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Journal Letters From A Sorceress

A record of a users' progress or achievements in their particular practice.
Aug 4, 2024
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I've elected to start a little internet journal in this cozy corner of the Internet talking about my thoughts on my practice. I have never done this before, and regardless of how it goes I believe it will be a lovely way to connect with like-minded mystics and mages.

So I was browsing the forum's Book Share page a few days ago, as a bookworm like myself does, and I stumbled across a ZIP file for Jason Miller's course "The Black School of St. Cyprian" provided by the lovely @beardedeldridge. Being a fan of Jason Miller, I decided to begin the course! ...I seem to have this habit of throwing myself into projects without doing prior research, usually having to do so as I go (if you're wondering why I've made three separate book requests just on St. Cyprian, that's why).

Anyway, I was immediately enamoured with the saint. Maybe it's just how Mr. Miller spoke of it, but his story and his abilities were so wonderous I wanted to keep going. He mentioned that if at any point during the process, having to work with Christianity flared up any personal trauma that there was no hard feelings in leaving the course. I have my own baggage I won't get into, but it felt reassuring to hear that from Mr. Miller.

Today I was practicing the first exercise provided to us: a meditation. It went simple enough the first two times previously, but for whatever reason I just could NOT sit still. Whether it was the undiagnosed ADHD I've been told I have, or I just felt particularly restless, or that's just how meditating is like, but I just couldn't go through the whole practice. I thought stepping away from the space and drinking some nice cold water would help center me, but it did no such thing. Whatever the case may be, I'll keep going forward.

To quote Frater Acher, "Progress on such a path is not measured in months but in years and decades. It takes patience, discipline and a spirit of inquiry". I hope to follow in this example this ritual habit becomes more fully developed.

Thanks for reading, see you in the next post.
-an ambling sorceress