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Kabbalistic teachings and magic


Oct 2, 2022
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I was listening to a speech by a rabbi and he was detailing explanations of the Judaic interpretation of magic/sorcery. According to Kabbalah, the ultimate goal of spiritual practice is to connect to the divine source and live in harmony with it. Magic can be used to achieve material goals, but this should not be the main objective. Instead, Kabbalah recommends not focusing on immediate material results, but rather focusing on connecting to the divine source to achieve a higher goal.

This means that in the practice of Kabbalistic magic, it is important to understand that material results are secondary and should not be the main goal. Rather, it is about connecting to the divine source to achieve a higher goal, such as inner peace, wisdom, spiritual knowledge, healing, etc.

In other words, Kabbalah teaches that magic should be practised in a spirit of spiritual seeking and connection to the divine source, not for immediate material gain.

Is working with demons totally incompatible with Kabbalistic teachings or, on the contrary, useful for achieving an acceptable human balance? Would it be a test to allow legions of demons and angels to exist and only be able to solicit one side? According to some rabbis, it is totally forbidden to work with demons, which they consider to be a mafia. They agree to help but will not let go of the masters afterwards. Is this true? Do any nuances need to be made?


May 26, 2022
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All of those Rabbis and Kabbalists, as well as any other spiritual or religious leader, are existing, or existed, in the physical plane. This is where the material realization of that mess of information and energy, of that divinity, occurs. It is through the experience of this that we grow spiritually. Think about that for a while.

What does divinity mean to you? Is it authority? Is it attainable by ordinary folk such as yourself? Is it more important than your day to day life? Is it anonymous? Does it interact with you/us? Is it conscious? Is it self aware? Find some other questions to ask yourself, really give it your attention.

You get to make your own decisions about these things. You create your own experience as you go along.
If it helps, in my experience these systems are more flexible than religious leaders would have you believe. I’ll leave you with a shiny turd from the chaos magicians: “Nothing is true; everything is permitted”. Of course, the phrase is much older than that, but it is their perspective I want you to look at this question from.


Feb 5, 2023
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Damn, well put. Yeah, what ^ he ^ said... Also, there's a big difference between hermetic Kabbalah and Lurianic Kabbalah. Are you Jewish? Are you a seeker on the path of the mysteries, or a religious zealot? Maybe study the Torah with a magicians mindset (kinda necessary if you're studying the Kabbalah. Just saying...)
Isaiah 45:
"I form the light and create darkness, I bring prosperity and create disaster; I, YHVH, do all these things. You heavens above, rain down righteousness; let the clouds shower it down. Let the earth open wide, let salvation spring up, let righteousness grow with it; I, YHVH, have created it"
The word daemon is simply the Greek word for spirit, and many who made it into Christ's hell with the coming of the x-tians were the old gods. Set religion aside, the Kabbalah is simply one of many maps. Don't confuse the map for the territory. Think for yourself, question authority.