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Book – PDF Jhenah Telyndru - Rhiannon [epub & pdf]

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Nov 20, 2023
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Amazon Description:
To truly know Rhiannon, we must excavate the layers of her myth, decode the meaning of her symbols, and seek to restore the significance of her very name.
Although she has a mythology around her, and has many modern-day devotees, nowhere in ancient lore has she been identified as a Goddess. We have no known cult centers or devotional altars dedicated to Rhiannon.
How then do we approach this revered Lady?
How can we best know her as Goddess?
We need but call to her, and ask for what we need. Be it her bag of plenty, the soul-healing song of her birds, or the empowerment of the sovereignty she holds, when you call to Rhiannon, the Divine Queen of the Britons, know that she will stop... and know that she will answer your call.

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