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Languages and rituals


Oct 2, 2022
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As English, Hebrew, Latin and other languages are not the main languages of all practising individuals, I wondered if this had an impact on ritual performance (e.g. ceremonial magic(k)). I could see that some translations were available for some languages but do the results or purpose remain faithfully the same?
Sep 9, 2021
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Yes. There are two or three written forms of Biblical Hebrew, and Sardic was selected to be in use by the Golden Dawn. Other forms of Hebrew were not suitable for use, such as block-script. I suspect this would be the same case as if someone wrote a circle in Cninese, of some ancient dialect verse modern Hunan or the like. A Siddur is an interesting book to possess.
Classical Greek is also largely employed, yes, and sometimes intermixed with Latin. An interlinear Greek-English New Testament is available to the public.
Amazon has a few books on these languages.
French and German, Latin and Italian as well. Spanish to an extent, leading to Portuguese. African dialects, starting with Coptic. Speaking of which, it is dangerous for an outsider to perform Egyptian magic proper. I cannot speak more on this. I am not nor ever have been initiated into its rites, which is why I can't speak more on it without personal experience.
Hope this helps.
Care, N.a.D.