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License to Depart

Inspired by these two threads:

After the Conjuration, the Evocation and even the Constraint, it is necessary to send the Spirit away. This is done with the License to Depart – the formal ending of the Ceremony. In most cases an acknowledgment of the Spirit's obedience and a thanksgiving for his services are included, with the idea of coming conjurations in mind.

There are some slight variations in the manner and tone in which it is done, but the main principle is that the Spirit is reminded of his place in the hierarchy and is warned to not cause harm to the Magician (or anyone else), and to come without delay when he is called again.

Not all Grimoires include this. The first entry is, in fact, not a License to Depart per se, but the text can be used as such.

(only the first footnote in this section is mine – to give a quick clarification of the names and words – the rest are from the original sources on Joseph Peterson's website where you can find these books in full)

The License to Depart
a short comparison and compilation of selected Grimoires


“Barthan, Formione, Iammax, Sarabocres, Harthan, Abaa, Maymon,”

Which said he should strike to the east the sword with the wand, saying:
"May this most powerful king Barthan go forth, with all his supporters with the heavenly power, to do my will.”

Then, to the south he should say:
“Iammax, Sarabocres, Harthan, Abaa, Maymon, Barthan, Formione.”

Then he should strike the sword to the south, saying:
“May this most mighty King Yammax go forth from here, with his innumerable troops with divine power, to do my will.”

Then to the west, he should say:
“Harthan, Abaa, Maymon, Barthan, Formione, Yammax, Sarabocres.”

Having said this, he should strike the western sword, saying:
“May this most mild King Harthan go forth with the power of all his troops of swift angelic subordinates, to do my will.”

Then to the north he should say:
“Maymon, Barthan, Formione, Iammax, Sarabocres, Harthan, Abaa.”

Having said this, he should strike the northern sword with the wand, saying:
“May this most harsh king Maymon go forth with all his hosts of aerial spirits, with the power of the obedience they owe Belzebut, to do my will.”

Then in consul he should say:
“O Formione, Yammax, Sarabocres, Harthan, Abaa, Maymon, Barthan,”

Having said this, he should strike the consol sword with the wand, saying:
“May this most beautiful king Formione go forth with his legions of angels with the power of the fear of the Final Judgment, to do my will.”

Then in nogahem he should say:
“O Sarabocres, Harthan, Abaa, Maymon, Barthan, Formione, and Yammax,”

Having said this, he should strike the nogahel sword with the wand, saying:
“May this most noble and most shining King Sarabocres go forth with the force and power of all his shining spirits, and with the power of this celestial incense, to do my will.”

Then in frigicap he should say:
“O Abaa, Maymon, Barthan, Formione, Iammax, Sarabocres, Harthan.”

Having said this, he should strike the frigicap sword with the wand, saying:
“May this most wise King Abaa go forth with the army of all his wise spirits, with the power of this sacred seal of God, to do my will.”


Barthan is the King of the Sun
Formione is the King of Jupiter
Iammax is the King of Mars
Sarabocres is the King of Venus
Harthan is the King of the Moon
Abaa is the King of Mercury
Maymon is the King of Saturn
Consul is the region between East and South
Nogahem is the region between South and West
Frigicap is the region between West and North


It is not necessary to observe many Ceremonies in order to send away the Spirits, because they themselves are only too glad to be far away from you. This is wherefore you need not otherwise license them to depart; that is to say that during the Three Days, having finished speaking with the Four Sovereign Princes, and afterwards with the Eight Sub-Princes, and received their Oath (of allegiance), you shall say unto them that for the present they can go unto their destined place; and that every time that they shall be summoned, let them remember their Oath made upon the Symbols.

(And you shall send away) the Familiar Spirits and all other Spirits with the aforesaid words.

It is true, however, that as regardeth the Familiar Spirits you shall tell them that at the time when they are on guard-duty they shall remain near you visible or invisible, in whatever form shall please you, in order to serve you during the destined Six Hours.

However in all Magical Works great stress is laid on the importance of licensing a Spirit invoked in the Operation to depart, and if he be unwilling, of even compelling him against his will to return to his place. It must be remembered here, in this Operation of Abraham the Jew, that not only his Oratory but his Bed-chamber also is kept pure and consecrated, and therefore- it would be next to impossible for an Evil Spirit to break through to attack him. But in all Magical Evocations by the Circle, the Magician should never quit the same, without having licensed and even forced the Evil Spirits to depart; as cases are on record of the Operator experiencing sudden death. I myself was present on an occasion when in the Evocation by the Circle, the Magician incautiously having stooped forward and outward just over the limit of the Circle, received a shock like that from a powerful electric battery, which nearly threw him down, struck the Magical Sword from his hand, and sent him staggering back to the centre of the Circle. Compare also with this incident Allan Fenwick's experience in the Strange Story, when his hand accidentally went beyond the limits of the Circle when he was replenishing the Lamps during the Evocation.


O THOU Spirit N., because thou hast-diligently answered unto my demands, and hast been very ready and willing to come at my call, I do here license thee to depart unto thy proper place; without causing harm or danger unto man or beast. Depart, then, I say, and be thou very ready to come at my call, being duly exorcised and conjured by the sacred rites of magic. I charge thee to withdraw peaceably and quietly, and the peace of GOD be ever continued between thee and me AMEN!

AFTER thou hast given the Spirit license to depart, thou art not to go out of the circle until he or they be gone, and until thou shalt have made prayers and rendered thanks unto God for the great blessings He hath bestowed upon thee in granting thy desires, and delivering thee from all the malice of the enemy the devil.

Also note! Thou mayest command these spirits into the Vessel of Brass in the same manner as thou dost into the triangle, by saying: "that thou dost forthwith appear before this Circle, in this Vessel of Brass, in a fair and comely shape," etc., as hath been shown in the foregoing conjurations.


if he does appear & fulfill then license him to depart saying:

I Conjure thee spirit or spirits by the virtue of our Lord Jesus Christ the which was put upon the cross for you & all you spirits, that you & every of you do return into your proper places, & by the virtue of the high God, & that you do not hurt me, nor yet none other creature, but that now forthwith you do return unto your proper places & that when I shall call you, or any of you, to answer unto me again or to give me that that I shall require & desire, & that you do it quickly & that with all obedience, to be ready to come & fulfill my request & commandment, rede, rede, rede in pace, & the peace of Jesus Christ be now between you & me & that in the name of the Father + & of the + Son + & of the + Holy Ghost Amen, 3 persons in Trinity and one God in unity be rendered all lawde praise & dominion both now and for ever world without end Amen.


+ In nomine Patris, + Filii, & + Spiritus Sancti, ite in pace ad loca vestra: & pax sit inter nos & vos, parati sitis venire vocati.

† In the Name of the Father, † and of the Son, † and of the holy Ghost, go in peace unto your places; peace be between us and you; be ye ready to come when ye are called.


O Prince Lucifer, I am, for the time, contented with thee. I now leave thee in peace, and permit thee to retire wheresoever it may seem good to thee, so it be without noise and without leaving any evil smell behind thee. Be mindful, however, of our engagement, for shouldst thou fail in it, even for a moment, be assured that I shall eternally smite thee with the Blasting Rod of the great ADONAY, ELOIM, ARIEL and JEHOVAM. Amen.


Now I command and charge you, O evil spirit! that you immediately bring to me all that money, and then depart from the circle, abstaining from all noise, terror, tumult, and stench, and if you refuse I will damn you both in body and soul. And abstain from harming any creature or thing, and depart immediately to the place which God's justice has appointed for you. Depart from my sight and flee from here. This I command in the name and virtue, potency and power, of the most Holy Trinity, the Father +, and the Son +, and the Holy Spirit +. Behold the cross of the Lord! Fly away to other parts! Lo, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David has conquered.

Allelujah! Allelujah! Allelujah!

Hasten now depart from this circle and bring to me all the money, by the virtue of the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and by virtue of the words which caused the Earth to tremble. In his name, and by his virtue I command you, that you immediately and without delay depart from my sight by virtue of these words:

Messias, Soter, Emanuel, Zebaot Adonai, Hagios Ho Theos, Ischryos, Athanatos! Eleison Hymâs! Tetragrammaton! Our Lord Jesus Christ.
By that most holy name I constrain + you, I deprive + you, I compel + you, and urge and banish + you, to the place which God's justice has appointed for you. Therefore depart at once from this vicinity, and do not return here again unless I call you. The uncreated Father +, the uncreated Son +, the uncreated Holy Spirit commands you. Behold the cross of the Lord! By the sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ +. By virtue of the holy water the Lord disperses you, O evil spirit.
The word is made flesh and dwells among us.

Through the following words the spirit flees:


The Dismissal of Cyprian:

Now I conjure you O human spirit! by the omnipotence, wisdom, and justice of God the Father; by the omnipotence of God the Son; by the immensity of His mercy and charity towards men; by the omnipotence of the Holy Spirit, by his infinite wisdom, and unfathomable principle. By the holy archangel Michael, and all the host of Heaven, without lightning, terrible rattling and uproar, without rain or thunder, and in one word: without danger or injury to our bodies or souls. I command you to depart from this place, and not appear again unless I summon you. May the peace of the threefold God be with us now and preserve. O God, be with us and have mercy upon us. O God turn this spirit N. to the path of righteousness and give us peace! Amen!


"'I conjure thee with the right hand of sanctity and with His beloved Name, in whose honour everything has been created, and all are terror-struck by His mighty arm, and all the sons of the internal heavenly cohort (servants) tremble and shake of Him fear, which is X, and its equivalent by means of JHVH is X. Blessed be the name of His glorious kingdom for ever and ever. And all praise and extol thy Name, for they love thee. I conjure thee, and decree upon thee firmly, not to disobey my words, and not to alter my decree and my decision with which I conjured thee, and decreed upon thee, and established in peace. In the Name X, blessed be the name of His glorious kingdom for ever and ever, depart in peace, and do not frighten me in the hour of thy departure; in the name X, Lord, most high and holy, in the name of the Lord of Hosts, the God of Israel's battalions; in the name of the holy living Creatures, and in the name of the Wheels of the Chariot, and in the name of the river of fire, Ih, Zii, Ziin, and all His ministers, and in the name of IH, Ziin, Sabaoth, Z, El Z, Shaddai Z, X revealed Himself on Mount Sinai in the glory of His majesty.

"'With these Names, terrible and mighty, which darken the sun, and obscure the moon, and turn the sea, and break the rocks, and extinguish the light, I conjure you, spirits, and Shiddim, and Satanim, that yen depart and disappear from N, son of N.'"


The uncalled for rewritten modernized lazy but overly complicated all-encompassing version by yours truly

In which the Names of the 7 Kings are given according to Juratus + the alternative Names from the Heptameron.
Instead of using Elemental Weapons, the Sign of the Cross is made – the reason for this: the Cross is the (most well known and Universal..) Symbol of the authority of God, which ties into the section from Abramelin where the Spirits are reminded of their oath of allegiance which they swore upon (other) Symbols.

Towards the East:
“Powerful King Barthan (Varcan / Zarcan) of Sol, go forth with all your supporters of Heavenly Power, and take with you all Solar spirits and demons, to do my Will. Behold the Cross of the Lord and Remember”

Make the Sign of the Cross and turn 90 degrees to your right

Towards the South:
“Mighty King Yammax (Samax) of Mars, go forth with all your troops of Divine Power, and take with you all Martian spirits and demons, to do my Will. Behold the Cross of the Lord and Remember”

Make the Sign of the Cross and turn 90 degrees to your right

Towards the West:
“Mild King Harthan (Arkan) of Luna, go forth with all your troops of Angelic Power, and take with you all Lunar spirits and demons,to do my Will. Behold the Cross of the Lord and Remember”

Make the Sign of the Cross and turn 90 degrees to your right

Towards the North:
“Harsh King Maymon of Saturn, go forth with your host of Aerial Spirits, and take with you all Saturnian spirits and demons, to do my Will. Behold the Cross of the Lord and Remember”

Make the Sign of the Cross and turn 135 degrees to your right (so that you face the direction between East and South)

Towards Consul:
“Beautiful King Formione (Suth) of Jupiter, go forth with your Legions of Angels, and take with you all Jovian spirits and demons, to do my Will. Behold the Cross of the Lord and Remember”

Make the Sign of the Cross and turn 90 degrees to your right so that you are facing South-West

Towards Nogahem:
“Noble King Sarabocres (Sarabotres) of Venus, go forth with all your Shining Celestial Spirits, and take with you all Venusian spirits and demons, to do my Will. Behold the Cross of the Lord and Remember”

Make the Sign of the Cross and turn 90 degrees to your right so that you are facing the place between West and North

Towards Frigicap:
“Wise King Abaa (Mediat) of Mercury, go forth with your Army of Sacred Spirits, and take with you all Mercurial spirits and demons, to do my Will. Behold the Cross of the Lord and Remember”

Make the Sign of the Cross and turn 135 degrees to your right so that you are facing East again.

In the Name of the Father, † and of the Son, † and of the holy Ghost †
All ye Spirits, I hereby License thee to depart unto the place appointed for you.
Let there be peace between us, and be ye ready to come when called.

(and if you feel there is still something lingering in the corners of your room or mind, then vibrate the following Words)
