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Journal Journal Entry 0104

A record of a users' progress or achievements in their particular practice.


Nov 10, 2024
Reaction score
In the days soon after man lost his lot in the heavens. To look into the sky and see the angels dance around the throne of the Holy One, and to feel His eternal blessings must have been a wonderful experience. Man living so close to the earth in those days truly knew what it meant to live in accordance with the Light. For in those days, man has not forgotten that he is the light which reflects the Light of Life. Man's life was quiet and still. No conflict arose in the hearts of men. The earth was tended to like a garden with man the gardener. One day, the heavens fell upon man, and the angels were tested. Many were cast down upon the earth. The sky thundered with ground shaking noise. Bright and awesome beams of light flashed across the sky in many directions. Fear fell upon man for the first time.