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Book – PDF John Michael Greer - The Secret of the Temple: Earth Energies, Sacred Geometry, and the Lost Keys of Freemasonry

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Jul 3, 2023
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Over thousands of years, the priests and sages of the ancient world discovered that the design and location of certain structures had beneficial effects on the crops that sustained life. A body of traditional lore evolved, using architecture and ceremonies that made use of these wholly natural but mysterious effects. In The Secret of the Temple, John Michael Greer painstakingly rebuilds a body of lost knowledge that has been used to accumulate and direct energy throughout history, and can be used again today.

The Temple of Solomon was only one of many ancient structures that drew on the temple tradition. The insights of this tradition have been passed down through those in society tasked with protecting ancient wisdom, secret societies like the Knights Templar and the Freemasons. But over time, as cultures and technologies changed, the meaning of these cryptic symbols and rituals became obscured...until now. This book explores the esoteric body of knowledge that shaped the world of our forebears, gave rise to the world's most awe-inspiring temples and cathedrals, and continues to fuel speculation about powerful forces at work in our world.

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