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Lost tv show / spiritual lineage / hollywood


Jul 4, 2024
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ive read countless theories sorrounding the lost mythologies, many of them deliberately complex in order to engage and perplex the minds and emotions of those who embarked on an exhaustic and prolonged ode to deity worship by tuning in every week for the duration of the time the show was airing

but i prefer my simple theory above of them all , becuse it cuts trough the bullshit and delves deep into the heart of the subject matter.

Jack is in bardo, watch how much his right eye (eye of ra) dilutes in the opening scene, once that symbolism has been established (trance state/between dimensions ) they drasticallly reduce to normal size in a split second, as far as im aware that doesnt occure in normal life. couple that with the fact that jake - once he regains consiousness - is the only charachter that finds himself in a location far removed from the location where the plane wrecks crashed . what we have here is the eye of ra (jake/jacob/horus announcing his redemption along with all the bene ha elohim / neteru trough him a.k.a the sun god. the wrapping up closing scene of the show reach its final conclusion showing jack/jacob/horus/hermes/jesus closing his eyes - the ode to the sun god completed and sealed.

anyone who watched the the tv show without discerning it for what it was - were in fact in worship mode.

i saw it for what it was so it didnt get any worship energy from me

lost was a bible converted to a tv show format.

why else do you think we are conditioned to to call actors "stars" a star is a sun. and why do you think we are conditioned to call the movie industry "Hollywood"

holy refers to veneration and supremacy - an act of reverance. and wood refeers to a tree- we associate family units with trees dont we? -thats why we trace our family heritage trough the lineage tree. its also embedded into the collective subconsiousness that trees symbolise "life" "the tree of life from the bible " for example many mythological gods were born out of trees - we are conditioned to worship the elevated and defied principles and forces connected to the kabbalistic tree of life on the micocosmic level trough the innerland scape of the age old intitates whom - were intiated and reborn into a spiritual family which grants them occult membership into a mystical lineage tree - a yab/yum tree / bene ha elohim tree that was birted by the reptilian forces from the underworld or chaos.

that tree is also a food chain

feeding silly fraud icons such as isis / hours /amen ra / virgin mary /jesus/ and his father trough worship equals feeding the the reptilian forces from the underworld that created them all.

you dont have to be religious in order to submit in acts of worship they get you anyway..

the same notion operates within the music industry

for example trough such terms as a " rockstar" a rockstar is also a direct reference to the sun god trough mithra who was a sun god born out of a rock (benben)

esoteric symbolism and occult geometry are hidden and embedded into all the things that the elites create, indeed its so intrinsically woven into the fabric that makes up our society to such a degree that its almost impossible to partake in it without also being caught into its enslaving net.

the only way to counteract the multidimensionell spell that keeps humanity in slumber is by learning about occult symbolism and the manner its used to affect the collective subconsiousness -
becuse once you do - you can consciously object to any enslaving ritual by rejecting it in your mind whilst it is in attacking-mode targeting your subconsiousness.

the parastic forces needs you to submit to them trough free will or else they cannot influence or create your destiny.

a parasictic deitys power lies in its attraction value . no human attraction = zero power

ohh and to those "aware" fuckers that keeps occult knowledge and secrets within the 'click"

enjoy your slave status and the niggling little notion in the back of your head that constantly reminds you that some high priest have you wrapped around his little finger..by fucking with your vibrational names/blood
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And if you still think its far fetched , what else is made of wood..you guessed it papper


(Holly)wood can symbolically translate into "Holy scriptures" and if the double l in Holly is bothering you Ive been told that that the vibration of sounds is more important than spelling when it comes to reinactment of ancient rituals.