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[Tutorial] Lustral or Holy Water

Informative post.
Rite for Preparation of 'LUSTRAL' or HOLY WATER:
For use anywhere PURIFICATION is needed!

This formula assumes the elemental quarters "many" but not "all" practioners accept as
standard, if your practice differs it's simple to redact these.

Upon your altar have a small quantity of each: SALT and INCENSE ASH, as well as a container
or chalice of Clean Pure WATER.

Face towards the NORTH, standing to the SOUTH of your Altar. Extend your Power Hand,
Palm Downwards, over the SALT, declaim the following Incantation:

'May Wisdom abide in this SALT, and may it Preserve My Mind and Body from all Corruption.
May all phantoms depart from it so that it may become a Heavenly SALT, SALT of EARTH and
EARTH of SALT. May it Feed the threshing Ox, and Strengthen my Hope with the Horns of the
Winged Bull!'

While you are 'Declaiming' over the Salt and Ash Visualize as Strongly as Possible a
CURRENT of GLOWING BLUE-WHITE LIGHT Flowing From the Palm of Your Hand into Both the

Extend your hand over the ASH, palm downwards as before, declaiming:

'May this ASH Return Unto the Fount of Living WATER; May it Become a Fertile EARTH;
May it Bring Forth The TREE Of LIFE!'

Moving to the EASTERN Side of your Altar, but Facing WEST, Add the SALT and ASH to the
WATER in your Container, and declaim:

'In the SALT of Eternal Wisdom, in the WATER of Preparation, in the ASH whence the New
EARTH Springeth, be All Things Accomplished Unto the Age of the Ages!

As My Will, So Mote It Be!' (Closing Statement of Your Choice here).

You have now completed the preparation of LUSTRAL or HOLY WATER; the rite you have used
is one popular amongst Present-Day Magicians, and to avoid mystification, it is worth
adding that it is a Modern Adaptation of certain instructions incorporated into the:
'Doctrine and Ritual of Transcendental Magic' by the French occultist Eliphas Levi!
aka, Alphonse Louis Constant! This adaptation is from: "Techniques of High Magic" by
Francis King and Stephen Skinner.

It was very likely filtered through the GD / RR et AC, or one of it's offshoots possibly
the "Order of the Cubic Stone", et al.