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Book Recommendation Leaked Rosicrucian or Freemason documents?

Seeking or giving recommendations for books.


Jun 3, 2024
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Just wondering if there have been any real leaked documents from freemasonry or Rosicrucian, especially in the higher degrees?

Primarily for learning purposes I'm interested in learning what they've learned, not really interested in reading their rituals and scripts.

Anyone know of any books like this? E.g. a book or document a master mason would learn from? Seems very hard to find. Thanks.
Mar 13, 2023
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Why not just join Masonry and experience the ritual first hand? Even if you were to be given a manuscript of the ritual, you'd be looking at it from the eyes of an outsider and even if you had a conceptual knowledge it would not be experiential knowledge.

At the same time, you'd do well to understand what Masonry is and how it is structured. The highest degree that is universally recognized by all jurisdictions, as per the landmarks, is the 3°. Most Grand a lodge only confer these three degrees, with all others being parallel in appendant bodies. Only in jurisdictions with a further throughline do you have a degree that is considered higher- and again it will not be recognized as higher than the third in most jurisdictions.

I will also tell you that most of what you will find online is either inaccurate, incomplete or have errors in them ..and even if you found a decent copy of the ritual the only way you'll know if they are accurate is if you join and go through them yourself.

Some jurisdictions don't have books at all, teaching mouth to ear. Others have ritual ciphers which you must learn to read. There are also monitors which teach the symbolism and tenents of Masonry, which are generally available to you once you've become a Master Mason 3°.

You say that you aren't interested in the rituals but what is learned, however you have to understand that ritual is manner of teaching in Masonry and this why the degrees are called degrees. They are educational in nature, Masonry teaching a peculiar system of morality veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols.

The Craft Degrees - These are the degrees depicting ancient craft masonry which takes the candidate through what it would have been like in the old stone guilds, going from apprentice to master. Any rite of Masonry has to have the craft degrees elsewise it is not considered masonry. These are morality plays and working instruction based on Chronicles and Kings from the Bible as well as a Renaissance education.

Lodge of Profection 4° to 14° - These degrees are from a body originally known as the Order/Rite of perfection and it's lessons originally being rooted in the work out in the field as opposed to when the guild, and the erecting of the buildings on site. If the craft Lodge provides the ashlar and corner stone, this set of degrees seems to put a fine fish or polish on the stove and the 14° degree is understood to be the restoration and perfection of the 3°. Beyond this one actually moves beyond Masonic degrees and into the knightly or chivalric degrees.
The equivalent of this body in York Rite is York chapter with the Royal Arch being equivalent to the 13° and 14°.

The Mystic Council of the Princes of Jerusalem 15° & 16° - If Masonry is an original trilogy, this body of the Masonic family is the sequel. These degrees deal with building if the second temple. They also offer a path from stone working to knighthood.

The Rose Croix 17° and 18° - The 17° provides the transition from the Old Testament to the New Testament while the 18th is a Rosicrucian degree also rooted in Scottish heredom wherein Jesus Christ is the exemplar. The 18° was at one point the highest degree of the SR during the era where a Rosicrucian origin story was popular, prior to the Templar story becoming more popular.

The remaining degrees are divided differently depending on jurisdiction and differ between Northern and Southern Jurisdictions of the Scottish Rites...but alas:

Knights Qadosh 19°-30° in the SRSJ - These are chivalric or knightly degrees and depict artistic license regarding historic events pertaining to the Knights Templar as well as the Protestant vs Catholic kings during feudalism. These degrees are the SR equivalent to the Commandry degrees in Scottish Rite.

Consistory in SRSJ 31°-32° - These degrees were written to add final resolution to and being together the various bodies of the Scottish Rite, wherein the whole tapestry and future outlook of the order comes into view. The 31° offers one final judgement and tribulation before the culmination of giving ones life to those virtues in the 32° where the nature of the temple is realized and the 14° is fully embodied.

Consistory SRNJ 19°-32° - In the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite,most if the knightly degrees have been replaced by patriotic degrees based in events and tall tales if U.S. history, seeing as how the states are far removed from Kings.

33° An Honorary degree, debiting eldership and lifetime achievement award within the Scottish Rite.

Rosicrucianism - A form of Christian mysticism and Magic incorporating alchemy and using Hermeticism to address some of the pitfalls of Gnosticism. Wherein there is no magic in Freemasonry, there is within typical Rosicrucian systems. While Masonic degrees are based in Biblical and Historical Events, Rosicrucian grades ares based in the mystical ascent up the Tree of Life. As Masonry emerged out if the stone guilds, Rosicrucianism can be seen as emerging out of the metallurgical or alchemical guilds.

Rosicrucianism has even more elusive origins than Freemasonry. Outside of the original three manifestos not much of the original Rosicrucians is known. Aside from what can be understood of the Alchemical wedding their rituals are not known. In 1750 Herman Fictuld, Alchemist and Mason, is credited with either founding or reforming the Order of the Golden and Rosy Cross, which is where the Rosicrucian grade system comes from. These rituals, often fragmentary, were simpler than that if the Golden Dawn yet more esoteric and alchemical than those of the SRiA, it's successor in Masonic Rosicrucianism. While Herman is credited with founding the Golden and Rosy Cross, he himself speculated that it was a remnant of the Order of the Golden Fleece, indicating it prexisting his involvement, in some form.