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Kabbalistic Cross meaning


Jun 25, 2024
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I thought it was related to/originated from the Kabbalah but after looking into it it does not seem so


Aug 17, 2023
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You sound disappointed. It seems to be a bread & butter ritual preliminary to people into that sort of thing. Like Pascal said to his honnête homme, take a little holy water and say a prayer. The benefits come after.


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Jul 3, 2023
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I thought it was related to/originated from the Kabbalah but after looking into it it does not seem so
Its structure (Sign of the Cross except touching the right shoulder first as far as I can remember my Catholic upbring & altar boy experience) and words are most likely taken from the Bible (Matthew 6:13) "For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen." The Hebrew terms are Quabalistic alright though and correspond to sephiroth. Otherwise:



Jun 28, 2024
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I thought it was related to/originated from the Kabbalah but after looking into it it does not seem so
If it is based on Kabbalah... I am going to give you a text taken from the magazine In The Continuum Vol. 1 No. 1 where the correspondences of the CQ are described. Keep in mind that it does not go into much depth and they also add elements to the ritual since it is adapted to Thelema.

"i. Touching the forehead say Ateh (Unto Thee)

ii. Touching the breast say Aiwass"

(The reference to Aiwass links you with Thelema and places this God in the sphere of Tiphareth, which refers to the Sun. Aiwass stands as a symbol of your ·own Holy Guardian Angel, Who has led you thus to Thelema, the Wisdom and Law of the New Age.

Malkuth, then, is not designated at· the breast as practiced in the Golden Dawn Banishing Ritual. Ideally, we should think of Malkuth as being at the feet and Yesod, the Foundation, is at the genital region when we think of the Tree of Life in terms

of the human body. To Yesod is attributed the chakkra Muladhara, wherein sleeps Kundalini. The gesture to Malkuth implies Yesod. The breast is the center for the Anahata chakkra. NO.tice that you are affirming the middle pillar of the Tree of Life in this section. I quote from LIBER LXV, LIBER CORDIS CINCTI SERPENTE, Cap. I, v. 9.

"One mounteth unto the Crown by the moon and by the Sun, and by the arrow, and by the Foundation, and by the dark home of the stars from the black earth".

" ... ii.i. Touching the Genitals say Malkuth (The Kingdom)

iv. Touching the right shoulder, say ve-Geburah (and the Power" This corresponds to the sphere of Geburah, Strength, Marson the Tree of Life.

"v. Touching the left shoulder, say ve-Gedulah (and the Glory)" This corresponds to the sphere of Chesed, Mercy, Jupiter on the Tree of Life. By pointing to these . areas on the shoulders you affirm the pillars of Severity - Geburah, and of Mercy,Chesed on the Tree. Let me here emphasize that you are the Tree of Life and that you see a mirror image of it on the printed page. ~ But when it becomes you in actuality, the right side is the pillar ~ of Severity. Imagine that you back yourself into the Tree to get the 2 sides dn the proper places. You should imagine a cross of brilliant light form upon yourself when you have completed this part of the ritual. I might remark here that we are all sufferers upon the Cross of Life. The spiritual coming and going of the True Self is the vertical bar, and the horizontal bar signifies !'. the material world, or the raw materials out of which we each fashion our verson of Life. The point where the vertical and horizontal meet is the actual materialization in Time and Space. There is a very wide symbolism attached to the cross. I would advise you to meditate upon this symbolism and also to keep a notebook with your observations about the cross written down.

"vi. Place the two palms of the hands together and say le-Olahm Amen. (To the Ages, Amen).

vii. Turning to the East, make a pentagram (that of Earth) with the pro~er weapon (usually the Wand.) Say (i.e. vibrate) IHVH. (Pronounce Ye-ho-wau.)" The wand signifies the Will and fire. In this sense it is better than the dagger as the latter signifies intellect and Air. The element of Fire, -Shin, has a hidden meaning which links it to Spirit.


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Jul 3, 2023
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ii. Touching the breast say Aiwass"

(The reference to Aiwass links you with Thelema and places this God in the sphere of Tiphareth, which refers to the Sun. Aiwass stands as a symbol of your ·own Holy Guardian Angel, Who has led you thus to Thelema, the Wisdom and Law of the New Age.


Mar 21, 2024
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@Gregorius here is what the Kabalistic Cross means:

The Kabbalistic Cross is a ritual used in ceremonial magick to align the practitioner with the divine. It involves visualizing a cross of light extending from the head to the feet and from shoulder to shoulder, accompanied by the recitation of Hebrew divine names. This ritual is often used to center and empower the practitioner before performing other magical operations.

So, like @HoldAll put it, it contains Hebrew words and names and also the structure of the Cross from the Bible.

Hope that helped


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Jul 3, 2023
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This ritual is often used to center and empower the practitioner before performing other magical operations.
@Gregorius here is what the Kabalistic Cross means:

It involves visualizing a cross of light extending from the head to the feet and from shoulder to shoulder.
Centering and empowering, I like that! It's often been said that the LBRP is not primarily about banishing, and in fact more and more people call it the 'Lesser Pentagram Ritual' nowadays.

Almost everyone comes up with their own variation. For example, I would visualize brilliant white beams of light forming a cross not only vertically and horizontally but also passing through my chest while I intone the "Le Olam, Amen", with those three beams resulting in a luminous egg (= probably a holdover from my Castaneda disciple days) around me which sort of enhances my powers throughout the ritual, otherwise I more or less follow
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here. Discussions about the LBRP (or rather LRP) rage all over the net, everybody has their own opinions as to the direction to face, the positions of the archangels, etc. Regarding the QC, for example, I've found that touching my pubic bone when saying "Malkuth" is preferably to touching my junk (as recommended by Kraig) because it makes me feel inordinately horny throughout the day - strange but true.
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Great QC tutorial:

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