priest posing as a being of light . lets move on to his wife/half sister "Sara" "Sa" denotes the egyptian hieroglyph for the goose which basically means "son of or descendant of" "Ra" denotes the egyptian hieroglyph for the sun disc. Sara was one fo the many titles of the pharonic kings. so sara symbolises the bloodline descendants of the pharaohs. the identities of these wicked incestious beings in human form is none other than the "Israelites"

Without Matthew Delooze pointing out the real symbolism of Sara, i couldnt have written the above .


The star of David which is really the star of of Solomon makes it clear

Solomon means amen ra
When the jews made the Covenant with their god thetmy failed it in amens name.

Its the jews themselves that are sealed by amen just like we put an letter into an envelope and seal it with a stamp or wax so does the same applies to the jews

Also in hebrew "amen means god the rightful king"

Amen was reptilian god in Egypt that predates the Jewish narrative, and then theres the fact that the jews established the cult of their god in Egypt itself.

The use "Totems" in initiation rites is one way amongst many - you can become part of the spiritual lineage of the reptilians , but another is real physical sex. Like how Abraham took concubines and elevated them into godessess before defiling them.

In the case of Totems , whilst occupying the lower base of a temple " symbolic underworld"
Very selective initiates are made to wear a monkey tail( which symbolises man) whilst also wearing a reptilian mask ( which symbolises that the "head" of man is overtaken and submissive towards the reptilians ,- this they are made to do whilst drinking blood from a chalice ( i cant remember if it was a chalice ) - rendering both the life and intellect of the initiate submissive to the reptilians. The totem part which i have written above was explained by Matthew Delooze in one of his books


Jul 4, 2024
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And i have my own theory about why being counted as a "jew" means to follow the female line instead the male, despite the old testament saying its not true at all

Romans 9:7
But in Isac shall their seed be established

My theory goes like this..

If a female that is non jew births a child - then the Supreme status of the reptilians get over turned by the female human who births "god" the symbolism of god gets reversed in mans favour , the reptilians cant have that. This does not happen if a female jew give birth to a god - it would be like the godessess part of the reptilians giving birth to its own kind - god birthing god as opposed to man birthing god.

Ive heard that some rabbis claim that "gods" soul doesnt enter the body of man if the female isnt Jewish , instead it hoovers ABOVE the man like a cloud , reassurring the notion that the reptilians are seen in Supreme fashion in relation to man


Jul 17, 2024
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Plot twist spoiler with trigger warning:

The reptilians are the good guys. I.e. 'The Illuminati' - illuminated ones.

They are enslaving humanity out of compassion because that's what those souls yearn to experience at this time.

When the time comes they will come out of the shadows and bask in the glory of the light.

Until then feel free to play the part of the victim and pretend muh bad things are out of your control and happening to you, rather than because of you and your karma.


Jul 4, 2024
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Plot twist spoiler with trigger warning:

The reptilians are the good guys. I.e. 'The Illuminati' - illuminated ones.

They are enslaving humanity out of compassion because that's what those souls yearn to experience at this time.

When the time comes they will come out of the shadows and bask in the glory of the light.

Until then feel free to play the part of the victim and pretend muh bad things are out of your control and happening to you, rather than because of you and your karma.
Utter rubbish that im not going to dignify with an eloborate response other than to say that you are placing the victim card on yourself by playing into the watered down polarisation crap. You havent come here to learn and grow you are getting your soul and power squeesed out of you with every incarnation, i tell you you are allknowing and allbeing force you only have to remember who you are !

Reclaim your power and stop being a pathetic slave


Labore et Constantia
Jul 10, 2022
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When the time comes they will come out of the shadows and bask in the glory of the light.

Thank you. Somebody is finally sticking up for us.



Jun 30, 2021
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ab is from the heart. it was boujloud, the day after el ied el adha and we wore the skin of a freshly killed sheep and danced around town. we werent offered. we Live! allah is greatest!


Jul 9, 2024
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If we base the same concepts of who or what the Messiah is, then why not...

A Dreidel!
Sevivon: 358: Nun 50 + Gimel 3 + Hey 5 + Shin 300


Jul 4, 2024
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If we base the same concepts of who or what the Messiah is, then why not...

A Dreidel!
Sevivon: 358: Nun 50 + Gimel 3 + Hey 5 + Shin 300
Those numbers are the result of the four letters being engraved on the four sides of the dreidel.


Nov 16, 2023
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It just so happens that Finland has country code 358 and Finland is well known of their Shamans/Witches of Lapland and Sages of Northern Karelia. Also check out Kalevala if you are not yet familiar with it.
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Jul 4, 2024
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It just so happens that Finland has country code 358 and Finland is well known of their Shamans/Witches of Lapland and Sages of Northern Karelia. Also check out Kalevala if you are not yet familiar with it.
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Thank you mate, i didnt know about he country code synchroncity. Ive heard about kalevala and only taken a quick glance at it before , might look at it from a broader perspective in the future . Although i have to admit Im completely feed up with reading esoterics, imo save that of a few universal principles atleast 85% of all esotericism have no foundation in any objective reality but are solely dependent upon the effects of multidimendionell hypnosis.


Nov 16, 2023
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Thank you mate, i didnt know about he country code synchroncity. Ive heard about kalevala and only taken a quick glance at it before , might look at it from a broader perspective in the future . Although i have to admit Im completely feed up with reading esoterics, imo save that of a few universal principles atleast 85% of all esotericism have no foundation in any objective reality but are solely dependent upon the effects of multidimendionell hypnosis.
According to famous Finnish occultist Pekka Ervast, in Kalevala there is for instance Snake banishing and charming, serpent fire(kundalini) and old Dragon are mentioned in his book "Key to Kalevala".
There's also Atlantean magic in that book.

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